Is marlon brando the ultimate aryan?

pro-tip: yes.
also, why do people mistake nordoid mugs for the hellenic master race's physical features? they are completely different.

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I'm pretty sure Marlon Brando was of Northwest European origin, you italinigger.

Brando was half italian half turk


he was literally gay

you know marlon brando was a closeted fag, right?

He also named the jew on Larry king.
Saw it live, larry kings face went white as a sheet.

pic related straight from nazi races chart.
on the other hand, prominent forehead, sunken eyes, anemic skin, and so on are the obvious signs of your cuckedness, snow nigger. what footsteps did danes leave in histroy? what will you be remebered for, say, in 1.000 years? nothing.

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don't give a literal shit. loathing homosexuality (i said homosexuality, not faggotry) is a jewish thing.

>the proud medshit boydiddler

Modern Italians are just Moorish rapebabies. Ancient Rome was a lot more Nordic in stock, the Caesars would be considered Germanic or Nordic by today's standards. Most Roman emperors and nobles back then had blonde or red hair.

The achievements and contributions of Italy is a thing of the past; before the Moorish plebeians ethnically replaced the Nordic patricians in your country.

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> created with
imagine being this obtuse to believe people would have believed in it.
i also notice some certain jewish touch in this mystifying attitude.
btw arabs and moors never put one single foot in italy, not as conquerers nor as traders, except for an isle.
thank god im not born a fucking dumb snow nigger.

Why are you such a faggot user? What is your problem?

even if it was true (which it's not) scientific reasearch is measured by the number of published papers, but by their relevance. and when franch and italian importance in the international scenario faded, that is after the ww2, we imporved just technology and "gender studies" , not our knowledge in physics or our art. and that's the palin truth. we will be surpassed by the chinese because they can replicate our technology , and more efficently than us , while we on the other hand can't do our (med, NOT nordoid) magic again, which was unceasing discovery

like aristoteles ,platon and every phylosophers that built the base of the west?or the ones that started the reinassance?or the ones who develop fascism as ideology that you will embrace later on ?
shut up already ridiculous faggot

* not
* french



Even m00tg00k agrees with me.

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or the ones who developed the first nuclear plant?
or the inventor of phone?
or telegraph?

What are you such a faggot user? What is your problem?

Germans, Anglo-Saxons and in part the French led the world into the modern age. Not Meds and not Scandinavians. However especially Sweden contributed. Per capita Denmark-Norway relatively too.

the inventor alongside oppenheimer and einstein of the nuclear power

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You people are so sheltered an dumb. Marlon brando sucked nigger dick. Google Brando and richard pryor.

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and for the ones that say that were nordic emperors
no they werent nordic you fucking retards some of the emperors were blonde 17/180 to be exact ,they were alpinic with italian type face but blonde

you are just ignorant. was galileo , the inventor of physics, anglo-saxon? most of modern (i mean after 1600) non-jewish physicists and mathematicians are french, while some anglosaxons succeeded in science for the same reason why jews did: their wealth. which has nothing to do with intelligence and much with greed. but nordic wealth lacks the basis themselves for its own existence, and that's why china is getting wealthier and wealthier and europe os getting poorer and poorer. any mongoloid can improve technogy, therefore wealth, while you need master race DNA to improve knowlwdge.


Why do you reply as if I think that great Italians don't exist?

I'm simply pointing out that it's Germanics for the most part that have proved themselves in the modern age, up until now where we are destroying ourselves (with great help from certain elements), while Italians (not Greeks and Spaniards, so not Meds in general) are trying to save yourself.

>most of modern (i mean after 1600) non-jewish physicists and mathematicians are french

Simply bullshit. Germans and Anglo-Saxons were also leaders in Physics. Newton, Planck, Heisenberg etc.

>Succeeded in science because of wealth
Dumbest thing I have read all day. As if wealth itself create great minds.

>but nordic wealth lacks the basis themselves for its own existence

Nordic wealth comes directly from the mind of the Nordic people. Our wealth was not given to us. More bullshit from a faggot.


Pretty sure Brando plowed Sammy Davis Jr

Incorrect. He was mainly hetero - he got so much pussy he got bored and was bi-curious for a while - had a bit of gay experimentation and that was it. In any case Brando was never a faggot - even if he had been 100% gay - which he wasnt

He was a faggot

underage virgin

K fag

>Brando enjoyed a bizarre friendship with Michael Jackson, after being hired by the pop star to give him acting lessons. The actor was in attendance at one of Jackson’s concerts on September 11th 2001 along with fellow guest of honour, Elizabeth Taylor. When the Twin Towers were struck, Jacko insisted that the stars flee New York for California as they could potentially be considered terrorist targets. Unbelievably, the only way they were able to do this was to take a car out of the city, which they drove themselves, without any PRs or publicists, managing to get as far as Ohio. Allegedly, Taylor and Jackson were annoyed at Brando’s constant requests to stop at every KFC and fast food joint they passed along the way.

>Actor Ed Begley Jr, a famous proponent of alternative energy sources, spoke at Brando's memorial service in 2004, telling a story of the time Brando informed him of his desire to harness the power of electric eels.

>According to Begley Jr, he was summoned to Brando's house to discuss an "urgent matter." When he arrived, Brando excitedly informed him of his goal to gather thousands of electric eels in his swimming pool to power his house. When Begley Jr. seemed skeptical, Brando replied: “Everything’s no with you.”

>Still, Brando collected some eels on the island he owned in Tahiti. One day, while he was cleaning their tank, Brando stored the eels in his swimming pool. His son brought a girlfriend over to swim, she jumped into the pool with the eels, and got shocked to hard she went flying into the air, away from the water. Everyone was fine in the end.

