what is the number of 30+ year old incels in the world? please don't tell me it's just me
What is the number of 30+ year old incels in the world? please don't tell me it's just me
*touches nose*
shoudlve pulled the trigger before you turned 30 my dude
Well I can tell you how many people are in my cringe compilation: One more.
Probably less than 5% of the 30 something male population. So possibly still a few millions if that makes you feel any better.
># of incels
Celibacy is not involuntary.
Celibacy is a choice.
60% of Jow Forums are virgin incel over 30 and nothing wrong with that
i would say not many but considering the existence of japan the number goes up to 120 million
I'm not incel but I jerk off so much my dick has lost sensitivity and I lose my hard on with actual chicks, so they dump me, and I just go back to jerking off. Vicious cycle.
I wonder how deep it cuts when someone jokingly calls you an INCEL lol. Just get a hooker at that point man pussy really ain’t that special. Don’t focus on it focus on yourself and better yourself before you hit 40... Just bang a hooker and consider yourself a non-INCEL and I bet 50-70% of your current insecurities will disappear.
fucking kike meet up threads. You get paid to shill and I have to work as a fucking janitor.
who in the everyloving fuck would work freely as a janny
I'm single but it's voluntary so...
Hello my fellow non-white person from Egypt.
Knee Growth reporting in from the southern side of Chicago.
Fly a helicopter at 21. Didn't date, or even kiss until 34
If by incels you mean virgins then theres proably more than you think.
Why not just go with it user, accept you haven't the scoial skills to initiate a sexual relationship and take up religious orders that require a vow of chastity ? At least your life will have purpose and you will be beyond the reach of ((them)).
used to bang lots of hoors, 30 year cel now, its a better life user