I've been seeing the left throw this around as dig at their perceived incompetence of the right. I'm not saying it's only used by one side, but I've only really seen it used by the left.
If you're aware of the dunning-kruger effect and can so confidently point it out in others, shouldn't you logically take a step back and consider the possibility you may be the one experiencing the D-K effect? I think about this often and I wonder if I actually experience this myself, being that you're unaware of your own bias. But then, since I'm aware that I may be the one experiencing the D-K effect, am I actually NOT experiencing the effect? Similar to the Liar's Paradox (youtu.be/wlMegqgGORY) I find myself in an infinite loop of second guessing how biased and competent I really am. I don't see much second guessing from the people who throw this shit around.
Here's a politico article discussing why the people who gravitated toward Trump aren’t idiots, they’re simply experiencing the D-K effect. archive.is/HQwHf >Many commentators have argued that Donald Trump’s dominance in the GOP presidential race can be largely explained by ignorance; his candidacy, after all, is most popular among Republican voters without college degrees. Their expertise about current affairs is too fractured and full of holes to spot that only 9 percent of Trump’s statements are “true” or “mostly” true, according to PolitiFact, whereas 57 percent are “false” or “mostly false”—the remainder being “pants on fire” untruths. Trump himself has memorably declared: “I love the poorly educated.” >But as a psychologist who has studied human behavior—including voter behavior—for decades, I think there is something deeper going on. The problem isn’t that voters are too uninformed. It is that they don’t know just how uninformed they are.
The more confident, the more incompetent. How can the left be so unaware of the irony?
That's the jist of the D-K effect. I don't necessarily buy into it.
Ayden Foster
Everyone ive ever heard use this term was suffering from it. Typically an immature or teenage person. It reminds me of the schoolboy attitude of "gotta be the best" because of pressure in studies.
Lincoln James
So, you understand that it is not an accurate measurement of psychology? The left tends to be more towards self importance, and it shows in their speech, and actions. That is not to say it is mutually exclusive to the left, or any ideological group, but is more commonplace withing said group.
Brayden Young
I don't care whether it's accurate. My point is the people who most often smugly cite this as if the more mention should cause everyone to scatter, are the same people who fail to acknowledge they likely experience it. The whole point is being unaware of your own bias or incompetence, so if you're aware of the effect, you should question your own foundation, not someone else's.
Kevin Rogers
Its people trying to signal intelligence by shouting it rather than being actually intelligent. Like that dem politician that just declared they are more intelligent. Blame idiots for wanting to put on airs in society and seeing psuedointellectualism as a way to create status.
Joseph James
You cannot tell them that, nor can you teach them that. They are as it stands, insane, uncooperative, and self destructive. Understand this, and act accordingly. They have no qualm with wasting your time, so do not give them credence in their desire of holding power over you by continuing your argument against them. If they were to stubborn to see the wisdom of your words, they are not worth trying to teach.
The reason for the way they act is they want attention, like needy teenagers. Social media has acted as a soapbox for communication and has emboldened those who should have been refining their thoughts, to not, and rather to argue and fight, very often from a weak standing that can't be defended with thorough logic, I.E. emotional arguments.
Henry Bailey
I understand your point, but I enjoy the debate. I don't find points to nitpick and then declare victory. I often learn quite a bit from debating and have to refine the way in which I present my points. I was debating some folks on Twitter under some blue check mark's post, I made an ass out of myself because I was probably wrong. I admitted my good and thought that would be the end of it. Nope, I was hounded for days about it, like hyenas, they all came in to tell me what an idiot I was. Finally I just told them all to stop being such dweebs and move on.
William Sullivan
Then you are more like them than you think. You enjoy being right, so much that you engage in arguments with them in their own territory, knowing full well they will not agree nor engage in meaningful debate. You do it for the lulz, and that makes you of likeness to them, for they do their side of the argument for the thrill of it. Think on that.