He was also a faggot or at least bi but....yeah sure whatever.

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>He reputedly suggested that his cameo role as Jor-El in Superman (1978) be done by him in voice-over only, with the character's image onscreen being a glowing, levitating green bagel. Unsure if Brando was joking or not, the film's producers formally rejected the suggestion.

>Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) costumer James Taylor claimed that Brando split the seat on 52 pairs of pants during the shooting of the film, necessitating that stretch fabric be sewn into his replacement duds. He split those, too. Ice cream was the culprit: Brando would purloin a five-gallon tub of the fattening dessert, row himself out into the lagoon and indulge.

>It was reported during the filming of The Missouri Breaks (1976) that the environmentally sensitive Brando fished a frog out of a pond, took a huge bite out of the hapless amphibian, and threw it back into the drink.

The Hollywood Jews let Marlon work again after he apologised for saying Jews run Hollywood.

Stop swooning. Tits or gtfo.

>While filming The Godfather, Francois Ford Coppola described Brando as walking throughout the set at random, hitting a giant gong he had brought with him every time someone spoke a sentence that ended in a question mark.

>Frank Sinatra loathed the non-singing Marlon Brando for getting the starring role, while Sinatra got a lesser part. His nickname for the sometimes barely coherent Brando was "Mumbles."

>After filming repeated takes of the scene where Sky (Marlon Brando) and Nathan (Frank Sinatra) first meet, they had to quit for the day when Sinatra had eaten too much cheesecake. He said he could not take one more bite. Practical joker (some would say jerk) Brando, knowing how much Sinatra hated cheesecake, purposely flubbed each take so that Sinatra would have to eat piece after piece of cheesecake. The next day, they came back and shot the scene perfectly on the first take.

>Marlon Brando had a used Volkswagen Beetle he purchased and used solely for late night runs to Pink's hot dog stand on Melrose and La Brea. The inconspicuous red beetle was parked at a sympathetic neighbors home near Brando's Hollywood hills residence in order to conceal Brando's late night snack runs from his second wife, Movita. Brando would sneak out of his home, walk to his parked car, and drive down to the hot dog stand where he would reportedly order a dozen or more hot dogs at each visit. Eventually, the neighbor had to call the authorities and have the Brando hot dog beetle removed from their property as Brando would simply toss the waste into the back seat, resulting in a beetle filled with countless soiled hot dog wrappers, and hundreds of partially consumed hot dog parts all rotting in the back seat of the car. The smell of rotting hot dogs eventually became overwhelming, however, Brando continued to use the car regardless, and failed to either clean or remove the car from the premises, resulting in the need for police to intervene on behalf of the neighbor to remove the car.

>Brando was very competitive, and in 1968 he appeared at a party celebrating Oscar nominations in which Paul Newman was in attendance with his wife Joanne Woodward. Brando approached Newman and began a conversation that eventually became very heated, resulting in Brando being heard shouting at Newman "You're a phony!" and walking away.
>Later that evening Brando stood on a table and challenged Newman to an egg eating contest, which was what the character Newman played in "Cool Hand Luke" was depicted doing in his recent film. Newman ignored this challenge.
>Undeterred, Brando had somebody from his entourage bring him dozens of hard boiled eggs, and started the competition without Newman. He kept count loudly as he ate the eggs, while mocking and insulting Newman constantly, "21 Newman! 21 eggs! You can't eat 21 eggs Newman, because you're a phony! I'm better than you Newman!"
>Eventually, Brando consumed 51 eggs before being removed from the party, 1 more than Newman's character did in Cool Hand Luke. As he was being escorted out, he reportedly said "I beat you Newman! 51 eggs! You couldn't eat 51 eggs Newman, because you're a phony. I'm better than you Newman, and anyone you can even pretend to be, and I always will be! Don't you ever forget that!"

Moar marlon posting pls

>It was Marlon Brando's idea for Doctor Moreau to wear an ice-bucket on his head in one scene. He came up with the idea out of boredom and because of the heat. Everyone was too afraid to ask him to remove it.

>In The Island of Dr. Moreau Marlon Brando wore a small radio receiver to aid him remembering his lines. Co-Star David Thewlis claimed "He'd be in the middle of a scene and suddenly he'd be picking up police messages and Marlon would repeat, 'There's a robbery at Woolworths'."

He was a faggot, that makes him not european

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Don’t forget he named the Jew. Marlon Brando is 100% /our guy/.
>”very godamned angry at the Jews”

kilmer defending brando for dr moreau, top bro:

Speaking about working with Brando, Kilmer said: “Brando was everything you want the major icon in your world to be, a genius and a gentleman. I was getting divorced at the time and he was so gracious about offering me time and considered thought. He offered to call my ex on behalf of the children.

“He was one of the funniest men on earth. I still laugh out loud about some of the things he said and did. I mean he literally wore a salad bowl over his head.

“Much has been said about how awful the experience was. There were several embarrassed execs who made it seem worse than it was… because the film was so poorly received, and the replacement director was desperate for a comeback and blamed me for the film’s failure which doesn’t hold water when you watch it because I die in the film and the whole last half is just as bad as when I was alive so how could I have made stuff I wasn’t in not work? Doesn’t make any sense.

“I worked like a dog to make that film as entertaining as I could because it was such a privilege to work with the greatest. He was not really respected tho and the film suffered greatly by not taking his suggestions.

“He always took major chances and that true daring always makes people nervous. He would improv, which I love, but they wouldn’t film it or use what often did do. To be that great and that misunderstood. So sad… But I am so glad I did it.

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