Since the new year is fast approaching, what will be the most surprising political event of 2019?
Since the new year is fast approaching, what will be the most surprising political event of 2019?
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The 25th Amendment being invoked and Trump being forced out of office.
The 28'th amendment being created and Trudeau being coaxed into office and making the USA a bit less fat but not much because he is just a man
Canada annexed by US
No one will see it coming but the whole nation will be Rippen pilled over night
Hilary imprisoned
French Revolution 2: Electric Boogaloo. Just in time for the 230th anniversary of the first one.
>the fed will be abolished
>the kikes will be even more transparent in their intentions and will redpill millions more on the jq
>the other shoe will drop re the DNC corruption and heads will roll
It's gonna be a great year!
Fuck off shill
did you get kicked off leftypol? or r/communism?
A new amendment is ratified outlawing tiny asian penises
absolute faggots
Barack Hussein Obama is tried and hanged for treason.
Subsequent civil war.
Dead leftists everywhere. Celebration, Trump Reinstated.
Why is Canada so homosexual and beta?
Digits confirm why
My coronation as God-Emperor of the universe
China will disband their government just to fulfill the marxian prophecy.
(but we both no if it's ever gonna happen, it will be a capitalist country)
death penalty for racists
everyones racist
t. actual racist
Zoomers liking hitler unironically.
EMPEROR TRUMP being assigned by JESUS himself..
I'm game.
Donald Trump will take off his overcoat at a rally and reveal that he is secretly two ultra orthodox Jewish midgets standing on top of one another, and has been the whole time
RGB dies in August and there is epic fallout
12-year Old Ruth Bader Ginsburg clone ruled eligible to serve on the Supreme Court.
the studies dont lie
you are likely a racist just live everybody else
RBG dies
Libs try an uprising before realizing they don’t have gun anymore
San Francisco and NYC are left in flames
>RGB dies
he said SURPRISING event
also, whats your problem with racists?
what makes a racist an automatically lesser person than you, so lesser in fact, that they deserve death (according to you)
are you also going to execute all the black racists? asian racists? jewish racists? or just the white ones?
>My coronation as God-Emperor of the universe
I'm waiting
> Leave only those who hate all the scum disregarding their leather colours.
Have patience and stop being a faggot with that memeflag
Bro, it's almost 2019, everyone knows only whites are able to be racist. It's like, literally impossible for black to be racist. Even towards other blacks!
Trump leaves once (((they))) take the S&P down to 1999.
He knows a losing ticket when he sees it
>Dead leftists everywhere.
Dead right-wingers everywhere, since they're the ones who will be rebelling against the government.
You know...... there's only about half a billion whites on the planet
No niggers = no racism?
is that a joke? because its hard to tell these days
mind you, it IS current year
great depression 2.0 followed in short order by civil war 2.0
although the latter won't really kick into high gear until 2020
the death of hillary clinton
FUCK YOUR RULES! such defiance can't be helped but admired
Because feminism is a national pastime there.
Because their food is so expensive. Most of the time, they can only afford to eat yellow snow.
Stock crisis, world war, USA using resources from occupied Siberia to fuel economy and deny Europe, NATO bases north of China.
it could help democrats to get some votes
Why do you even fucking care? Rake yourself.
It won’t be surprising at all but DumpFUCK will be forced to resign the office of POTUS by this summer. He’ll be offered a deal tonleave and save him and his criminal family from prosecution and he’ll take it. As the markets continue to tank and the economy begins to falter...Dump’s approval numbers will tank and even the Republicans in the Senate will begin to turn on him. The House Dems will impeach him for numerous proven high crimes after the Mueller report drops and at that point Dump fatigue will cost the clown his job. The senate Republicans will tell him to hit the road or go down in history as the first POTUS removed from office. Even if they don’t, he’ll still take a deal from Mueller to get his family out of trouble. It’s over.
Will Hellary go to jail as well?
The Clintons are the most investigated political couple in history. The Republicans have spent years and a hundred million dollars of tax payer money investigating them and returned no indictments. No...if she was going to prison she would have been there long ago.
you're a funny kid, that's for sure
Nothing. Just another year of the same old shit.
remember how her face changed when Trump said "corruption"?
Gregg Jarrett! LOL! What a joke! Yeah, he was sure that Mike Flynn’s sentencing judge was going to toss out his guilty plea and let him walk. You FOXtards will buy anything.
No...don’t recall that. I didn’t vote for the cunt but Trump is the most criminal POTUS in the history of the country...most of us knew that 2 years ago...slowTARDS like you are about to have the proof rammed down your throats by Robert Mueller. Prepare.