Much stock market plunge

>much stock market plunge

I’m poor as fuck. I actually envy poor people, I literally have wet dreams of becoming broke.

Why should a poorfag give a single fuck about the Economy?.

Convince me this “crash” is bad for me.

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Lol wtf. This was supposed to be a response to a pot I can’t find now, but whatever muskfags are the dumbest people on the planet so this should be good.

>I’m poor as fuck. I actually envy poor people, I literally have wet dreams of becoming broke.
Grow the fuck up.

The honest truth is you are right which is why neets exist.

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>subsist on a few hundred dollarydoos a week
>still have everything I could want and need

people are dumb and money is proof of that. when the economy collapses, I will survive not because of my gold stockpile, but because I have practicable skills. Programmers, nerds & tumblrinas btfo.

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Poorfag here
i wish i had money

I hope it absolutely gets destroyed. Then I can put money in it, sit back, and watch it grow massively over the next ten years.

these are NOT the same thing.

Stock market was pumped up with Federal Reserve QE money.
Truth is the economy NEVER left the toilet.

It's the human mistake we all make, normalizing our own position as general concerns whilst dismissing and diminishing others experiences that go counter to our own.

All these articles about "Trump is bad for economy" or "Brexit will collapse the economy" etc. are written by people who have funds invested into the current system. People who are in a similar position read that and agree shouting "yeah that's the truth!"

Meanwhile, all agitation about the system comes from people that are already are being shafted by the current system. As such, for them any threat of economic hardship is meaningless as this is the reality that they are already living. Therefore, when they read news in the paper from globalists decrying they call it "lies"!

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Shorting this market is fucking glorious.
Just worried I'm gonna get bounced on.

>I will survive not because of my gold stockpile, but because I have practicable skills. Programmers, nerds & tumblrinas btfo.
fuck you i can make bracelets for the post-apocalyptic trans girls

Ready for tips. FYI I can’t sit down for more than 30 minutes without discomort and can’t ven cut my own food without being in pain for the rest of the night.

Worth adding I long for death but my entire existence is a subjective equation between my longing for sweet, sweet death and how my contemporaries would respond to my absense.

Don’t get me wrong, if I didn’t know anybody I would set landspeed records for suicide. People would be in awe for mellenia

There is no rational objective reason for life, you have to find your own. Find something that motivates you AND incorporates the wishes and desires of those that care about you. If you have found that, the thoughts of suicide will evaporate, as other more meaningful pursuits will occupy your mind in the pursuit of your goals.

this guy reflects on that dynamic pretty well in the first 20 minutes of the interview

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>Convince me this “crash” is bad for me
You're right that poorfags have nothing to lose and richfags have everything to lose. These are the two demographics that would want things to change, economically, during a crash.

Unfortunately this arrays you both against the middle class, which is still out there, and would benefit the most from crashes taking money out of (((the stock market))) and thus out of circulation, meaning the actual things they own like houses and machinery are now worth more, relatively.

You would basically be allying with people that think you are scum and vice versa, against the majority, for no other reason than apathy.

>There is no rational objective reason for life,

Fuck off retarded atheist, even basic bitch deists can figure out what you are missing,
Stop lying to yourself.

I dream most of my days that I would give all my posessions to charity and become ascetic, like Diogenes or Buddha. But I don't have the balls to do it.

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>Why should a poorfag give a single fuck about the Economy?.

There is no reason.
As a mid-twenties guy ,I have no notable savings, no real estate,just a bit of student debt.
Since the (((financial system))) has absolutely no relation to real productivity. its crash would mean a big win for me.
Productivity is at an all time high, there is enough food, housing and everything else to go around, and the current ystems crash will simply make that clear to everyone , tht theses things are soleley denied to them through some banker retards fucking up their virtul accounts, that have no relation to actual economy anymore.
The current financial system collapsing is the most beautiful thing I can imagine.
To me it just means that I will be able to pay back my student debt with chump change and buy a house at a price that is not ridicoulusly overinfllated. .

You clearly live off of someone or government gibs, all that will go away and you will be left a talentless, skilless deadweight and you will slowly rot away.

Know that in the end you will not be dismissed peacefully and quietly, everyone will feel your decay and smell your stench and you will be despised and shunned until you uncerimoniously pass away.

if you want to improve yourself realize how small you are in this bigger picture

what a nice dream world you live in.

fiat is a death sentence. your country already made that choice.

