Ask me questions about myself. I need to know if I have any attractive traits at all before I bother trying to get a girlfriend.
Ask me questions about myself...
Other urls found in this thread:
So what do you do in your free time?
Do you have a big peepee?
Do you enjoy music? Tell us about your music experiences.
What are your current goals and passions? Where are you going on your next vacation?
What makes you stand out from the crowd?
Hijacking this thread
I pick things up off the floor and put them back down
Bigger than average
I love going to heavy music concerts
>music experiences
The fuck is that supposed to mean
Short term 5 plate deadlift
Long term, own gym, teaching people how to be strong in safe manner
Im 6'2 and decently muscular
Here’s the trick to getting a girl aight? Be clear that’s your intention from the start, idk why women think guys talk to girls because they need friends but they do. If you have a nationality other than white USE IT. If you are white use whatever your “culture” is. Just do that and they will see you as different.
Play video games.
I'm not super into music like I used to be, but I like metal.
Only goals I have now are to finish college and get a slightly better body.
Nothing positive.
What kind of games?
Sup incel? Go back to Jow Forums and come back once you learn how to respect women. Maybe you'll get laid then, virgin loser.
Does it matter? Unless a girl is super geeky (and most likely ugly) they're not going to want anything to do with video games, at least not on any level deeper than the occasional Mario Kart or some shit.
not op but how do you do the I have a pretty big dick approach, like just have that as a line on tinder or something?
Is there anything you would change?
Being more outgoing and secure with myself.
>deeper level
Generalizations are a hard turn off for women. You already think you know a hypothetical woman more than she does
Isn't that a prerequisite of all Jow Forums users?
We both know what I say is true. Girls aren't nearly as into video games as guys are, on average.
Meh, hella basic. Name a good book, or hobby even
I find this thread idea a bit funny, so there's that.
Hard pass - femanon
I'm a femanon and I like video games on a deeper level. I play mostly art-y or persuasive games games and read a lot about mechanics, game narratives, and ludology.
Then I get told by guys that I'm not a gamer because I don't play fortnite or whatever the flavor of the month is.
Most of those guys are beta retards who don't correlate that playing with girls can get them laid more often, or lose their virginity even.
Pity them
You're not feeling secure?
Why, what happened?
Nothing, I'm just naturally insecure.
It's not something you trace back to a single event.
Also highjacking thread
Learning programming to get a better job, play D&D once a week with friends, go to movies (I like foreign and indie stuff mostly, so I go to the local film society and special events 2-3x a week), work out mostly at the gym with some outdoors (hiking, caving, rock climbing) stuff, read, occasional video games but mostly story heavy stuff like skyrim or telltale games or persona
Yes, but not as much as I used to. I like old goth and post punk mostly. The last concert I saw was Wire, but that was a while ago.
Go on an overnight cave trip, get a new job in web development, learn a creative skill like watercolors or drawing
I don't.
Hijacking too
Videogames, riding my bike, meeting with friends to drink beer or drink beer alone if it's the weekend. Also reading and if there is something new in the area go to political cabaret.
Over average
Currently listening to some trance radio when at home or work. It's relaxing and helps me focus. Other than that I'm also into metal, especially stuff like atmospheric black metal.
Graduating from my school and being a real employee. Vacation would hopefully be colorado for skiing.
My skinny and pale body duh. Also my receding hairline and awkward walk. I'm pretty average.
Metal is such a turnoff. I'm open minded musically for the most part, but so many guys I've known who were into metal had other problems with anger and entitlement that it's become a red flag in itself.
Otherwise these are good answers I think
So you don't want to talk about it?
It's just a music genre. I like music without lyrics and metal and post rock fit that part pretty well. Like this:
It's just a wall of noise and sometimes I'm in the mood for that.
I'm not OP but I feel inferior on an intellectual basis to most people. Also the fact I still don't have a career in my late 20s makes me feel pretty bad. It's a mix of a lot of factors but I always was the shy silent nerd my whole life. I've only recently started to feel better about myself.
There's a difference between liking metal and being metal. Metal, like a lot of other genres tends to breed a specific persona. I like metal too but I have a much different relationships with metal heads. I don't think liking metal in and of itself is a red flag but I've had a lot of partners that absolutely despised the music and I can't necessarily blame them.
I'm learning music theory, reading books, writing, learning about lots of stuff, sometimes chilling with some friends on voice chat and playing games, idk.
Yes, I've been told I was very big. And the only girl I've ever had sex with (within a long-term relationship) could barely fit it at first.
I'm composing/learning to compose. I used to play the drums and now I'm self-learning piano. I listen to a wide variety of stuff from classical music to vidya ost and 60's psyche-rock.
I want to write and compose masterpieces. I am also looking to start some blogging business because doing great art doesn't pay muh in this day and age. Not taking a vacation until I make money.
I'm dressed in an old-fashioned kind of way that makes me somehow stand-out I guess.
I've learned how dumb the smart people are while in college, there's very few people you should ever feel intellectually inferior to. People progress at different paces, have different paths. Your own long-term goals to work towards little by little.
For real though, I used to think metal was only Slayer and shit, then I found out it's way more varied and I'm really glad I got into it. Like how the hell are Ghost and Slayer grouped together?
