in this comic, who is the blonde woman on Trumps lap suppose to represent?
In this comic, who is the blonde woman on Trumps lap suppose to represent?
Jeb, I think.
I am not sure. I feel like Ben is a great cartoonist, but maybe a label or two could help us understand...
It's sad that Zyklon Ben has become a total shill for Trump. I miss when he had a mind of his own.
its muh dick op. muh dick is on trumps lap, in tears, need the wall, make it tall, not alot, to ask at all.
Wow.... Not based, Ben
Who is the guy in red?
>loudly and repeated make building a wall your main campaign promise
I don't know, what is your flag?
Hahaha hey Ben where is your 401k in all of those gifts?
a frigid childless roastie slowly losing her sanity due to her eggs being past their sell by date
1 post by this ID
This, needs more labels who does Santa represent?
at least he's working on its better than the last 5 guys who said they were gonna secure the border
Ann Coulter, who wrote the book that Trump bought in advance in 2015 and days later made the "mexicans are sending rapists" speech that ultimately got him elected.
Ann is bitchy but she knows a wall is a promise and is key to Trump's re-election, and also the only thing that will work.
She got so bitchy Trump unfollowed her in Twitter.
The same as yours
Fuck off Chink knockoff, before you get Enola Gayed a third time.
the only bomb you'll be dropping is ann's shriveled up uterus when it finally falls out of her loose flappy cunt
and yall wonder why im gay
Is that your great-grandfather in front? Someone should’ve told him smoking is bad for his health.
I know right? I hate cartoonists that just show a thing and expect you to read it like it's a joke.
I would say that she have some name written on her dress. Probably designer
Fucking neocon scarecrow eat a fucking burger and STFU you harpy
Do people see the president as Santa?
He's supposed to give away free stuff instead of responsibly manage the country?
Jow Forums
So....where is the wall?
Also where is the "Bump-stock ban" present? I don't see it anywhere
He should have labelled the labels as ‘labels’ so that his readership knew that they were labels. He’s obviously slipping.
Can you suck Trump’s dick any harder? Is that even possible?
>those arms
A good draw, but where is the ORIGINAL/UNCENSORED one?
The two kike's are right there in the background though
>who is the blonde woman on Trumps lap suppose to represent?
No idea, OP. If only they'd written a fucking label on the hem of her dress.
>better deals,jobs and economy growth as gifts when the stock market is literally going to recession mode
the absolute state of the delusion of paid drumpf shills
I guess they ran out of money for a ribbon for the economic growth fantasy
Ann Coulter is a bit like a spoiled child, but she is not a bad person. She just needs some dicipline.
I assumed you liked having AIDs.
ur mother
What I want is a vigorous policy of deporting illegal aliens who are already here; not a wall to keep some of them out.
Who's the guy in the red suit?
>demanding that politicians deliver their campaign promises is childish
She’s right you know.
Why are you on a politics board?
It's Ann Coulter
>orange Santa bad
>Bad Santa
I see where this is going. Post the next panel.
Why are trumptards so moronic? Coulter a neo-con?
>muh tax cuts
Ben is a faggot
I’d let Ann sit on my lap if ya know what I mean
This. Ben used to be edgy, but now he's just a generic Trump cheerleader.
Goddam Larson is great.
What I want is that memeflaggots show their real flag lest they be shills.
Gary Larson. Yep.. now that was a cartoonist
The Republicans have promised strong immigration enforcement and a wall since 1984 when Reagan was in office. In those days you rarely seen a Mexican illegal, now the Democrats are giving foreign invaders full American rights, something I could never achieve in their countries. We need a wall , more Border enforcement and harsh penalties for those that hire illegal aliens. Gibsmedat welfare and SNAP benefits need to be cut off too. End birthright Citizenship and anchor babies. It's a lot the Republicans should have delivered on, Fuck Civic Nationalism. The American Empire is going to implode if we import the entire third world.
He should've replaced Ivanka with Ann in the White House by now.
Coulter didn't elect shit.
The best thing about not building the wall is that it drives liberals absolutely fucking mad and seething
Mattis is my guess.
Based. I hope he never builds the wall. Would really BTFO the Liberals.
>who is the blonde woman on Trumps lap suppose to represent?
Someone with integrity that isn't a blind faith "plan truster" and Trump cheerleader.
I feel like we've lost something as a people since these cartoons were made & appreciated.