How do I catfish nudes? I get ghosted by girls every fucking day and its just hurting too much...

how do I catfish nudes? I get ghosted by girls every fucking day and its just hurting too much. girls think they can just lead guys on for fun all they want and there's no consequence well im getting revenge on the roasties myself.

im leaking the nudes of every girl thats ghosted me and im getting revenge on all the girls that have ghosted me. how do I catfish their nudes also what are good places to post them?

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Dude get over it and get a real hobby you nutter

man I got fucken cucked by my girlfriend who actually didnt' love me and she was fucking 8 other guys behind my back
just fuck them and move on man don't get emotionally attached to them and just hope to the next

This, I'm a virgin so feel free to call me roastie

I'm sure you bitter pettiness is worth how much jailtime you'll receive xD

>Create a brand new FB from scratch with a throwaway email you can never find.
> Set your zip code initially to a big city like NYC.
>Find a “Chad” that you think those roasties would actually like on FB (he has to have an open profile). >Save all photos.
>upload to your FB and change your zip/city and state.
>now when you create your tinder for the first time your fake fb is linked with tinder
>maybe even pay so you can have extra super likes and “swipe” on more chicks.
>superlike the roasties that ghosted you
>proceed to catfish them. Get nudes and proceed to make website of tinder sluts
>after you get nudes try to get them to agree to nasty things.
>screen shot, post to MGTOW subs on Reddit for lulz

>girl treats guy like shits just wanders around aimlessly leading on every guy they can
oh its ok there's nothing wrong with that

>guy reacts
oh my god you're a piece of shit monster you deserve jail

look you retard. you choose to get lead on.
grow up

>victim blaming

>Make a tinder
>Get photos from the internet of a Chad
>Upload them to tinder and make a fake profile
>Swipe right on all the roasties
>Talk to them then ask them out to a date
>Don't go
>Wait for them to message you on why you didn't show up
>Say "I saw you from a distance and thought you were too fat/ugly


oh well then I guess roasties CHOOSE to have their nudes posted :^)

sure. hope both of u idiots get fucked over
they get slut shamed and u go to jail
society wins

dont be scared if youre not a roastie your fine

>girls think they can just lead guys on for fun all they want and there's no consequence well im getting revenge on the roasties myself.

Incels say the darndest things

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OP is a manlet

im not an incel or virgin im just sick of the guys having to kiss ass and girls can just do whatever they feel like and its ok. they literally dont even have to think or care anymore. they can just lead on 12 guys and fuck them all and it doesn't matter to anyone anymore.

im putting my foot down even if im the only one.

Hey Brandon.

>being this jealous over some random thots' sex life
Get some dignity man

the guys dont have to do any of that shit dumbass. it takes two to tango
dont kiss her ass

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but the fact that you're a spineless orbiter who kisses women's ass and grovels to get sex is your own personal problem. You have no dignity and women treat you with disrespect because your personality and presence demands none. I've never had to kiss ass to get laid. You know why? Because I have a spine. I think it would most benefit you if you stopped trying to make this problem of yours about women, took a good hard look in the mirror and start dealing with your shit.

Noone said it’s ok, and if you were a true man, you would be pointing out the hypocrisy on dates. Bonus points if she gets even hotter for you after.

I dont. its not anything like that. its that I literally talk to new girls every day and every single one ghosts me. im forced to be a slut just because they are and thats not ok. I deserve revenge.

there's no date or anything they just randomly wake up one day and stop texting. it literally happens with 4-5 girls a day

You don't deserve shit. They ghost your ass because you are some desperate boring beta incel. Would you keep talking with some obese tumblrina if you could move on and chat with fit qt? I don't think so.

Hi rfid.

DUDE I literally had a girl at a bar come up to me and keep trying to talk to me and she kept walking up to me then asked for my number THEN GHOSTED ME

these bitches are getting laid the fuck out im not taking this shit anymore. if I see them in public its done im beating the fuck out them.

who's that

You need some therapy Bob

why? for wanting revenge? to make myself feel better? sounds more like brainwashing to me

I think your confusion may lie in the fact that you believe girls not talking to you anymore after they find out you're an unbearable autist is called ghosting. It really isn't. Its just people finding who you really are and running away as fast as possible.

Cus you’re not interesting

>these bitches are getting laid the fuck out im not taking this shit anymore. if I see them in public its done im beating the fuck out them.
Literally the state of modern "men". No wonder feminists want them locked up, it might just be the only reasonable solution

no they literally just wake up decide theyre bored and throw me out

you know what it is? im the only good guy on the earth left. so as soon as they realize im a good guy who would only want a serious relationship they realize they dont want that and they want to go to the bar and get fucked some more first before they "settle down"

>im the only good guy on the earth left
>if I see them in public its done im beating the fuck out them
>im getting revenge on the roasties myself
Mate, they just realize sooner or later than you are one of the ""nice guys""" and they drop you asap. I don't blame them, you sound like a total fuckup.

I was nice but after years of constant rejection and being used I became a miserable ass hole. if I have to miserable so do they. it's their fault.

ive been nice for fucking years. fucking years. it took a barrage of brainless skanks to make me this pissed off.

Yeah, blame other people for your own shit kek

its my fault people randomly abandon me for no reason?

If all women you interact with abandon you the fault is in you, not them

its because they're all whores who can't keep it in their pants for 3 days and they get so blown up by dudes they just let the first person available come fuck them

>im leaking the nudes of every girl thats ghosted me and im getting revenge on all the girls that have ghosted me
Fucking grow up, man. Maybe girls are ditching you because you are an immature man-boy. The only one at fault is you - if you were interesting enough, chicks would be falling for you instead of dodging you.

also, that chick is hot

I posted one of the girls bra pics and she came back and turned out she had a boyfriend and shit.

turns out there's nothing wrong with it. it was actually pretty fun sharing girls nudes I fapped hard.

Your probably trying to solicit nudes from dudes just like yourself. Lol no real girls on the internet.

no ive been paranoid for years about that but every chick i've talked to verified with video chat, phone call, Instagram or other social media shit like that

half the chicks I get nudes from I just type their kik name into Instagram and find their profile and shit

This but try to stay anonymous, hide behind vpns n shit and DON'T PAY


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ive made a horrible mistake

i apparently am a horrible mistake. don't worry about it. watch the crazy boxed wine lady and come to the hardware store with me.