
In an ideal egalitarian society men will fraternize with men and women with women. And what about children? “The person who takes responsibility for the child – and someone must take responsibility for the child – needs to be obligated for certain criteria that the state should actually decide on.” The state? “No! What do you mean the state? It’s us coming together in a democracy, we all decide what it means to be a good parent,” explained Michaeli.

Subsequently, in the name of progress, perhaps the primitive practice which served our forefathers will also come to an end. Babies will be born under ideal laboratory conditions, and only under state approval. The “biological advantage” of heterosexuals, namely their ability to reproduce, will be considered a violation of the equality principle of homosexuals. After all, how will the state be able to determine whether men or women meet the required standards for becoming parents as long as they are free to become pregnant without a license?

Attached: principle.png (598x703, 295K)

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Fags deserve nothing.

Fags deserve the rope. And yes you ARE a fag if you jack off to trap hentai. Fucking degenerates spoiling Jow Forums with their homosexuality while crying about the joos spoiling women.

Can't see full text
What's this gay shit

Why is getting kids an avantage?

Duh, it's premium.

I'll post the text in a minute.

Attached: haa.png (1220x903, 517K)

“This is not funny,” said MK Merav Michaeli on an Australian TV panel last month, before going on to say: “The core family as we know it, unfortunately, is the least safe place for children.” When she was justifiably attacked in Israel for her irritating remarks, she said in her defense that her words had been taken out of context. This is the pot calling the kettle black: a perfect way of describing Michaeli’s assault on the default choices of human society is to take these choices out of their natural context.

“The data” is what led Michaeli to her conclusions. These are “the data [that] speak about every fifth child that goes to some kind of abuse – sexual, physical, emotional.” One should have seen the astonished faces of the other panel members upon hearing her words. Every normal parent in the world who has not caught the semantic disease afflicting Michaeli and her ilk understands that the “data” she possesses is not worth the paper it’s written on, regardless of its scientific validity.

Michaeli didn’t stop clucking her tongue while her fellow panel members politely defended the family institution, as if she were the journalist in the film “Crocodile Dundee,” surrounded by natives living in sub-standard conditions in the Australian bush, surrounded by crocodiles. She invited them to take an intellectual journey to the future, where she lives – Israel is, as everyone knows, the vanguard of moral progress (the occupation, after all, only corrupts the Border Police, not the feminists of Tel Aviv) – so that they could embrace modern Western hygiene not only in the bathroom unit but also in the family unit.

One needn’t be a genius to see where Michaeli’s logic leads. If we heed her quest to “break apart” the nuclear family so that marriage is broken apart from parenthood and parenthood broken apart from childbirth, we can actually assemble a new default option, an ideal one that bypasses the structural problems of the older default. We’ll then discover that the best way to combat the inherent inequality – one that favors men and that Michaeli identifies as part and parcel of the institution of marriage – is to replace the default option with same-sex marriage, which lacks the inequality that derives from the differences between men and women.

In an ideal egalitarian society men will fraternize with men and women with women. And what about children? “The person who takes responsibility for the child – and someone must take responsibility for the child – needs to be obligated for certain criteria that the state should actually decide on.” The state? “No! What do you mean the state? It’s us coming together in a democracy, we all decide what it means to be a good parent,” explained Michaeli.

Subsequently, in the name of progress, perhaps the primitive practice which served our forefathers will also come to an end. Babies will be born under ideal laboratory conditions, and only under state approval. The “biological advantage” of heterosexuals, namely their ability to reproduce, will be considered a violation of the equality principle of homosexuals. After all, how will the state be able to determine whether men or women meet the required standards for becoming parents as long as they are free to become pregnant without a license?

No. She can munch carpet on her own time.

