
Jow Forums Im slowly redpilling my brother about the holocaust and the Jews but im falling short in my redpills drop me some.

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There's no proof it did or did not happen.

Here is the only redpill you need to know about : being a lefty is a mental illness on the same level as being gay, bi, trans, depressed or suicidal. Left wing mentality is not natural. Left wing politics ignores reality because they all live inside their own snowflake dream worlds.

So right wing politics are perfect?
No of course not. Only a retard would think so.
Sensible people would see the best from the right and left to make a better out come for all.
When people rant about left wingers being mental, they are really being ignorant of positive policies that are left leaning.
Get over this stage in your life and realise that life is full of grey areas and discerning the best course of action in any given situation requires that all possibilities be entertained.

>unironically being a centrist

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Instead of idoctrinating your brother, just inform him that adults lie, and history and our leaders lie, but not all the time, and sometimes through igornance rather then malice.
People did die in WW2, millions of people, and it started because of shitty politics, and shitty leaders.
Show your brother some books etc. that you think will show him your truth, but inform him that nothing is set in stone, and he must go through life continuing to seek out info on his own, keep an open mind, but also be sceptical of all authority, no matter what agenda they are pushing.

Are yes, my argument seems terrible...Why would you look for good policies, just pick a side. What could possibly go wrong from blindly believing an ideology regardless of the direction it takes us?

You can't hit them with the holocaust at the get go. You gotta establish first why they are evil and then blast them with the holohoax.

Literally every economically beneficial piece of legislation comes from RIGHT WING politics. The left literally only focuses on meaningless shit like giving women the right to vote or legalizing gay marriage, both literally a waste of time and tax money.

Satan agrees

Yet the USA economy is doing shit....I guess if you blame your opponents long enough that means you are right...
What if some right policies are good, but some aren’t? What if having completely partisan governments is a detriment, because they are missing on a policies that could benefit the country?
If you think right wing policies are always better the left wing policies on principle, you are retarded.

Economic speculation is all subjective.

Our economy is may be shit but it's better than yours.

you're retarded and so is everyone else here that thinks the holocaust is fake. slit your wrists.

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So it’s subjective, but mine is worse then yours?

I don’t think so.

My country is doing great.
I own a shop in the country and the place is booming. Tourism is going insane, investment is high.


Name me a single piece of left wing federal legislation that's directly responsible for helping the economy.

Fuck off retard, only left wing faggots want this country to be invaded with illegal aliens. Only left wing faggots want faggotry to be normalized and shilled to children in elementary school. Only left wing retards want to replace efficient nuclear power plants with "renewable" sources because their lefty "green energy" lobbies are paying them to do so. Only left wing "political science" bothers with implementing "carbon taxes" to save the planet.

The left is literally only about trying to bring forth a perfect dream world that cannot exist in our reality. When you grow into an adult you'll understand.

You would only have merit to factually speculate on the economy of another country if you had the same business in both countries.

So your experience is lacking and does not support your hypothesis.

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>Tourism is going insane, investment is high.
Lmao your border security will literally cut open the seams of your bags if you look like a druggie, no one fucking goes to Australia for vacation when you can go to jail for life just by bringing a bunch of weed hahahaha.

How does it feel to live in an alternate reality dystopia? The heat must be doing things to your brain for you to actually say your country is a nice place to live.

Humans are an important resource, it takes a long time to train them, and everyday they are sick or injured it costs money.
Medicare helps the economy.
I am a lot more ‘grown up’ then you. I have lived a life, then settled down, built a business, and raised a family. I volunteer in my community, and still have time to read to my kids every night, and educate retards.
Merry Christmas.

Well i’m at work now, and tourists have been filling up my bank all day. They are from the city, not overseas. They have cash to spend, and the area here is nice to relax.
It must be shit if you are coming overseas, but I don’t care :-)

trips of logic


Hahahahahahahaha holy shit, you do know that Medicare costs MORE MONEY OVERALL than private medicine? Paying for health insurance that you'll never use is beyond retarded and socializing the entire thing is not helping in any way. You're making young people pay for old fucks. How fucking hard is it to put some money on the side for medical care and use it only when you need to?

I know lefties are fucking retarded when it comes to politics but it isn't hard to understand that socialized health care costs more money to the average taxpayer than private health care. Socialized health care is commie bullshit and my country is a prime example of that.

A massive chunk of my taxes go towards something I'll never fucking use nor will I want to use it. When cancer gets to me I'll neck myself because by the time it would finally be my turn to be seen by a medical professional, the cancer's gonna have grown to the rest of my body.

We literally have to wait OVER 6 FUCKING MONTHS to get the results of a BIOPSY. A FUCKING BIOPSY. Literally the exam where they cut a tumor out to see if it's cancer and they literally put you on fucking hold for MONTHS to tell you if you're fine or fucked.

Take it from a leaf, socialized health care is fucking garbage.

Where I'm from you don't even get insurance for working full time anymore.

Well my in-law had a biopsy 4 weeks ago, got his results in about 10 days. All on medicare, all free.
Everyone has medicare here, and it works fine.
Its shit if your medicare isn’t great, but it’s working fine here.
The costs are negligible. Your government is entrenched with private health lobbyists, so it’s never going to be easy to implement the same system where you are, only a deluded person would think otherwise, but that doesn’t mean it’s not beneficial.
Sometimes the better option is harder.
Once you are grown up you will realise this hard fact of life.