>what a nice dream world you live in.

Please do enlighten me.
How will the economical crash negatively impact my life?
The current financial economy is essentially an entirely made up construct.
All I can see is that a crash will force a return to a reality-based economy. Either that, or have condistions deteriorate to a point where you have mass uprisings of starving people.

It's only bad for faggots with stocks, who are some of the worst people on the planet, pretty much kikes. Let them cry about losing their money and hopefully an hero

literally get an education and a job and stop coming here nigger

I'ma jew and have my hands in many different parts of this market. While this shit sucks right now, I'm not going to be the one laid off and searching for new work.

>why should I give a single fuck about economy

You’re welfare checks will get bounced poorfag then you’ll starve to death

14 year walmart associate poorfag reporting in. If the last recession was an indicator in what can happen during an economic downturn, I dont ever want it to return. Overtime was non-existant and the Walmart radio Overnights show with Tom Ledabrand was axed. Never again.

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The more I hear Germans speak the more I understand why your country is so fucked up and despicable. Your education system and government has completely failed you. Entire generations of your country have somehow grown up completely retarded. You German NEETS are worse than Japanese Otakus. Truly there is no end to German idiocy and degeneracy, as far back in history as you can look I have never heard of worse people.

>caring THIS much about the approval of normalfags
Wow is this literally your first day here, or...?

>economic crash
The potential inflationary death spiral and stagflation.

>The number generating pokies trading house should have crashed years ago
>relying on the mere movement of arbitrary ratios to generate economic activity and wealth

The house always wins.

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>But I don't have the balls to do it.
Because you're not Christian.

Finishing my masters now and already have a job secured for after , thanks

Besides spewing am bunch of insults , yould you actually put forth arguments how the devaluing of already worthless and mostly virtual paper money will be bad?

You simply presume that millions of people starving due to the current system will not result in any change - despite the very obvious fact that this starvation and poverty are entirely artificial and not based on any real lack whatsoever. Its just a system malfunction within a system lead by incompetent retards and greedy cunts, nothing else.
The most logical course of action is to reboot the entire system and/or enact some significant changes to it.
If your computer gets a bluescreen, do you just sit in front of it and stare at the screen while lamenting that you computer does not work?
No, you reinstall you OS: The same things needs to be done to the global economy, and will be done simply because there is no other option.

This isn't the crash of 2008 - you can't just gloss over it and start printing money to delay the next crash. The repercussions of this one will be far too harsh for that.

>there's nothing wrong with the system it just needs a reboot

No as you say its full of retards and cunts. What you need is either a) a wholesale replacement of the people in it so that you have competent and reasonable people in the system or b) you somehow make everyone competent and reasonable

Just as a blue screen indicates an error it can also indicate something is fundamentally broken. Rebooting the system only allows it to blue screen again.

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I just have food, a place to live and small comforts. If this whole imaginary jewshit crashes nothing happens to me.

It’s not. Since you have money, and aren’t retarded, you will for sure buy as much stock as you can when the market bottoms out, profiting immensely when the markets pick back up.
Sucks to be smart, but 700 hp of American muscle under my butt everyday is ok I guess.

Retards don’t understand that the drop is still within a net increase from the 2016 milestone, MSM and basically all propagandists purposefully neglects this in their reporting

> American muscle under my butt
What's his name you fucking faggot. Lol kys

Mods are gay

That crash is actually good for poor people, since room becomes open for small business. Stocks are only big business and Dow Jones is the biggest business.

If it ain't "Orange man is BAD!" they aren't interested. So very sad.

lol good1. I ain’t even mad

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Yeah, I worded that badly.
What you say is what I mean with reboot.

And thats why I'm convinced a massive crash is the best thing that can happen, because it will reveal how nonfunctional the current system is.

>Retards don’t understand that the drop is still within a net increase from the 2016 milestone

An increase built on printed money, unchecked balances, overinflated values and audits that never happened.

If you don't have "skin in the game", then the only thing you can lose is your job. If you're a NEET, then nothing. Even in times of recession, giebs do not end in developed countries. Of course, if it ever goes past that point, then it means you stop getting free shit.

>sources needed

Well, just name one single thing that has been done to effectively prevent a repetition of the crash of 2008.
Austerity maybe? Lol.