Beards are for commies, hippies and sóyboys. Clean shaven is for men.
Daily reminder:
I have a beard (trimmed down to 2.5mm) for winter and shave it clean for spring-autumn.
that said ugly people that use beards to hide half their faces are worse than thots with makeup
>Beards are for commies, hippies and sóyboys
Get a mustache retard.
Beard is for men (nords)
Inability to grow beard is for meds, mutts, negroids and cucks (all four being pretty much the same thing)
Being clean shaven in the Roman Empire (as well as the Republic) was a sign of status and citizenship.
t. baisedboi
There were facial hair fashion trends in the Roman Empire and one of the reason it fell out of popularity is because of the non-shaven tribes to the north. Fucking retard, take off your meme flag too, your ignorance should never be seen with such a respectable symbol. Cunt.
Then how come there were emperors with beards?
What a retard.
Y-You do know that the thickest beards are found in Iberia, Southern Italy and Greece, don't you?
Nords grow more patchy and thinner beards on average in comparison to Meds.
-t "bad teeth are from bad water and inbreeding not intermixing with semite phonecian britons" britmutt
britmutts are the original so|bojs
Reminder, hippies and s o yboys started wearing beards because they wanted to look like soldiers, not the other way around.
no can't do
I did it once and felt like a women
>Y-You do know that the thickest beards are found in Iberia, Southern Italy and Greece, don't you?
Yes, it is true that there are some regions of the original meds (racially very similar to both spartans and nords) living in those areas, surrounded by turckic rapebabies calling themselves meds today. What was your point?
Only slaves cut their beard
Only mutts, meds, nigs and so|bojs can't grow it at all
Modern clean shaving trends originated in WW1 due to having to wear gas masks. It was put into military standard dress. After the war, the men continued the trend because most of them were little faggots who couldn't get over being in a trench for 2 days and it scarred them emotionally. They wanted to be clean shaven as a way to maintain their youth and innocence which the war took from them. It's also why the height of beauty for women became anorexic shorthair and smoking like a bad chimney, they wanted their women to look as boyish as possible. Anyone who willing falls for the shaving Jew might as well come out of the closet as a preening nancyboy Gaylord.
Fuck you.
Beards in Rome became more popular with the spread of Greek culture in the Empire.
Both are pleb tier. Take the /stubblepill/
Mustache masterrace checking in
>not pissing off muzzies by growing a beautiful natural red beard.
must suck to have pleb tier genes
I shave with a shavette on dry skin. Shaving cream or gel is for pussies.
Growing a beard is the most alpha thing a man can do with the exception of fathering a child. Please KYS
Beards are for men who are ugly, and do not have a jawline. Its simple as that. Just as a woman hides her face with makeup if she is ugly, but will not wear much if she is pretty, a man will cover his face in beard to hide his imperfection.
Beard looks cool.
I can't care enough to shave
Beards are a defense mechanism for fat fucks to hide their double chin.
>ugly people that use beards to hide half their faces are worse than thots with makeup
I use make-up to cover the other half of my face, that way thots can't judge me unless they wanna be hypocrites
Dishonest comparison. Even without facial hair, the people on the right would still look effeminate and weak, while the people on the left would still look masculine and strong with a beard. I can only assume you're a low t faggot who can only grow wispy shit facial hair.
Soldiers are always clean shaven.
>What was your point?
My point is that Mediterraneans (Southern Europeans, Northern Africans and the peoples of the Levant) have better beard genetics than Nordics.
none of them can grow beards, what about my multi footage long beard?
>pointless debate
>>>>sage in all fields
because they didn't let pussies on the internet brow beat them either, fuck these beardless/weak facial hair fags
beard master race!
caring about your looks, so manly.
I dont shave on the weekends but during work days I do
So many mixed responses to this thread. I'm gonna shave half of my face and keep the other half bearded so I can please everyone! Boom. I'm a genius.
shave a handlebar that connects around the pubes.
problem solved
The problem with this assertion is that most people believe those on the right have beards. They do not. They are neckbeards through and through and society knows and sees them as such.
