Dating mentally ill women, on this website, is often frowned upon. “Don’t stick your dick in crazy”

Dating mentally ill women, on this website, is often frowned upon. “Don’t stick your dick in crazy”

What about mentally ill men? Does it still apply?

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Dating mentally ill women is frowned upon I'm real life too fag

*especially on this website as in real life

It applies to men and women

Yes but on the other hand, if you're considering sticking your dick in a man, you're mentally ill yourself.

mentally ill men don't get dates because women are better at sniffing that out

It applies to both yeah. It's always going to be "your turn" with them like you'll never be serious. So it's best just to date them and have fun, nothing more. Because eventually these mentally ill persons will break up with you due to some things you can't control. My advice don't do it. Unless you somehow mange to break through their defense and convince them to start seeking medical health, which is an up hill battle.

Haha no, I’ve got a vagina, no mental illness here

Dating someone mentally ill is not a good idea. Unless you like neurotic, hysterical behavior either constantly or frequently, more issues to deal with than with someone who isn't mentally ill, and the stress the accompanies it, which you shouldn't.

You invite trouble into your life by getting into any relationship with someone who is mentally ill and does not have a grip on it. It WILL bite you eventually. This applies for both genders. mentally ill men are often emotionally distant or extremely needy. Often times manipulative to get what they want(reassurance, being needed or desired, etc) just in different ways than how women will.
tl;dr just don't do it. you're going to regret it. especially if the mental illness is severe.

What do you mean by “your turn”?

Oh ok nvm. Then yeah. Basically it depends on the type of mental illness and its intensity but that might always be a bad idea.

Also this is absolutely not true. A lot of girls go for mentally ill men knowingly because they feel like they can fix them. It's so common it's a fucking cliche.

Don't do it. I dated a girl once who was severely mental Ill. One of the best relationships I ever had, we actually loved one another. Going shopping & doing mundane things was fun together, but at the same time while everything was perfect she had episodes of depression. Saying "are you not attractive to me?" all the time. she actually thought she was "ugly" even though she was obviously really attractive. She eventually broke up with me like twice. Point is don't do it, I tried so hard but nothing worked to her. Your either never enough or they feel not good enough.

Of course. The difference is men usually hide it behind ego and aggression which can be considered attractive to women.

Dating someone who is mentally ill isn't inherently a bad idea.

It really depends.

How educated are you on the illness, and how much are you willing to support your partner?

How educated is your partner on their illness, and how willing and able are they to take steps to improve?

Not everyone can cope, but I've had plenty of good relationships with people who had severe mental disorders, but they were equipped and educated enough to be functional human beings. (In case you're wondering, every time I've broken up was over normal break up stuff)

I wouldn't bother with a person who was unwilling to at least try.

It's your turn to be with them, nothing more than that because eventually they break up with you or you can't handle it either. Just have fun while it lasts because it's not going to work unless they seek help.

>How educated am I?

I know much of mental illness, I grew up around it and suffered bouts of depression as a young teen, I’ve coped.

>How educated are they? The steps they are taking?

We talk about it a lot and he is in therapy and on medication. He’s doing well but I am concerned about the long-run. He says I make him the happiest.

> either never good enough or they feel not good enough

This. Going through this right now with my partner.

>A lot of girls go for mentally ill men knowingly because they feel like they can fix them
Bad/cool guys /= mentally ill

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I'm pretty sure most of the " bad guys" you're refering to do fit with the descriptions of several disorders. And " cool guys " doesn't mean anything. Everyone has a different perception of cool.
Anyway, a lot of women definitely don't mind going for mentally ill guys.

Obviously, but since this place is full of mentally ill men they will make excuses for it.

Why don't you leave then user? I'm telling you it puts a toll on you.

It's not about gender. It's about the kind of mental illnesses the person suffers from (some illnesses are more relationship-friendly than others) and the person themselves. People here will scream "don't stick your dick in crazy!!11!!" at the top of their lungs, but that is far too simplistic. The fact that someone is ill doesn't mean they're a lost case. If they're responsible and dedicated to recovery, a relationship is absolutely possible. I'm a certified crazy, my fiance is also a certified crazy and we have a better relationship than most of our normie friends. No arguments, no drama, just comfy co-existence.

I have this issue sometimes. It's not that i don't think my partner is good enough I just don't always feel like he cares about me because his issue is that he can be emotionally distant without realizing it.
I was neglected as a child and so i need somewhat constant affirmations to feel loved.
You would think that makes for a bad combination but we share similar ideals and anxieties so we get along great most of the time.

Society would have you think that there are only issues for people with diagnosed issues like anxiety etc. The reality is even "normal/healthy" couples have big fights over stupid things. Psychology says it's emotionally healthy to have disagreements with your partner because it helps you both to grow. As long as you're both willing to learn from your mistakes and own up to your weaknesses/faults.

This is reassuring, thank you.

What I am not able to unsee is that mentally ill women are tend to be pretty promiscuous, spoken to several of them (diagnosed BPD/depression, or sorts of personality disorders) and almost everyone admitted they use sex as an escape, sometimes they'd have urges to sleep with everyone.
Meanwhile mentally ill men get laid very, very rarely.

This. But if there not going to put that effort in for help just leave. My ex girlfriend was on a treatment for her whole life but decided not to do it anymore because of how it changed her. If there not willing to change then leave because it will only get worse.

Mentally ill men are more dangerous than mentally ill women. Additionally, no one wants to exploit a mentally ill man for sex. The people here don't talk about their own personal issues that prevent them from having fulfilling relationship because avoiding responsibility and blame shifting is kind of the whole ideology of Jow Forumsr9k/.

It has little to do with gender and everything to do with trauma. Humans base escapism off of their problems. "Promiscuous" is the wrong word. The proper term is "sexual compulsive". These people were most likely abused as children, either sexually or physically. People that grow up with dysfunctional relationships with their father have dysfunctional relationships with men. They seek the validation from random men that they never got from their father. Women that like being hit or choked or slapped during sex are most likely recreating some kind of physical abuse from their adolescence that they've now sexualized and turned into a kind of control.

Mentally ill men are the same way. "Mentally ill", however, is a very broad term. If you're talking about depression, BPD, bipolar, etc., I don't understand what makes you think they rarely get laid. Sexual compulsivity, whether that takes the form of compulsive consensual sex, rape, sexual harassment or even vouyerism is extremely prevalent in people who grew up in sexualized homes or experienced sexual trauma.

Crazy men are worse then women because they tend to be more physical. Although women can get physical any man worth his sac can stand up for himself and defend himself/walk away.

A man coming after a women it doesn't work that way..