Multinational anons thread

> Father is Swedish.
> Mother is Brazilian.
> They moved to Argentina for work and I was born there.
> Less than a year later they move to Spain and I'm still a baby.
> Live in Spain for 20 years but spend the summers in Sweden with my family.
> Moved to Sweden a year and a half ago.
> I always felt more Swedish than anything else.

Any other anons have a similar confusion? What is my actual nationality?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>What's my actual nationality
Brazilian, obviously.

My turn:
>Be an anchor baby so that my Scottish mother could live in Australia with her boong boyf.

hint: I aint fukken scottish that's for sure

I'd say you're Australian. You have Australian family and you identify as Australian.

Attached: IMG_2797.jpg (425x423, 61K)

>father german mother swedish
>basically germanic-nordic Übermensch
>pic similar to me

OP not white btw

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Still, which do you feel most like? German or Swedish?

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Your nationality is always your father's, so you're Swedish. Is your mother white Brazilian?

if your Brazilian mother is a German-Brazilian like the Queen's parents and like most white Brazilians, then I'd consider your Swedish if you speak Swedish as your mother tongue without accent.

Otherwise you're just some international mutt.

I don't see how it's relevant, but no. She's half-black and looks like a stereotypical Brazilian woman.

Attached: IMG_2777.jpg (2448x3264, 1.15M)

You're Brazilian then, the typicial Swedish person isn't mixed-race.


What, you just contradicted your previous reply. Which one is it?

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I assumed your mother was white

Under Brazilian legislation you can claim nationality once you reach 18.

The eternal mutts of the world

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>I always felt more Swedish than anything else
My hamster always felt more fish, so I threw him in a lake and helped him with his identity problem. His name was Richard. RIP Richard

You're a cuck though, faggot capital of the world.

Its whatever you feel is right

Hey, my dad is also Swedish and my mom is Brazilian. Sick, dude.

Southern or Northern? Southern women are alright looking, Northern ones are mostly dumpsters.

>> I always felt more Swedish than anything else.

Can you speak Swedish?

Oh just saw that you're a mutt.

You're in for a rude awakening.

What is this phenomenon? Why Nordic men comes here to find women?
Link related:

Shitskin. kill yourself.

So my father is german and my mother portugese.
So what do you call that just european?

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So I´m a spaniard although my spanish is shitty and I´ve never lived in Spain? That´s brazilian logic for ya

Latinas are too thick.

>Father is Turkish
>Mother is Turkish

So I'm German.

I have italian, german and spanish blood, but because somebody in my family decided to marry a nigger, I look like a mongrel. It's incredible what one black sheep can cause in your heritage.
That said, I could not feel like anything else than a brazilian: we are mongrels, that's all there is to it.

>mother is Brazilian

Du bist nichtmal europäer

>Mum is Australian
>Dad is Italian

Always felt more Italian and identify with Italians more. I would still say i'm Australian if someone asked me though - I have an Australian accent and my Italian sucks ass since my dad never taught me.

That means you're a nigger. Case closed.

Whiter than you Faggot

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What is your mother's phenotype? Given foreigners mostly visit Rio and the northeast, I'll guess she's a gorilla. And what's with swedes and brazilians anyways? IIRC your queen's mother is brazilian. I mean, I wouldn't complain if this meant I get a swedish gf, but I don't. And it makes me sad to see swedes racemix.

Attached: sweden makes me cry sometimes.jpg (700x415, 116K)

>She's half-black
Oh god, why did I scroll down. For fucks sake, GET THE FUCK OUT OF SWEDEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT

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>half black
That's only a thing because of jewish subversion, I didn't see a single nigger until I was 14 or so, now our mayor is a negress(who was cohencidentally propped up out of nowhere by the media). I'm so fucking tired of niggers

>we are mongrels
*Honorary mongrels. Always remember we are not your enemy user, and being a hybrid must come with advantages

Ferpiss dich etzala aus mei'm Land
Disgusting T*rk roach

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You don't belong in Sweden, come back to Brazil. Or, better yet, go back to Africa

Attached: disgust.gif (240x228, 858K)

Born in Texas to two T*rkroaches

But rest assured, I am a 100% pure big titty machine gun hamburger eating American

In fact my great grandfather was born in Ottoman Thessaloniki and had a light complexion

>Live in Spain for 20 years


Dear fucking god, this thread is outrageous

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>Mum is Australian
Australian is a meme identity. From which European prison did her ancestors ascend?

Ugh, fucking disgusting

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>sopa de macaco calling me a mutt
I’m technically less race-mixed than you, both of my parents were Turkish

So, out of curiosity, what is your religion?

10/10 should fight in the Waffen-SS

I don’t relate at all. My father is Dutch Catholic. My mother is Dutch Catholic. I’m as pure as they come.