A real man is either clean shaven, as on the left, or has grown a beard of respect and substance. They break past the "barely there" beard and has grown it long and well maintained. A proper beard should engage down below the neck, and above the sternum. Growing it out that long shows dedication and commitment, two things that should be admired and respected.
Daily reminder
do you really think the sóyim on the right would look anything like the guys on the left if they shaved?
Shows how little you know. They wear beards when they are expecting to interact with civilians in places where the culture is that having no beard makes you a child or a woman.
The facial structure on the left would look good no matter what, just like the right side will look like failures no matter what. If your beard is a security blanket you're already lost.
Im gonna keep shaving my face becauae im motherfucking Scipio Africanus and a beard gets in the way of demolishing the buttfuckers of Carthage
If youre a fag, youre gonna be a fag no matter how big your beard is, or how much you shave.
>Parroting shit he read on Kikepedia
Shaving became the norm because of advertising and propaganda from the Jews that owned razor companies. You need to kill yourself bluepilled faggot.
beards make people look dirty, unkept and spiritually weak
That's correct. That's why commies, hippies and sóybois have it.
Yeah, that's only in missions. But soldiers must have a clean shaven look.
It's not about them looking like the men on the left. Is about not being a dirty sóyboy.
Growing a beard is for faggot muzzies who rape little boys and rabbis who suck baby dicks when they chop them. Real manly shit
you take that back RIGHT NOW
A beard helps when it's -30c outside.
>TFW bearded mutt
I pity you white beardlets.
alain delon is such a chad
>Cherry picking nu males for the beard pics
>hurr look at these clean shaven good looking men vs these subhumans with beards
If you're a subhuman with a shit skull and recessed facial bones then you're going to look beta regardless of whether you have a beard or not.
mick jagger having an astral projection there
The creature thus be born
This. Mustache separates man from child and have very clean look.
>if i groom myself in a specific way ill be a man
youre a woman
So basically they are cucked until they are supposed to take the mans role again, because women ignore the beadless man-babes
>Comparing male models and actors with some loser nobodies to get your point across
>The virgin Jagger and the chad Delon
Alain Delon is also one or our last normal (far right/trad man) celebrities alive along with Brigitte bardot.
>Implying it's not all jaw/face structure.
Half of the faggots shilling for beards have a weak jaw and look like faggots
Half of the faggots shilling for clean-shaven are femenine basedboy virgins that cant grow a beard
Based santa numbers. Also I have a clean goatee so what am I ?
>sitting in a shower like a rape victim
>doesnt have running mascare
>has nigger lips
my benis is not impressed
Dont know senpai, like i said. It's all about the jaw/face. Some people have the warrior look about them, and some have a submissive femenine look regardless of the hair on their face
What about people that are just too lazy to shave everyday so they grow a short beard and trim it down?
This. The beard is not the issue. It’s the body structure diet and lifestyle.
Delon is /ourguy/ And also in my opinion, one of the greatest actors ever.
My facial hair is masterrace
Shut up mutt.
Ay Dios mío!
>Not based Depardieu
I am the master mutt
how would I look with a beard?
Only faggots care about other men's beards or clothes.
If that is the case, then Middle Easterners are considered nords
These fucking faggots STOLE the beard in an attempt to hide weak chins, low T, and faggoty ways.
I will NOT revoke my god given secondary sex characteristics to some minor faggot army that will shave the second the trend swings a different way.
>responds to a pic where the soldiers clearly have beards
Faggot Meme have to go BACK.
Ay caramba!
Meme Flaggot.
I can tell just by looking at him that his chin isnt that short
The only reason I shave is because my face gets super fucking itchy when I grow facial hair.
what breed is that
Hairs are contain energy. Basically beards give you energy. Static electricity.
not in my country
what the fuck does being forced to shave have to do with being good at soldiering
>This thread is still being made
Jesus Christ, I thought we went over this: If you look good and have a good jawline, go clean shaven. If you look average and have an okay jawline, go with a stubble. If you are beyond help, grow a full beard.
How can anyone compete?
i think it has to do with gas masks
Betas in thread can't grow a beard. Reminder