>Karl Marx actually sold his books ("Das Kapital") and generated a profit of them.

>There are rape allegations that Marx also fathered a son, Freddy, out of wedlock by his housekeeper, Helene Demuth

>Drove his daughter to suicide. Laura Marx committed suicide with her husband in a suicide pact in 1911. The reason given was that they were too old to continue being of use to the socialist movement.

Attached: DYPzZBXW4AMKU95.jpg (700x394, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread: Readings/Marx/Marx, _On the Jewish Question_Edited version from Tucker.pdf

Also was a Jew

Also was a NEET

Freemason, too


Attached: 1450978373497.png (829x1475, 889K)

A self hating one.
So is this thread going to discredit Marx on the basis of what he was/did or on what he wrote and said?

Healthy in body and mind, I end my life before pitiless old age which has taken from me my pleasures and joys one after another; and which has been stripping me of my physical and mental powers, can paralyse my energy and break my will, making me a burden to myself and to others. For some years I had promised myself not to live beyond 70; and I fixed the exact year for my departure from life. I prepared the method for the execution of our resolution, it was a hypodermic of cyanide acid. I die with the supreme joy of knowing that at some future time, the cause to which I have been devoted for forty-five years will triumph. Long live Communism! Long Live the Second International.

Molyjewstein has a nice video about him

Also was a good goy

Frankfurt School was mainly jewish too.

What makes you say he was self hating?

People hate Marx, but if not for him, someone else would have invented a similar theory to his.

Could it be the suicide?


Have you not read about his hatred of Jews? IF you're a Jew yourself and you hate Jews, I'd say it's fairly logical to call him a self hating Jew

And if we go back even further, we find that every human ever alive is related to the Rothschilds and everyone else. HOLYSHITTHISGOESDEEP

He also had a 9 inch dick according to his daughter and he cheated on his wife with the house maid, fucking alpha male.

Attached: 3233432.jpg (600x767, 129K)

Karl Marx died of bronchitis

He wrote about how the jewish culture has twisted into kufars. Or something like that Readings/Marx/Marx, _On the Jewish Question_Edited version from Tucker.pdf

Survival of the fittest...
1. Name all the fascist countries that existed in the 30’s.
2. Name all the fascist countries that exist today.
3. Name all the communist countries that existed in the 30’s
4. Name all the communist countries that exist today.

Who wins?

The soviet union degenerated into red fascism under Stalin

Oh shit, there's Uber Rabbis?

Attached: kosher fable.png (800x533, 500K)

Communism always becomes fascism if it gets control of the state, so your points are redundant. Fascism is naturally self-destructive as it puts status and power over actual competency. Communism just happens to also have an economic system that hastens that self-destruction to only a couple of generations.

Attached: communist ball.jpg (640x640, 123K)

Karl Marx also had his children live in filth and starve to death while enjoying himself at the library. Marx was the proto SJW

Attached: Marx_let_his_children_starve_to_death.jpg (500x101, 18K)

>thinking men should rear children

sasuga norway chan

This picture is great. Why? Because it shows actual working class and elite class struggling with each other, and the dumb millennial bourgeois girl stepping on both the worker AND the manager doing nothing but waving a flag.

I hate liberals too

What book is this taken from? Reverse image search didn't give me anything useful.

>Karl Marx actually sold his books
And? During Marx's time they didn't use fiat money. What does this even mean?
Does Jow Forumsthe_d*nald think workers shouldn't profit?

Turn off the Ben Shapiro yt playlist and read a fucking book ok sweaty? lmao

>Fascism is naturally self-destructive as it puts status and power over actual competency.


Attached: ECST.jpg (410x610, 31K)

thanks, mate

When speaking up can potentially lead to prison or execution, bad ideas will often go unchallenged.