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What is the final solution on Obesity?
Camden Thomas
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Brody King
jam jum glei kak se pravi
Blake Clark
bread lines
Evan Sanchez
the presence of fat people indicates that there exists a welfare state or at least a small family of enablers. it's mathematically impossible otherwise.
Thomas Harris
And there was me thinking it just implied a surplus of food
Jonathan Parker
But in a Technological advance Capitalist country it's almost hard to lose weight since we require less work?
Hudson Kelly
Wyatt Hughes
why all are white nationalists in murica and canada obese. well probably one reason is that they have wifes or gfs who cook for them just like mommy does for pol autists while communists eat shitty mcdonalds food. dr Duke 2020
David Campbell
food rationing.
Charles Long
walking, a lot
Jackson Price
fat shaming.
Owen Stewart
Jew trick does not work
Angel Jones
Anthony Morales
counting calories
Brandon Diaz
Nolan Brooks
-reduction in carbohydrates
-reduction in processed foods
-increase in vegetables
-increase in fatty meats (fish, steak, offal)
-regular (daily) aerobic activity
-regular (3x weekly) anaerobic activity
-adoption of physically involved hobby
>playing a sport if nothing else, not watching
>firearms training for the men
>ballet/gymnastics for the ladies
Jack Gutierrez
>firearms training
Brody Butler
Remove capitalism, compulsory work camps now!
Gavin Garcia
In his case less cheese and retarded girls
Julian Hill
Same as druggies, whores, and other leftists.
Forced labor camps where their wages, after paying for the camps operations, is returned to the tax coffers. This will lessen the tax burden on the rest of us
Jeremiah Turner
Removal of government aid in the case any family member is obese. Including disability and health insurance, food stamps etc.
Jackson Powell
Extreme cases; liposuction and gastric band surgery. With closely monitored nutrition regime to prevent shock and cravings.
Moderate cases; restricted diet and intense exercise
Lighter cases; change diet and lifestyle
Tyler Adams
Matthew Adams
Remove all govt programs if you're obese or someone in your household is obese. Simple. This includes disability
Juan Perry
Robert Ramirez
Isn't JF 5'4?
Daniel Diaz
no, a surplus of appetite has to go with it. the person has to want to eat too much. sometimes it's addiction, and they say their mummy made them clean their plate so many times it became automatic. other times it's a family member forcing them to eat, or providing poor nutrition out of spite.
other times, it's just career. if you do a "poor health" job like sitting inside all day on a PC, then your free time will be wasted at a gym! it's the supreme dilemma of anyone who thinks they are a smart cookie but is really just physically lazy due to family abuse or their own idiocy.
Noah Cox
Fat tax after your body fat percentage goes over a certain point.
Jacob Morris
Oh fuck.
Isaac Harris
Isn't Canada undergoing a food price inflation or something how can you even fat on that country?
Michael Stewart
Isaiah Morgan
Ironically the answer is the cessation of sugar production which would also fix the Everglades gulf of Mexico problem.
James Carter
>What is the final solution on Obesity?
>How y'all doin'?
The new season of My 600lb Life starts 1/2/19 on TLC.
Owen Nguyen
That's all you have to do. Fast regularly. You know, like a real human.
If you can't do 3 days without food or water you're a weak-willed subhuman.
Oliver Cruz
Man, he is getting really fat. I remember like 6 months ago he didn't have a big ass double chin.
Mason Jones
low IQ and food surplus. Smart people know to take care of their bodies.
Jaxson Hill
Should add,
-caloric deficit
Lucas Torres
>not ballet/gymnastics for men also
amerilard with zero flexibility detected
Connor Smith
Let it happen. A world of fatties with AIDS means population growth in the third world will hit a hard ceiling around 2050 as complications from having both AIDS and DIABEETUS kills off niggers faster than they can breed new ones. Obesity will literally save the world, Ronald McDonald is a white supremacist.
The population of obese ghanaians has rapidly increased to nearly 20% of the total. Even without welfare states, obesity in Africa in general is skyrocketing.
Andrew Gray
Have niggers chase fatties
Camden Perry
>not ballet/gymnastics for men also
to be honest there's nothing wrong with ballet and gymnastics but for me it looks gay to see men do it.
Jason Gutierrez
mind uploading through whole brain emulation
it is the final solution to all disease. it is all that matters, now.
Colton Ward
>Implying it hasn't already happened
Anthony Price
Bentley Parker
We could generate electric power from people running on treadmills and let them keep a percentage of the profits or gain some other benefits as an incentive to increase mobility in a world that would require it less.
Also we should introduce the cars from the flintstones as mandatory to increase running and reduce carbon emissions.
Brandon Williams
Cameron Howard
Add a small amount of poison to all the processed foods. One that can be filtered out by the body, but becomes lethal in higher doses.
Fat people, since they eat more, will ingest more of the poison, surpassing the lethality threshold, dying off.
All the skinny people will live, and then we can "un-poison" the food, as we have cured the population of the obese ham-planets.
