Elon Musk agreed to host Meme Review if Dawkins helped him
Make it happen boys
Elon Musk agreed to host Meme Review if Dawkins helped him
Make it happen boys
i don't get it
Ligma balls lmao
i'm sure you'd say that to me in person
Pewds is a Nazbol commie promoted by the (((DailyStormer))).
>Here he is singing the Communist National Anthem:
>And here he is cucking out by denouncing E;R:
>He defends anti-white Sargon here:
If you're following ecelebs in the current year YOU are why white genocide continues. Kill yourself and get it over with.
Ligma balls meme flag street shitter
lol why do you say it ligma balls ... like why
so people think pubes is based and redpilled but he is just one of them(?)
I don't think daily stormer is Jewish. But then brother nathaniel is good, so is liberty report. There is some good e-celebs
based boomer
just sent this to elon (he probably wont see it tho..)
This is Jow Forums, literally everything is the jews. Even Hitler.
Dont get me wrong i hate whitey with passion but what i wouldnt give to see pewdiepie moan with pleasure and make an ahegao face while i tenderly anally probe him
damn you're one of the dudes who fell for the meme, in the wild
Kek there are some people here who unironically believe that Hitler was a jews or/and the nazis were a jewish plot.
top kek ligma balls
Moarpheus pls
who /ligma balls/ here?
Fuck off Moarpheus
Comment on the thread in OP
Elon specifically gave his requirements for hosting MEME REVIEW and will read the top replies to that
As long as he consciously consents, I can allow this
which he wouldn't, hes clearly a top....or bottom
whichever one puts the penis in the other person you know what i mean
I don't like your undertones, like you want to make fun of clear facts
Buttholes don't self lubricate and smell like poop
I believe I shall always prefer the vagina to the asshole
Sounds legit
>vaginas are clean & dont smell
>now let me proceed to lick the hole that thousands of cocks have been in
okay cuck
>Hitler was a Roth
Guess the whole family needs to lose a world war and shoot themselves then.
>Going down on a hoe I just started fugging
Wtf do you think I am? A drunk college degenerate? Kys
>being this obsessed with a millionaire e-celeb
just end your sad life famalam
Felix Kjell(((berg)))
Why are gays so gay?
Now I can see why they were thrown into bogs in antiquity.
whatever faggot
you're a slave to women the same way sand people are a slave to their sand book
Berg means mountain, you deluded shills.
Told the last few grills I been with to block my number
Only ever seriously dated 1 chick that really put in the effort
wow you're a real chad & im sure this is all true
bumping because slide threads 24/7
>mfw a PewDiePie thread is the most intelligent and relevant thread on Jow Forums
until some humans happen to log into Jow Forums this morning I guess I'm talking to myself.
>Venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya once recalled his work with Facebook this way: “We trumpeted [our platform] like it was some hot-shit big deal. And I remember when we raised money from Bill Gates…And Gates said something along the lines of, ‘That’s a crock of shit. This isn’t a ‘platform.’ A platform is when the economic value of everybody that uses it exceeds the value of the company that creates it.
That makes me wonder if Jow Forums is a platform? clearly it is for the bots.
Let me guess, Pewds is jewish too, right?
>not marrying a virgin
>Finding a beautiful virgin in CA
Yeah um where?
That makes me chad?
I guess everybody can be chad if they try hard enough then