Hey user, want to come backpacking in Marocco with us?

What's the matter? You're not racist, are you?

Attached: fafawfawfawf.jpg (773x960, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:


does anyone still have the video of them sucking those guys dicks right before they got beheaded? it got deleted off streamable again.

God have mercy on us all.

Attached: Jesus and Claude.jpg (900x675, 944K)


There are actual ISIS returnees on European soil right now.

That pic was confirmed as fake.

Fuck niggers and Jews I'll come backpacking with you for the purpose of taking pot shots and possibly an act of genocide against the local populace

Cock recepticals until the end


re upload it my dude

>not all ISIS
If you can't forgive them and let them return then they will always be enemies.

At least what's what Europe keeps telling me

>be roastie
>”suck my dick and I will let you live”
>”you’re brown and live in an exotic country, I was going to suck your dick anyway”
>suck dick
>get beheaded

So is Morocco gettting wiped out or what?

I think having the 2 of them together is shopped, but the individual head pics are real

Yes and they will be a powerful voice for peaceful Muslims throughout the European Union #BelieveWomen

Attached: 10xa9c.jpg (894x499, 100K)

Where's the video?

This was a thing? Holy shit.reloupload plz

I didn't see this pic on their social media about their fun trip "to find themselves." Looks like instead, they lost most of themselves.

I'm calling bullshit.

Is there a video of them sucking off the guys after the beheadings?



Attached: 326435767.jpg (522x297, 17K)

>its fake
mother less F2EC285

yep racist and the Muslims who did this were local people from Morocco, the Jew press wants to blame ISIS but the "terrorists" are all local Muslim men. All Muslims are a threat, all Muslims are violent and yeah I am racist as fuck towards them.

Never been a video like that nigger

How's the weather in tel aviv, avi?

i think they did us a solid, honestly. i hope they keep doing this, so maybe they'll re-learn that mussies don't like them. the best part is that by the time they recind their invitation, it will already be too late. this is the most obvious trojan horse in the history of mankind. no doubt, a jew is behind this to purposely start a WW.

They were buried with Moroccan sperm in the anus (((

Definitely fake. I know because the beheaded heads look more attractive.

I got banned for posting the Webm

anyway we can force liberals to see these sort of pics and videos?

Attached: 1kvs1p.jpg (460x397, 39K)

but you're posting now so just post it again fag. I wanna see it.

post it on porn sites but don't give the backstory. We can shill the video, get it popular, then reveal the backstoruy.

Attached: 9efb90e5f268788dd3fb84d9a363830a.jpg (300x419, 41K)

Based German

$100 this is bullshit

prove me wrong

Praised be his name, Jesus.

That pic is fake. It was made in 2013.

Attached: 1545842356819.jpg (800x600, 212K)

>a porn site is a reputable source

Fake as fuck, pic related. That's how I know it is shopped.

Attached: 500pxShopped.jpg (500x500, 58K)

I like the way you think.

you can also see the shitty blood transparency over it...

send me a video of the webm using Kik if you have it.

kik is hamsterboylol

believe it or not but this is true, can confirm

Confirm it then

Give head, get head taken for good.

liberals would literally not give a shit. they would put it down to a random event with no wider significance.

The one with audio is pretty gruesome and floating around somewhere. The last words of one of them is "mom." Remember, white man, this is the future your loved ones will face, if you become a minority in your own nations.

Attached: 1545294232909.webm (220x400, 2.72M)

Actually its really good propaganda because most people will be traumatized by the video. At that point, they are much more easily swayed that they are in a fight for the survival of their people.

I dunno, I remember when I couldn't even look at these sorts of things. It effects you on a deep level when you're first exposed to these things.

I got an idea, make a fake twitter or whatever, about a famous person promoting new video content, and in that video, show the vid of the beheading of the blonde girl, her screaming, and all the gory details, but make it quick too....


man if I had reach, I'd totally do it and post stuff like that to my social media.

Not so sure, it will be #notallmuslims and they will go off feeling all warm and cozy about the world and posting pics of their cat on insta like they always do.

The wolves have to be chasing them down the street before they get the idea

This. Start the video with "you sure youre okay with being a minority, whitey?" Screen text for like 3 seconds and then start the clip. Spam it everywhere. That will wake them up. Liberals are naive retards who need to be deeply scarred to break the conditioning (((they))) put them through.

Absolutely disagree. Most normies dont watch gore on the internet and it is traumatizing the first few times. It leaves a lasting impact that can be capitalized on

Only because they never watched the film to begin with.