Of course, somehow when we’ll all be “coming together” to determine criteria, the poor will get screwed. They simply won’t be able to afford to meet the standards required for a parenting license. Only last month a story in the New York Times stated that “marriage, which in the past was the default option for creating a family in the United States, regardless of income or education, has become an American way of life restricted only to the most privileged.” This is not funny.

nobody gives a shit about merav michaeli, she is just a stupid socialist feminazi

$20 bucks this roastie doesn't even have her own kids and this is all a bitter projection of her failures at life.

This is so supremely and nauseatingly jewish from top to bottom, the picture and everything about it, it's ideal to spread on normie accounts without any context or commentary. People recognize the threat on their own.

where is Diana Moon Glampers when you need her?

>License to become pregnant
This is why we have a second amendment

Kek those other articles
>Admit it, Donald Trump's is a disaster for Israel and the Jews

>The state? “No! What do you mean the state? It’s us coming together in a democracy, we all decide what it means to be a good parent,”
What does this dumb bitch think the state is?

yet again israel dodges the bullet while the rest of us will be infected with their toxic feminazi ideology. its just another jewish trick.


>Oi you cheeky cunt, do you have a reproduction loicense for this homophpbic pregnancy?

Attached: article-2104935-11DCC990000005DC-613_306x423.jpg (306x423, 35K)

Why do people like her even get a platform

Is anything not collapsing?

I don't think, I only rape.

The media wonders why right wing populism is on the rise while people publish and preach this degeneracy. Wew lad.

Attached: 1520871677942.jpg (460x259, 49K)

Imagine being so irredeemably retarded these thoughts unironically cross your mind.

We need to end the Jews now.

The Jaffe memo, 1969.
All according to plan.

Attached: jaffe-memo-screen-shot.png (719x460, 242K)

fags should be killed on site

What in the absolute FUCK did I just read?

Those psychopath eyes. Every single

Here's a cap of the full page.

Attached: Opinion_The_nuclear_family_threat_-_Opinion_-_Israel_News_Haaretz.com_-_2018-12-26_10.53.08.png (1383x5992, 3.48M)

> And yes you ARE a fag if you jack off to trap hentai
traps can include reverse traps therefore not gay
checkmate athiests

"Jaffe Name Meaning. Jewish (Ashkenazic): from Hebrew yafe 'beautiful', 'pleasant', a surname recorded in Prague as early as the 16th century."

Every fucking time.


Stop posting trash from that rag

Attached: haaretz.jpg (952x610, 409K)

I wouldn't start talking about biological advantages if I were you

Jacking off to traps is not gay because you're still aroused by his feminine qualities. Jacking off to big burly men is gay.

Can't wait for faggotry-free designer babies.

"Principle" meaningless tripe

All social engineers belong in gas chambers.
Shit like this is why school shooters exist

what if its a dickgirl fucking a normal girl

How can this be real lmao.

Its like people are starting from scratch and will eventually realize that theres a reason why we have developed the male/female monogonous model. Because it works!!

This is what I was telling my bro before.
See if I'm blasting rope to a video of a dude with tits and a surgically enhanced ass railing a hot girl, shit, it's even LESS gay than regular sex if anything.

I actually refuse to jack it to anything less than HD shemale-on-female these days, and I look down upon anybody that doesn't do the same.

>touching yourself to a vid with a dude in it (even Male-on-Female) 50% GAY.

>touching yourself to lesbian porn - NIGGA THAT'S LITERALLY 100% GAY PORN.

Trap-on-female porn is pure and probably the least cucky form of sexual intercourse you can watch. I tell my son the same thing. I won't tolerate degeneracy in my household.

You're looking for feminine qualities in a biological male to get stimulated by, you faggot.

>paying for israeli drivel


I promise you no one will shed a tear for her passing.
she is also famous for being the grand daughter of I think the only man in the history of Israel who was shot for treason.

>I promise you no one will shed a tear for her passing.
BASED and hummus pilled

Attached: hummus-pilled_1.jpg (1250x972, 158K)

she is israeli

the jews are jewing so much they're jewing themselves. I think they like being dominated by their women