Thomas Young
>archive.is/HQwHf Every single trump supporter alive is smarter than every single leftist alive bar none. Intelligence doesn't matter. What matters is wisdom, high consciousness, and will. The left has will and intelligence. Intelligence is knowing all the facts, wisdom is gradual understanding of which facts matter, and high consciousness is immeadiate understanding of which facts matter. Leftists are intelligent but cannot discern which facts matter. They are deep thinkers, but not clear thinkers, therefore tehy are repeatedly manipulated by their symbols of authority (msm, comedy shows, late night, academic journals, physics, etc). They have not learned the ability to discern which facts matter more than other facts, because theya re under mind control.
>You enjoy being right Did you read what I said? No, I gave no hesitation to admit I was wrong. And debating is a hearty exercise, learning to make relevant points, keeping cool when they start throwing insults as a last ditch effort. I'm all about open discourse, free speech, and a rowdy exchange of ideas.
Cooper Ross
Ah, I read >I admitted my good and thought that would be the end of it As you saying >I said I what was right and thought that would be the end of it My mistake.
Isaiah Taylor
This just goes to show yet again that only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. Smart and sophisticated city people voted for Hillary.
The DK-effect fails on the basic premise that experts are somewhat better at anything. There's been a study showing that when "experts" were supposed to predict one of three outcomes they would've fared better if they just coinflipped their way out of it. It's not about how much information you can gather, period - it's about assigning importance to the right kind of data.
Henry Nguyen
It has been my experience that leftists who refer to Dunning-Kruger don’t really understand it.
Carter Robinson
>Their expertise about current affairs is too fractured and full of holes to spot that only 9 percent of Trump’s statements are “true” or “mostly” true, according to PolitiFact, whereas 57 percent are “false” or “mostly false”—the remainder being “pants on fire” untruths. >Their expertise >PolitiFact Dunning Kruger is real
They reveal that they don’t understand the study by invoking it to insult others. The real effect is to make you more sympathetic towards people you perceive to be in the position identified by Dunning-Kruger.
Jonathan Miller
Yeah I think I got too caught up in an edit there. Anyways, I was wrong, admitted it, thought that would be the end of it. I understand now why people usually just end the discussion and disappear if they're wrong.
Easton Flores
It certainly is. The study does NOT conclude anything about ignorance of facts, for example. Any usage in that context reveals that the person saying it does not get what D-K concludes.
Lucas Foster
The hilarious thing is that the left absolutely exemplifies the DK effect.
>Join a party >Become "intellectual" (???)
>Whatever, now im on the smart team i literally cant be proven to be an idiot because of the color jersey i wear
So, you see, liberals who know next to nothing about the world think they know everything, exactly the phenomenon that DK describes.
Ethan Thomas
It's pretty sad, because what these people want is power and to display dominance, but put no time nor effort into such. As a result only when they meet someone that has similarly put no effort into themselves can they argue and have their way. But were they to study and learn of the ways of wisdom, they would not be able to support their selfishness as they would surely see how it affects them negatively in the long term. These people, they make the hell they suffer, with their foolish ways.
Adam White
Dunning-Kruger is the most hilariously misunderstood research around. It proves itself in this way, which is why it is so revered. It does not describe some magical “effect” that causes you to be blind to your own ignorance, although I can sort of see how someone on the other side of it might be inclined to describe it in this way. Dunning-Kruger establishes that the definition of competence is the ability to recognize competence. The reason people do things badly or in the wrong way is not just that they are unaware of the correct or better way to do things but rather they are not able to perceive that a proper way to do things can exist. Let that sink in.
Jonathan Robinson
Yeah that's deep. Makes sense. So does this work the other way too? Does incompetence fail to see incompetence?
I suppose that's what you meant by: >rather they are not able to perceive that a proper way to do things can exist
Dominic Cruz
Yeah. They literally can’t tell the difference and that’s why they don’t value competence.
Zachary White
Yup. Thats why modern art is so revered on the left. They have no understanding that art should be any other way.
Dylan Martin
>Its people trying to signal intelligence by shouting it rather than being actually intelligent. Pretty much this