Why do priests rape children? How can we say Muslims are pedos when our own religious men aren't any better?
Why do priests rape children? How can we say Muslims are pedos when our own religious men aren't any better?
One is corruption the other is accepted tradition meme-flaggot.
your religious man not ours.
they rape them at a lower rate than anyone else but the jews expose it constantly to try and damage christianity
Its blown way out of proportion because the kike owned media
>Why do priests rape children?
Because rape adult men is much harder.
its a lack of community spirit. bring back lynchings
Because in Muslim cultures pedophilia is not taboo nor forbidden (look at the very story of their prophet) but it is in Western societies
When a priest has sex with a child it is an abberation, when a muslim or imam does it is normal. mohammad fucked children and he is the example of the perfect man who all muslims aspire to be like.
Understand, you fucking retard?
It is the true nature of power.
Can't get married --> Full of faggots --> Pedorama
Because the Vatican is a place of devil worship and child rape. They haw lost all the ties with Christianity loooong time ago.
You have the Orthodox Church whih is the first Church established in the history. Rome was a part of that church but den decided to go on her own because of lust for power and money.
They degradated to this monster who is completely infiltrated by the jew masonery.
This to all 3. With muslims pedophilia is widely accepted and holds strong in a lot of their traditions. Jews are a different breed. They blow it out of proportion through the media that they control to strike at Christianity, while at the same time have their local rabbi suck the penis of a baby to get the foreskin off which of course no one talks about and is a common practice in the Jewish community.
based commie. They should still be fucking hung, desu. Half the bishops too.
Have a look into Judaism memeflag :)
They are able to summon demons through butt sex with children. The brown eye is an interdimensional portal to Saturn.
Abrahamic religions do that to people
Pedos go for the high trust jobs for opportunities to be alone with kids
>Why do Catholics rape children?
Because ever since the last real catholic pope died from poisoning somewhere around 1957, the rest of the popes have been freemasons and have fully infiltrated the papacy and the catholic church. Ever since then, the priests have been corrupted to further degrade the religion, among such practises are pedophilia.
I kid you not, they even have inside the Vatican a second council called ''Novus Ordo Masse'' which translates to ''New Order Mass''
The current pope isn't even a real catholic nor a christian. Just a puppet.
Because we condemn it and root it out where we can, whereas they worship and enulate it.
Pedophilia is not imbued into Catholic doctrine as it is imbued in muslim doctrine. Faggots are attracted to the priesthood because it gives them an opportunity to exploit their position to rape boys. Muslims do it openly simply because it's acceptable in their culture, in their religion.
I can say shitskins rape and Catholics are better
Now eat my shit faggot
also, fags go for priesthood thinking that maybe that's their calling.
priest should be able to marry and fuck their wives
Its mostly a meme really. Like how in the 80s day cares were run by satanists
Eh... Based?
All societies have their monsters, the difference between pedo priests and muslim men is simple. The priests are going against what the know is right, they are doing wrong and they know it. Muslim men are doing what they think is right, their prophet was a pedophile rapist, rape of children, especially non muslim children is not only acceptale in islam, it is encouraged.##One society despises child rapists and punishes those it finds
Islam rewards child rapists
Surprising what happens to a man forcibly deprived of sex his entire life isn’t it? If anything you should feel bad for the psychological torture and breakdown of psyche most of these priests probably go through forced to be virgins. But then again they chose that life so it’s still their fault but the church is retarded for still making chastity a requirement for priesthood.
All societies have their monsters, the difference between pedo priests and muslim men is simple.
>The priests are going against what the know is right, they are doing wrong and they know it.
>Muslim men are doing what they think is right, their prophet was a pedophile rapist, rape of children, especially non muslim children is not only acceptale in islam, it is encouraged.
Our society despises child rapists and punishes those it finds
Islam rewards child rapists