Nathan Nelson
Fat guy here. I intend to die in the next 20 years.
Henry Wright
lot of white boomers will die especially americans
Joshua Lewis
What is your point?
Thomas Green
What language is this
Juan Rivera
>3 days without water
yeah thats really smart you fucking brainlet
Ayden Davis
not killing more of our men and women also you're unrealistic
Parker Morgan
something like naltrexone that'll block the feel-good chemicals that fatties receive when they overeat
Josiah Cox
Introduction of a calorie weekly limit for food purchases for every fat person, making it illegal to sell them any type of food or drinks above the weekly calorie quota. Also enforced gym sessions.
Aiden Garcia
Charles Reed
don't eat breakfast
Christopher Miller
FAT SHAMING. If people knew they couldn't get away with being fat, they wouldn't even start gaining weight.
Hudson Morris
lol do you have that law in russia?
Angel Lewis
Bring back fasting on a regular basis. Also figure out how to make healthy food easier.
Jose Wilson
Put the bottle down Igor
Brandon Allen
Also maybe we can make physical training weekend clubs a thing somehow.
Nolan Green
We did have sport normatives that you had to pass in a university to continue your studies
Parker Sullivan
Sebastian Rogers
>he can't do it
lmao you fucking pussy
>he thinks it's dangerous
lmao you fucking brainlet
Ryder Jackson
enablers. ghrelin-addicts
Wyatt Myers
Eat meat and lift weights. If you eat nothing but animal products you will lose fat as fast as possible while retaining muscle if you eat enough. If you don't eat enough you will lose muscle obviously.
you don't actually need veggies or cardio or anything lifestyle related.
Sebastian Murphy
It's rising all across Africa, genius, Ghana is just an example.
Xavier Phillips
JF doens't even weight that much it's just that he's literally 5'5" freedom units. He's really really short. You can be 180 at 5'5" and it'll look the equivalent of 280 on someone who is 5'11."
Noah Jackson
has mu bibile
Liam Myers
Weight lose and the ability to control it will come your way, but only if you reply
>Not a good sign
Yeah what a pussy I bet he can't even go 20 min without breathing.
Dylan Jones
make them work in the mines digging for ore
Ryan Gonzalez
We need to breathe. We can survive 3 days without eating or drinking, you dumb retard. I've done 5 days without a hitch.
Alexander Davis
But why? I think if people are to be taken seriously when making such preposterous claims should have to post what their bodies look like.
Zachary Turner
Because I was overweight and I wanted to try it out.
There's a surprising amount of stuff on fasting, even a little bit on dry fasting. I first started on a single day without food or water, then went to two. The first day is always painful, but it becomes easier. I don't actually suggest doing it more than three days though even though you can often do it if you're overweight. Your body starts to break down fat for its water, but you'll feel like shit after 3 days.
Robert Clark
That's JF without a beard but atleast she got himself a wife or gf
Luis Long
What's the point of not drinking water? That sounds retarded
Lincoln Lee
id you to work in my illegal mine you fat fuck. your ass would be shape in less than a month
Cameron Rivera
I just covered that, your body breaks down fat for water.
Ex-fat fuck, burger, and still probably not as fat as you.
Juan Hall
Wow strange. While I never have been overweight by simply exercising and having a balanced diet I only had to experience water and caloric deficits during basic mountaineering course as a zogbot. Dr. Duke can get away with what he does because he is approaching 70 years old. If developing teens to young adults take you're advice they can hurt themselves and the prospects of what they could become. Slow and steady.
Adam Stewart
Blubber farming. Also what is that map? Jay Eff Gayiseepee's Dungeons and Dragons world?
Joshua Hill
McDonald's makes you fat.
Matthew Parker
I will still put you in my illegal iron man. maybe that will help get rid of that sass mouth of your
Jason Jenkins
Matthew Richardson
Glad to hear it. I was a lazy faggot for a while, which is how I plumped up a bit.
I don't think it was dangerous. You'd have to be stupid to mess it up, considering you're literally listening to your body.
>implying you don't want this sass mouth for yourself because you're a faggot
Jeremiah Sanders
Hudson Hughes
Hey, now this goys thinkin!
Levi Reed
is his gf retarded in some way? She talks like she's retarded. JF says "no no it's just her accent" But I've never heard an accent that makes a person sound like a legitimate retard
Lincoln Reyes
reduce sugar intake
Kayden Watson
Speak American or git the fuck out
Aaron Peterson
daftobule kandilo balicho
Jonathan Collins
Don't all Quebecois speak like that?
Nathan Nguyen
It's worse beneath the fat, processed cheap shit food destroys bowel bacteria and causes illness.
There is no reason why it should be legal to sell food full of corn syrup and all that kind of useless filler.
Zachary Reed
The final solution? Stop eating carbohydrates.
Jaxson Perry
A engineered virus that kills the host if their body fat counts for more than 15% of their mass.
Nathan Robinson
Poison the Big Macs and Whoppers