My parents are nominally Muslim but I’m atheist, I drink beer and fucking love bacon.

>Father is from Pakistan
>Mother is from Poland
>Lived in Croydon all my life, am 23

What does this make me Jow Forums ?


Non white

Non white

This is the best part of the one true faith if all your ancestors are European.
>t. hungarian/german and italian/irish four blend with cheese white Catholic mutt.

Oh god this thread, so many mutts and mongrels. I am literally whiter than any Muhammad on this fucking board. Pic related, 100% austrian ancestry

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Turkey is one of the most mixed countries in the world, dumb roach, steppe niggers mixed wtih all kinds of middle eastern subhumans plus peoples from Anatolia and the Balkans. And I'm from the south, so I'll venture I'm doing better than you.

Attached: turk.jpg (506x362, 52K)

I don't obsess about race, Willem

>depressed shitskin deliberately trying to act like he’s racially blind

Oh well, stay mad, shitskin

both parents are serb but i was born and raised in germany. I have to add that we are not refugees, my parents came here in the 80s as Gastkanacken.

In all honesty, i love germany just as much as i love Serbia and i have the highest respect for the german people. At least for what they used to be.

am i white?

Attached: ur gay.jpg (1600x960, 334K)

>Mother is norwegian
>Father is from le UK
>More british than anything
>Always lived in norway
>Feel more norwegian than british
Fug my life

Fuck off kike

There's very few white people on Jow Forums but everyone is a white supremacist

That's some fine leather you got there. Is that a loveseat? Can I buy it? And how much for the sweater?

My family has been German nobility for almost a thousand years with French and Swedish nobility marrying into the family on occasion.

I feel pretty German.

>american flag
>1 posts by this id
>calls me kike

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If that question bubbles up to the surface in your concious mind, then NO.

No idea what you're talking about and it seems like you are the one that's mad about something, not me.

You can stay if you help to remove kebab

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All meme flags are kikes, rabbi, show off yours if you aren’t scared.

i will, but if SHTF in Kosovo first, i´ll have to go

complete and utter memeflag faggot. Watcha doin rabbi?

Cry more, shitskin. I’m a happy Dutch white male.

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Nice need to obsess, just acknowledge. It won't just magically change you know. In the end, we'll all feel better. As a hybrid you represent something new to nature. Embrace it and show nature what a hybrid is capable of


Point to your mom in the picture

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Wtf that looks like an LA Classroom. Spics really do ruin everything.

Ok, dude

My father is portuguese (he doesn't look that he has any indigenous or black ancestry tho, but who knows), my mother is german + italian.

Are these commies? If so, she's outside with an ak waiting for the meeting to end.

>show nature what a hybrid is capable of
It works the other way around

Meanwhile in based ITA.

Attached: gazeta-do-povo-concurseiros-ita.jpg (800x528, 261K)

just be yourself. i'm 100% middle eastern and i don't know who the fuck i am.

>Mom is German
>Dad is Arab
>Born in Los Angeles
Always felt like an American bro. Being multi-racial is kinda cool, my dad's Arab genes obviously blitzkreiged my mom's poor Euro genes, but I'm a lighter shade as a result. Most people assume I'm itallian. Pretty comfy.
I just got a half black half ginger girlfriend who's hot asf, can't wait to have mixed babies and raise them to take pride in their varied background.

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Nothing wrong here.

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Oh so she's one of those BASED neocon mutts?

Attached: brasil boomer mutts.jpg (768x512, 90K)

I counted at least 10 mutts who might think they're white in that pic

No and she's not a mutt. I'm a mutt.

Everyone from São Paulo is a mutt, so everyone in that pic is a mutt.

>Being multi-racial is kinda cool
>a half black half ginger girlfriend
So your kids will be pic related but with darker and with semitic undertones.
>born in la
Not surprised in the least.

Attached: racemixing.webm (700x700, 2.9M)

>dad is swedish
>mom is brazilian
>i'm a mutt but she's not
You sure got the brazilian IQ.

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Heh, why so salty Brazil?

She's black, you surely got the Brazilian IQ.

She's Brazilian black, a mutted black. Pure blacks don't have these features.

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Good job user bacon is to good not to eat because of stories written thousands of years ago.

Hello, my turn:

My father is pure northern-italian.
My mother is berberic-morroccan.
She's however white(not that rare within berbers, they're europoids, not arabs).
I'm white af, however... wtf am i?

Explains my DNA results. Anyways, why are you so rude to me?

You are a maltese.

Because I hate racemixing and you don't belong in the US.

Is this your first day here or something? That was supposed to be representative of Brazilian IQ, fucking retard. Get the fuck out of Sweden, mutts don't belong anywhere near Scandinavia.