Why are shy people hated even more than arrogant asshole people? When we complain about our lives we get insulted and told we need to change, even though we're nicer than confident assholes who don't need to complain about their lives because they live on easy mode because girls love them because they want violent men
Why are shy people hated even more than arrogant asshole people...
Why do shy people constantly think being confident means being a violent asshole?
Shy man is the dating equivalent of fat woman.
Only the whiny introverts are hated. You know, the ones that imply that anybody who is confident and doesn't live in their mom's basement is a violent asshole. We hate *those* kinds of introverts because they're the ones whose resentment towards successful men drives them to mass murder.
>confident and doesn't live in their mom's basement is a violent asshole
See why do you do this shit? Why do you pretend like shyness has to do with worldly success? I don't live in my mom's basement and in fact I have a significantly better career than my parents combined, and statistically probably a better one than you. I live in my apartment.
I'm just making statistically probable guesses based on your original post and what website this is. Do you mean to say that you are a landlord and that you live in your apartment? Because if you just mean that you rent an apartment and live by yourself, that's not even slightly impressive. Still, being successful means more than having wealth. Taking care of your appearance, possessing basic social skills and not being emotionally fragile are also important.
I never said it's impressive, I said I don't live in anyone's basement and after only a couple years of working out of college I have almost a quarter million dollars worth of wealth.
And I do take care of my appearance, I work out regularly and look fine
I love how you're just making up all of this bullshit based merely on the word "shy", this is what I'm talking about. You hate us all and judge us on things you have no information on
Even though society is trying to force acceptance for all kinds of people and the way they act, people will always favor the "alpha" male. We have evolved to be that way over a long period of time (not only us but many many forms of life are this way) while this acceptance thing is a new idea in the grand scheme of things.
It's a product of essentially having 2 different brains. Logically it makes sense not to treat shy people any different but the primitive part of our brain doesn't agree.
"shy" is the equivalent of "nice guy". Meaning you are not actually shy, just a boring whiner.
>Meaning you are not actually shy, just a boring whiner
Jesus Christ why so much fucking hostility. Wrong, I'm shy and have social anxiety issues.
Shy people aren't hated. Most everyone around you isn't going to give a fuck about you one way or the other, and they're not really going to know you're shy or anxious unless you're just acting flinchy and fucked up. Most shy people are just quiet and seem to be people going about their own business.
>confident assholes who don't need to complain about their lives
You don't need to be a confident asshole to not complain. Judging what sort of person you're like from this thread, I'd guess that when you feel comfortable enough to open your mouth and talk, it turns out that you're an asshole and a whiny little bitch.
Your shyness is not why people dislike you.
No these are assumptions made based upon by this website itself.
Y’all need to chill.
>we're nicer than confident assholes who don't need to complain about their lives because they live on easy mode because girls love them because they want violent men.
>people who succeed must have life on easy mode.
>confidence = violence
Seems like a boring whiner to me. Man up cunt.
>strawmanning this hard
>Why are shy people hated even more than arrogant asshole people?
Arrogant assholes know how to engage with people and spineless betas like you don't. Arrogant assholes also tend to take a lot more ownership of their lives then people like you who say retarded incel shit like "easy mode". You give nobody any runway to even begin to find something to connect with you about because you sit there and do nothing but complain about not getting opportunities that you don't even put any energy into pursuing.
You autists often forget that relationships work in degrees. I don't need a random person I meet a party or in line at the bank or sitting next to me at a bar to be a good person. I need them to know how to engage. I need them to know how to tell a joke. I need them to make some kind of effort to communicate on a base human level. I know a lot of arrogant assholes. Am I super close with them? No, but I don't need to be. I won't be taking them home to meet my mother or using them as a reference on a resume but when I go out with them or meet them they're at least able to pretend to have some sense of dignity. They may be rough around the edges but they give me SOMETHING to work with, whereas a shitty little red-pilled weasel who sits in the corner doing and saying absolutely nothing gives me nothing to work with. An asshole can entertain me. An asshole can make me laugh. What can you do other than complain and blame shift?
I'm shy and I can tell you we are not hated, we're just not worth the effort.
When asked about yourself you will refuse to answer but you also never start conversations, people asked you out once, twice or maybe even thrice but you rejected them every time of course they're gonna stop inviting you, they think you don't like them.
Did you ever invite anyone to hang out? No you didn't. I'm sure you know at least 3 other guys who'd love to gather to smoke some weed/drink some beers and play mario kart but you somehow never invited them over.
Hey user, I'm sorry you're feeling this way and that some people on here don't understand. My best advice to you is to work on yourself first and foremost. Put yourself in situations that give you anxiety intentionally and systematically until you no longer have the anxiety. The stresses of a relationship are really fucked and make people with anxiety way way worse. How would you handle the fear of cheating or being hurt? I know it's not what you want to hear but to step away from being shy is the best way to change how you view this. And trust me I know it's hard, I went through it. Nothing in life is given, you've gotta make the change yourself. And what you're describing is really a myth, an inflated concept further corrupted by incels and people who don't wanna change themselves. If you're shy then how many interactions could you have possibly had to know if the majority of people think that way? I hope you find what you need and I wish you luck in all your endeavors.
Which part is the strawman? The direct quote or the part where I imply it's ridiculous to conclude confident people have life on easy mode? Or was it the part where I mocked the fact you think confident guys are assholes and violent.
You're a whiny dagger and nobody would respect you even if you were loud and self-assured. Stop whining or stop being a faggot, I don't care which.
Auto corrected from "faggot" sorry OP, I meant to call you a whiny faggot. Don't know why it didn't work out.
No one hates you
No one cares
If it's any consolation
because you arent entitled to the attention and understanding of other people if you arent willing to put in effort on your part?
Because the idea that you deserve the same treatment as people who go out of their way to be outgoing and initiate conversation and put in far more work than you is insanely self centered?
because it's a tactic that low value males use to shame other males to make their value seem higher than it actually is, and it's been around since the times when we were just chimps
women get to shame all they want because of their immense social and biological privilege that lets them be the choosers in reproduction
>proving the OP right
>proving the OP right
>proving the OP right
>I'm just making statistically probable guesses based on your original post and what website this is.
lmao, what an arrogant retard
yep, people are hypocrites
>proving the OP right
>Shy people aren't hated.
You're retarded. Of course they are hated.
>proving the OP right
>proving the OP right
>When asked about yourself you will refuse to answer but you also never start conversations, people asked you out once, twice or maybe even thrice but you rejected them every time of course they're gonna stop inviting you
This never happens. People who weren't born shy instinctively look for cues in body language and other things and when these things aren't reciprocated they get a gut feeling that causes them to distance themselves from the "shy" person. Normal people are shallow cunts.
>homophobe calling people "whiners"
All shy people put in plenty of effort and it's usually always more than non-shy people do. The problem is their brains are wired incorrectly so they don't get much of anything out of it compared to normal people.
>mfw this pseudo intellectual actually believes in free will
>The problem is their brains are wired incorrectly so they don't get much of anything out of it compared to normal people.
Incorrectly? I can socialize better with people when it comes to technical engineering topics or math, because it's objective and there is no room for opinion, only statements backed up by facts or numbers
Chad and Stacey and extroverts can't necessarily do this, are their brains wired wrong? Maybe I just don't care about the bullshit normies talk about, and a lot of their social interaction is weird sort of "socialization jargon" I'll call it where they just say things to fill the time