Pic related, what do women think of a beard like this

excuse the scruffles and cheek hair, didn't trim yesterday

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Personally I dislike facial hair. Objectively this beard looks neat

I dislike beards, they usually hide a beta jawline, the only acceptable facial hair on a man is stubble

Doesnt matter, you look ugly an beta asf

Become white and women will like u more

Just shave that shame off, son.

I'm not a woman but I think it looks great man.

I like Latinos the most, followed by Asians, so this isn't true. White and black are near the bottom, medium brown is the best


Would look better if you trimmed it probably, it doesn't look great in this photo.

Seems most Jow Forums females hate beards lol. Interesting

Thanks bitch

Whites are betas

thanks broman, I'm blushing

You smart.


Yeah was supposed to trim yesterday but got lazy lol. Rigged photo

Don't shave. You sexy mofo.

Looks good to me, just keep it regularly trimmed

I do like beards though

For me I'd a appreciate a nice curly mop of hair with a beard like that.

What if I can't be bothered to shave every fucking day though


Olive skin shouldn't grow long beards. Anything beyond stubble is terrorist mode. I tried it myself as a half italian and it looked wrong.

Im going bald and ppl keep telling me to grow a beard but every time i grow a bit of facial hair im like yo this shit looks fucking nasty im shaving this

only middle easterners, hispanics, and blacks can pull off full beards. another reason white males are 100% beta

Lmfao white men have always been able to pull off full beards brown boi, stay mad. Have you ever seen a viking or a greek philosopher?

Triggered white boy alert. Have YOU ever seen a viking or greek philosopher IRL you dumb fuck time traveller fag?

Looks good and you seem like I guy I would befriend, but that’s it.
Facial hair is awful when you wanna make out. Also a full beard usually says to me that you don’t go down on girls

>Also a full beard usually says to me that you don’t go down on girls

Bit of a sweeping statement there m8. I've got a full beard and theres nothing I love more than muff diving. I call it the clunge sponge.

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I sure have seen A LOT of white men with full beards.

Women will have mixed reactions, some love it, some hate it. But take in mind that the type of women that post on sites like Jow Forums and Reddit will tend to dislike beards.

clean shaven is better. beard trend really needs to end. there are only a few guys who actually look better with a beard.

do you not go outside?

My gf said that my beard tickles her asshole.
Because of that, I got her into anal.

>whites are betas

says the ahmed who comes to adv looking for opinions about his terrorist looking beard for a self confidence boost

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What you really want to know is not what women think of the beard, but will it get you laid. You look a little like some kind of dirtbag Moslem, but if you are a regular American, yeah, chicks are drawn to beardos despite professing to dislike them. It's the Kvorka. They can't help it.