Well I do struggle with seemingly simple shit sometimes. I don't think I'm stupid but I have issues grasping things. Where others think about questions and details I just take in what I hear.
fuck we should make a separate thread for this:
someone compile a good list of questions. each of us answers the questions and then anons can tell us whether we are attractive/what we should work on, or give advice in general
anyone wanna do this?
this has a lot of potential. Could even become a regular thread.
this is me by the way
i lift/swim, read sci-fi, play video games, try to write, and study math. im a bit of a loner so no social hobbies
a little less than 7 inches but im fat (working on the fat part)
yes, but im still trying to figure out what i really like. so far i listen to classic rock and hip-hop, recommendations appreciated! i can play the piano by ear and im learning how to (actually) play the guitar
i want to be a mathematician and a writer. i want to be really strong and fast too. (i was pretty unalthletic growing up). i dont vacation much so i dont know about that
if i knew i wouldnt be here
honestly, i dont know much about people to tell you that. again, im a bit of a lone wolf
cool, now we just need help making the questions
rules include no pictures. its an important thing to consider when trying to get a date, but we're trying to judge personality traits
where are you learning music theory?
There's a blessed music teacher who made an entire youtube channel dedicated to harmony courses with hundred hours of videos but it's in french.
fucking hell
is there an english teacher too or will i have to learn french
I have no idea, I haven't looked into english ones. There are probably some online formations though but idk how much that'd cost.
>i want to be a mathematician and a writer.
How are you going about it? That's exactly what I want to do, but I'm going into CS because I was told by several mathematician that math is a dead end.
im doing comp eng and math, math is more of a hobby for me. honestly i dont know what ill be doing with math though. i just really like the subject and i figured ill be able to make it work if i put my heart to it. if it doesnt ill just be an engineer
Are you silly, funny or playful a lot? What are your hobbies? Are you always learning? Are you straightforward and honest? Are you confident? These are all important to me.
we're pretty much in the same boat. My plan is to make enough money to retire early as mathematician.
Reviewbruh is that you?
I have no idea who that is.
He's a youtuber, reviews fast food.
Actual channel is TheReportofTheWeek
Why am I watching a guy in a suit eating a burger, wtf does this have to do with me
Worry. Play games. Socialize. Clean.
Only the biggest
I need to find another band other than death grips
Goals are to get a job I enjoy, become skilled in some profession and read good books and create art. Haven't been to Britain yet.
How uncomfortable I look.
On average sure, but that doesn't mean women don't like to play games or a potential one wouldn't enjoy playing games with you as a veteran or a novice. Honestly just from this exchange I wouldn't even really wanna be friends with you. You gotta chill out and be cool, man
did this thread ever get made?
Someone will always be smarter at some things, it just means you have to put in more effort. I put in more effort, research ahead of time, its partly why people think I'm smart.
That's true and it's somethibg I accept. I don't want need to be the number 1. It's just constant self doubt if I'm good enough, will I seem stupid etc. Affects talking to women too. Since I feel I'm inferior to other men. Why should they pick me?
Fucking brag about it
Another femanon here. You sound awesome, are you finding it difficult to date? What's the deal?
idk all the metal heads I know are the most chill human beings in existence.
>all these "above average", "only seven inches" replies
Time for some honesty. I'm 4.5 inches.
Video games, browse internet, workout. I'd like to go hiking but have no one to do it with. Anxiety prevents me from doing some things.
I'd say average length but above average girth.
I love music. I can listen to rap, rock, metal and even some country. I've been to a few concerts.
I would like to create music eventually. I'm going to start taking classes to become an IT guy. I'm not even thinking about vacations until I'm successful.
I'm a redhead :(
Yeah I'd do more stuff if I had people for it. I'd love to go on a hiking or camping trip.
About what? If its the smart part I'm not, aka "people think I am" or maybe they are just being nice.
That's extremely subjective. Someone will love you. If you're a fat ugly autist it's likely going to be a fat ugly autist.
Yeah, I am, lol. Thanks. This actually kind of sums up my problem: girls like me, guys don't.
Physically I appeal more to girls too. I have short hair, dress androgynously, and rarely wear makeup. I'm willing to wear more makeup, I'm just lazy. I'm not willing to grow out my hair or dress differently for guys though, even if it means being forever alone.
Pls be my smart gf.
Back to r9k
Your hobbies and interests are pretty much ideal for me as a nerdy guy. I've been into girls with short hair and/or androgynous clothes but obviously not all guys will be. But I find the fact that you won't change that for other people is attractive. Makeup could help attract more guys and make your look a bit more feminine
no, ill make one soon
Your procrastination is why you don't have a gf, user.
Late post but have you ever heard of a website called Twine? It's like an open-source game creator with text, sounds like it'd be up your ally. Also, i'm a guy and I get annoyed by Fortnite kiddies too.
The real gamers play dota :^)
>game engine
Can we not do this shit? Honestly Little Big Planet is more of an actual game engine than Twine.
THREAD HERE: Godspeed anons. I hope we all find love! :)
I have played some Twine games, yeah! I love that stuff because it's usually the product of one person
I also play interactive fiction, both the older stuff and the newer stuff. A Mind Forever Voyaging (an old infocom game) is one of my favorites ever.
I play basketball
Above average
I'm shit at remembering songs because I dont have any way of listening, no conputer and my phone doesnt have an aux
I want to be rich and bring about change to the way this world is ran
Long hair, big wallet for my age, not a whole lot else
"My personality is 'I lift'" / 10
I like how active of a person you are!