Why do white women hate their own brothers, husbands and sons?

This woman has a white son btw. And the tweet captioning is of GenZ demographics. Thoughts /pols/? Why do white women hate their male counterparts?

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My thoughts are memeflags should be banned on Jow Forums. Fuck off nigger.

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Just look at that fucking Picture of hers
Are you fucking autistic ?
She got shit on by everyone for her Subhuman DNA, had a nigger breed her bc nobody else wanted, and is now pissed that nobody wants her anymore, now she spouts this shit to get Attention like a child that wants to piss of Daddy
are you really that sheltered that you dont know how These People are made ?

This thread is very related to your question.

We need to start keeping track of these cunts so we can cast these pigs out in the future.

How common is this in America

>when your own mother sides with the commies over you

I propose a better system. Regarding female nature they all are traitors when given the opportunity. So instead of keeping lists for when day X comes, we just murder all the fat and ugly ones and beat the attractive ones into submission.

Not all women are traitors

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not nearly as common as nice jewish girls lusting after the goy sauseeege before they settle down with their redheaded second cousin

Women are cucks and will go along with anything. Don’t listen to them. Stand up and lead.

>Why do anglo/US/Swedish white women hate their own brothers, husbands and sons?
fixed that for you
Seriously every time I hear something about women it's usually from those country

Wow what a piece of shit

I made the mistake I typing “white men” into the twitter search on Christmas Day. They never sleep do they.


Its called "the list"

The most truthful and bitter redpill of all is that the Jew or negroid has never been the primary antagonistic forces working against the white man, it is his own woman. The male vs female aspect of the culture war is irrefutably a thousand times more important than any ethnic or racial struggles.

and not all pitbulls are baby murder machines. yet it's their genetic prerogative. do you really want to waste all that time to find the one pitbull that wont murder your kid? or would it be more efficient and safe to not get a pitbull in the first place?

Someone tweet her the white hispanic meme

Sometimes I truly wonder how some people on Jow Forums know all of this stuff about women, that’s pretty impressive desu.


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Did she forget that this will also be true of white women?

Of course not, white women will then finally be able to enjoy their non white men without the pesky white men telling them how gross it is.

Her family is all white though

Oh no no no no

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>Her family is all white though
Of course not, white women will then finally be able to enjoy their non white men without the pesky white men telling them how gross it is.
Did I stutter by any chance?

She literally mentions her son in the tweet retard

Youre life has got to be the worst

I wish this is the norm at this point, all young white women want to be with a non white guy or some 60% mutt.Its just how things are, the future for the white race is in white men like it always has been and the only way forward is trough the artificial womb, thank God the chinese are doing what we as retards have no balls anymore to do and explore other avenues.

Simply a broken and doomed race like never before seen in human history.

Jesus I thought you were joking. Just 5 minutes without a fucking cuck post

You know what they say. If you want to know what women are really like, ask an ugly man. If you want to know what men are really like, ask an ugly woman. That's how you get honest answers.

Say, do you breed chickens?

No I do not since I do not own a farm to achieve such a thing.


Bullshit what?

>almost half
this country is fucking doomed

Adopted don't count.

Parroting lefty talkpoints gives them a status that they couldn't achieve in the world of white men.
Women crave status, they are a very narcissistic animal.

Why can't all white americans just return to Europe? Your land is doomed anyway.

Is that Eggy?

They have this warped idea that they're doing the most virtuous thing ever by selling out their child. It's this weird fixation on being so retardedly evil that you'll wrap around to being the most virtuous person ever. They come at logic in an ass-backwards way.
>If you're selling your son out for some bullshit purpose, you're a psychotic whore
>No you see, if I'm sacrificing my son for this purpose, then there's no way it could be a bullshit purpose. See? Ha! Gotcha!
>You're a delusional bullshit whore
Not making any of this up, these are literally similar to actual arguments I've had

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What’s an eggy?

>no comments
>no retweets
>only 2 likes, maybe 1 being from a jew (projection)
Wow, white women are truly the devil

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Maybe you’re right Brazil user

Because sexual revolution destroyed respect to brothers, husbands and sons in white woman

Eggman. How new are you?

I’ve been here just over a year

Because white men suck

White women seem to agree

White dudes are grody tbqh

Every ethic group of people has their shitty group of powerful men.
In other ethnicities these men are never safe. They must always fear revolution from the other men in the society. African and Middle Eastern warlord require loyal personal militaries to stop the common man in the region from reclaiming their wealth.

White men don't do this. They love kings and authority. Nothing gets a white man harder than putting on a uniform and being told what to do. They find it eroticially exciting. It's also slightly homo-erotic. This carries over into their lionization of "the boss" at work, and their boot-licking of police.

Women find such subservient mental issues quite disgusting. And everyone finds it very annoying that powerful white men fuck over not only other races but also other whites with no repercussion.

White men are led by white men who have no loyalty to their own group, and would gladly harm their own people for profit. This is is dangerous to do in other societies, but the powerful and horrible white man has nothing to fear from a powerless white man, because the powerless white man feels most comfortable while being powerless in front of another man.

Being fed up with this shit, the women have started to revolt at the powerful and terrible white men in charge. Not because they hate average white guys, but because average white guys don't have the genetic disposition to rock the boat and challenge authority.

Having found out that brown and black men love nothing more than to spit in the face of "authority", white women became natural allies of them

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As someone who has spent more than 30 years working with staff terriers your post is ignorant. You're focusing on all the negative at the wrong end of the leash.

Make an argument, you dumb faggot

i knew it was bad but holy shit, half of 6-21 y.o are not white.

Tfw most black men die young by other young black men who in turn get revenge shot by other black men continuing the cycle

she will die alone and unvisit by her son. cunt deserve way horrible things tho


>Why do white women hate their own brothers, husbands and sons?
Penis Envy

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White dudes are grody


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black people were literally slaves for centuries and did nothing, i dont think they mind authority

Extremely based

Bahahah that fucking picture never fails to make me laugh

Le 56% Generation

2/10 troll