I call bullshit, unless you post it

>this is the future your loved ones will face
not like i would care. they voted for this, just like those two in Morocco. they have to cry alone

Raising the bullshit flag

>they have to cry alone
Det kommer även du att göra i slutändan trots att du inte röstade för det.
Skulle du kasta din syster/dotter i elden om hon blev hjärntvättad av en kult?

>The wolves have to be chasing them down the street before they get the idea
It depends on the kind of person we're talking about. Some liberals brains are so defective that the threat processing centers are barely functional. Because of that even direct exposure to violence wouldn't work. The ones who are liberal because of the educational system, society, media or their upbringing can still be reached though and I believe they are in the majority.

>w-why are you sawing my head off!? didn't you see the pandering and virtue signalling i was doing for you on faceb- WARRAGGAGBLARRAGGhghghhhhhghhh garrglglgle -- ....


Motherless. Note date of picture. Two girls in bed together sleeping and shopped to look beheaded.

of course it is
they had no time to do any photoshopping, ffs

details, their wounds before beheading, everything.

Plot twist: in order to survive we genocide those whites with a Weak survival impulse and breed those with 'strong' traits on a national scale.

Thats not a winning strategy at this point in time, but just saying we will need to clean house a little bit.

I have the full mp4 with audio that shows the second girls head

I hope you are right

Link or you're a fag

I got it. Share this everywhere:


Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, and Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway

Just kidding looks like they removed it... They REALLY dont want this shit getting out

Video with audio half way down the page here


What are you on about? A guy claims the pics are real. They're not, they're 5 years old at least. Who had no time to shop anything? I can't even work out what you think the conversation is about

Catbox deletes it within 5 minutes of uploading it. So does pornhub. I already hot banned for posting the webm on here. I have the 30sec webm and the full webm but I don't wanna get banned again

Based user. Thanks for combating disinfo.

Same video everyone's seen. One head. One girl.

Thanks user


Attached: 1524045684106.jpg (638x825, 326K)

I saw a 2 min video with both of them in it floating around. Try not being such a faggot lmao? It actually happened in case you brits are too cucked to realize that

so the girls are alright, thank God. Who ever started the rumors about severe neck should be necked themselves.


obotad hjärntvättning? alla dagar i veckan.

No. Video is real. Pictures on this thread are not same girls in any case and shopped to look beheaded as well.

Video real. Photo not. Simple concept

No you didn't. One video is all that there is...some people just see her head at 52 seconds and don't realise it's same head being put down in front of the tent a few seconds later.


Can we keep our priorities straight and focus on the possible blowjob video rather than the beheading video?

Spreading this can give you 4 years in prison in Sweden.


Sweden has lost all credibility and not a country anymore, thanks

What drugs are you on? You said "they had no time to photoshop". What were you on about?

The other guy, who I replied to, said the heads were real. I said they were shopped...and proved it by showing the pictures were 5 years old etc. Nobody was debating how long photoshopping takes. We were debating whether the heads were shopped at all. You get it now?

100% bullshit

girl on the right is hot would still have sex with the head

Doesn't make any sense. Under which law?

Yeah keep posting that... Over and over..

Så du skulle inte ens försöka med andra ord?
På vilket sätt är du en bättre människa isf?

i bet she deepthroats really good

There is no blowjob video. They were attacked in tent. Norwegian girl was killed in tent immediately by reading between the lines (not beheaded and left in tent) and Danish girl is extracted alive, partially undressed due to being asleep etc. Blood is visible already on her legs and now they've got space they're able to film the rest. Doesn't appear there was any sexual motive...she probably expected it when they approached but obviously didn't realise they just wanted to kill her.

I said "of course it is". It is photoshopped.

I'm not on drugs and this vid it's the first in my life i want to unsee.And i am fucking 39

Unfortunately they don't let me take a plane with a gun.

And then you said "they had no time to dk any photoshopping, ffs". Who is "they"? And why does time matter? I still don't know what you were trying to say...

exactly thisit took about 10 min. Their sleeping bags were still warm in th end. The was a violent struggle in the beginning and stabbings. The girls were tall and fit, sporty. it took some time.

pity they didn't get a chance to stab the wogs but they were liberal race mixers so I find it hard to give a shit

because it was claimed that the parents has received these pics. But they were on a phone. So how would they manage to photoshop them , while running away to the border. So it means someone else shopped them

u gotta bury it in the mountains like some people

they were not mixing inside the tent with anyone. You don't need to hike to the mountain if you want to mix, you stay in a comfy hotel.