How do you let go of an embarrassing moment and stop beating yourself up over it?

How do you let go of an embarrassing moment and stop beating yourself up over it?

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Stop idealizing yourself. You stopped being perfect years ago, and can now afford to make mistakes every now and then.

the last time we had someone perfect we nailed him to a tree

I definitely don't have an inflated enough ego to believe I'm perfect. I think the thing that eats me is how other people might judge me because of what happened. I constantly think about that.

They stop caring ~5min after it stops being socially beneficial to comment on it.

why don't you just tell us what happened?


I have shit memory and everyday is just a haze for me so when something embarassing happens I don't even know if it was a figment of my imagination or if it actually happened

Over time everything can be forgotten.
Just make you distract yourself everytime you remember it.
If you are that desperate to forget however it might be wiser to camp in the most dangerous jungle on earth.
That way all you will be thinking about is survival.

>That way all you will be thinking about is survival.
Too much of a beanboy for that. And I've tried distracting myself, I've been looking for work since I literally stopped going to the office I worked at when this whole thing went down. Thing is there's always lulls in the day though, you gotta put your head to a pill eventually. And that's when all the thoughts surface.

Pillow I meant to say.

Tire yourself through out the day so you can sleep instantly with out thinking too much

Depending on how bad the memory is fucking you up, perhaps seek therapy if you can afford it or if it's free in your country?

I know how you feel, once I called the teacher mommy and I haven’t recovered since

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That's not so bad. What I did was far more retarded. My coworker asked me a series of questions to test my wit just fot fun during a date. Its my own fault really, I kept telling her what an idiot I was every time she brought up politics. But she was so sure I was some sort of secret intellectual because I never talk at work. So anyway I got all the questions wrong. Buts it's fine the mood was still light we're still goofing off. Then she gets to the last question. She asks me what the capital of Pennsylvania is, now I've lived here the last 8 years, I should know this... I said Pittsburg. She looks at me with scorn that could melt your face and she says Are you fucking retarded?

Thanks for this one

I just might. Nothing I do on my own is working. I ended up breaking night again. I can't even sleep properly anymore, I'm that fucked up over this. I've been thinking of just topping myself honestly


Look around you. Sooner or later you'll se a friend make an ass of himself in some way. And here's the important part - watch how quickly everyone else forgets about it and moves on to the next item of gossip.

Everyone but you forgot your gaffe a long time ago.

You mean it's NOT Pittsburgh?

You might have mild PTSD, not kidding. Go to a doctor for a real diagnosis though.

People tend to be too self involved to give much thought to something you did. (if that helps).

>I said Pittsburg

In my defense, Pittsburg sounds really similar to Harrisburg.