Special Books By Special Kids - How Can He Be Stopped?

This crazed pedophile and amateur freakshow presenter is forcing himself to smile around deformed halfwit monstrosities on YouTube as an easy way to get into the pants of disabled children and their distressed mothers, while grabbing plenty of cash and a cheap moral high along the way.


This is Pizzagate in plain sight. We need to put all the facts together and present a case to the authorities. I wouldn't be surprised if he is using the same equipment that he records his 'interviews' with to record child molestation just minutes thereafter.

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I cannot fucking stand this guy, sometiems he talks to brainless kids who literally have no functioning brains and can only drool, it's insulting and basically adults in total denying PRETENDING that they understand

what a sad state of affairs

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Holy fuck that kid in the embed, looks like an enemy from the swamp areas of the souls games.

>looks like an enemy from the swamp areas
it’s an IRL enemy too

The retard-mother derangement syndrome is sad, but necessary, defense against the regrettably irrevocable decision to keep a disabled infant on life support. If they didn't delude themselves that everything is sunshine and rainbows, and realized their enslavement to a subhuman monstrosity for what it is, they would kill their demonic spawn immediately and be imprisoned for life by the courts.

Might as well delude yourself into happiness if the only alternatives are suicide and confinement for decades.

He's the modern day PT Barnum, showing off freakshows for shekels to the gawking masses - based & redpilled desu senpai

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>he is pedophile

What evidence do you have for that claim.

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While I agree that these little monsters need to be killed at birth, I will say that he's a fucking genius for this shit. Imagine getting to crush that milf puss and make huge bucks at the same time?

Can you just get rid of the fucked up kid? Just give it up for adoption, or like leave in a hospital and never pick up?

Maybe he's just a nice guy are you aren't such a nice guy

For any newfags, this is what we call a "shill". He's saying that we should get fired up over nonexistent pedo allegations and go after someone who would be easy for the media to portray sympathetically. Basically a ploy to make right wingers look evil.
Anyone who participates in this sage-worthy thread and takes this seriously is a massive faggot

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this guy is just way to positive for me. I bet he a freemason

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He literally records his 'interviews' on a casting couch.

In a kinder world these children would have been quietly suffocated by a midwife and the mother told it was stillborn.
This is crueler to mother, child, and society.


The girl with the stutter he has on is super cute

>sits on couch and does interview
"holy crap! that guys a pedo!"

This is why I support keeping abortion legal.

So it is OK to kill innocent children because some are born deformed?

Yes. Some people are simply worthless. I don't want to have a child like that. Do you not understand how time consuming that would be to take care of, expensive and for what in return? Absolutely nothing. And who will take care of it after I die? Why would I burden society with that?


I'm in for taking this guy down if you provide any evidence

I agree with you on everything except the pedo part. Are you just making that shit up or where are you getting this from? Yes he's really creepy and this is disturbing but that doesnt make him a pedophile.


Oh and by the way, most abortions are done before 8 weeks when its only an embryo. Embryos aren't children.

How fucking twisted and perverted do you have to be to automatically assume this man is a pedophile for being friendly and generous to freaks? Stop watching porn you degenerate

I saw a hilarious webm of this guy and a mutant girl on gif anyone got it

This man is a true chad. He has done a lot to help these kids. I would get depressed doing what he does. He is a whitepill of a man and im getting sick of seeing these posts hating on him.

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I do believe that abortion is OK in these cases like this, but why justify abortion in ALL cases for those cases?

I do believe these kids are a burden and they ARE suffering, and it is selfish and wrong to force them to live and even keep them alive with machines.

Abort yourself then.

It is funny how antinatalists oppose new born but not old people who takes everyones resources and are soon to die. They can also kill themselves to save the environment.

So why do abortion partisans demand abortions be given three trimesters in?
>inb4 they don't have power
Planned Parenthood doesn't have power? NARAL doesn't have power?

You have 2 options:
1. Humanity is acquired progressively. In that case, the most basic human right is to live.
2. Humanity is acquired completely in a point, like conception or after 8 weeks, magically. In that case, the problem is, what is that point? Who defined that?

It is not an easy issue.

ITT: People with autism get mad at fellow retards

>Abort yourself then.
Wew sick burn, amigo. That kid has a fucking split scull and seizures everyday, he had a seizure on the video. You're the sick fuck in here for wanting to keep that thing alive and suffering.

85% of abortions come from unmarried women. The majority are also poor and non white. I don't believe in saving embryos just so we can have MORE single parent households, living on welfare, raising a bunch of Jamals to be thugs. People who can't afford children shouldn't have them. The weak should not litter the earth. Abortion is a good tool for keeping the population of low quality people down and saving resources for higher quality people.

I threw up at 1:28 when that fucking fly crawls on assface’s upper lip(s).

Dude gets to play pretend with imbeciles all day, make lots of bucks and smash milf puss all over. I really admire the guy.

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If he wasn’t a pedo he would care about adult mutants equally.

Not all men are created equally, people who would be too poor or disabled to be independent from assistance should not exist.

With just one video of freakish child pornography, he could make tens of thousands of dollars on the dark web. He has a position of trust and power with the poor parents. The financial incentive to abuse it is too enormous not to, especially to someone who is so obviously willing to exploit the misery of others for profit.

Where is the transparency and accountability? Why does he only show clippings of his 'interviews' at a time? Where are the parents in half these takes? Where are the financials, who is this guy, how does he make his living? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. This is an industrialized child exploitation scheme using the pretense of a freak show as a front.

If these kids were Jow Forums boards, what would they be?
Red tshirt guy is pol
Sriped one is x

Do a political matrix with 4 of them

nig goes to bottom left, red one bottom right
don't know about the rest


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The worst part is, sometimes he talks to extremely retarded people but then *other* times he’s talking to people that just seem to have physical abnormalities or whatever but are largely functional, yet he still talks to them as if they are children in a vaguely condescending manner. There is something really creepy about the dude and I can’t place it. He is a chad tho, no denying that

Sounds like a waste of matter


Fetuses aren't children either but they will be if allowed to develop. The Zygote is genetically a unique human. It's semantic to say after x amount of time it is a human or it isn't. That being said I support the abortion of niggers, jews and other browns.

I believe in the abortion of those too poor, disabled, and that of parents who don't intend to get married.


Merry Christmas

How many XRP to get a girl like his sister?

Poor kid. This one hit me in the feels because he is a normal kid that is sentient, not a potato and (probably) in constant pain. You could have been born like this or Brad Pitt or anywhere in between. Life is a cruel lottery.

Fucking hell put the poor kid down he does not deserve to be a freak show

yeah but we're smart retards, they're stupid retards
learn the difference, it could save your life

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....once you see it......holy shit

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women historically had no issue with murdering their own healthy babies in cold blood.


Based and redpilled

he’s jewish it’s obvious from his cranium, facial feature ratios and nose/ear size. Also from his exploitative behavior

>that nose

So we’re all just going to ignore the fact that he snorts a fly at 1:29?

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What are the options for a child born like this, as far as what to do with them?

If it were up to me, he should have been killed once they realized his condition.

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