Seriously who invented that shit and why?

This doesn't give you any energy at all, unlike good old coffee.

It only makes you fat and bunch of obese children drink that shit daily.

Why is this shit popular?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>It only makes you fat and bunch of obese children drink that shit daily.
this is why you drink Monster Zero.

>this is why you drink Monster Zero.
That's fucking worse! It contains lots of sweeteners which is proven to make you hungry!

>doesn't give energy despite being full of caffeine
>coffee gives more energy has less caffeine

Retard. Coffee is just as bad if you drank espresso or something with as much caffeine

what are you mad about today? not the red bulls like really what the hell is your problem if your coming into this board complaining about energy drinks lmaooo

Keep pushing your obesity agenda.

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It tastes gewd.

They have less caffeine in it than a regular cup of coffee. It's just marketing memes.

It's disgusting, so is Monster
But it works.
I work night shifts, and when I get real tired, I drink one. I only drink one every few weeks, same with soda and pop.
It bad for your stomach and so is coffee.

The one advantage it has is that you can drink it ice cold.

Was it a Jew???????

My mom is literally addicted. She drinks at least 4 redbull a day and it's all she drinks except the occasional Pepsi and she isn't even fat

Redbull is delicious and has vitamins. Why are you mad?

It was Mateschitz.

Whats that guy into? He buys tons of sport teams and media outlets. That guy must be a Jew right?

Massive meaty diets make you fat and give you diabetes, not sugar or carbs. The true redpill.

>This doesn't give you any energy at all, unlike good old coffee.
If you're saying that, you clearly haven't tried it.
>It only makes you fat and bunch of obese children drink that shit daily.
Do what I do, and buy the sugar-free variants.

LMAOOOO im not jewish ya schizo, im just actually wondering why your ragging on my addiction


ITT: faggots who can't appreciate cracking open a smoking can of poison water and taking that first sip

Why do they push Red Bull in e-Sports??

It's (((them))) I tell ya

Fun fact: Red Bull was originally named Red Gaur, after the iconic wild jungle beef of India which is renowned for their strengh, which is kind of a given since they're literally just as buff as the Red Bull logo without exaggeration, those fucker swole yo. But when it came to market it in the west, they suspected no one would know what the fuck a Gaur is so they rebranded it as Red Bull.

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try a Bang

Cyanocobalamin isn't the same as Adenosylcobalamin/Methylcobalamin

Didn't an Austrian invent this crap?

>doesn't realize redbull is officially/ourdrink/

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Nice try, Schlomo. I eat nothing but meat and greens and I'm 6' 155lbs(12% body fat); down from 195lbs(23% body fat) just from cutting carbs. Despite eating a shitload of meat and butter every day, I would say I'm slightly underweight now. Haven't felt this good in years and I'm almost 40.

I don't think he invented it, but I looked him up and all I could find was that his parents are Croatian.

Not true.

His television channel in Austria keeps promoting Globalism.

I tried to fart but then I started and filled my pants

I gotta try that again. Last time I did it I think I was eating too many calories.

Get some decent tea (not cheap tea bags), brew some coffee from moka pot.

You eat factory farmed meat and you eat the pesticides and hormones used to farm those animals. For myself I am actually pescatarian diet, but I don't revile sugar products. That being said, ANYTHING to excess is bad for you. Everything is poison, the question is about dosage. Sounds like a meme but I will trust the occasional monster or red bull before I trust hormone chicken or McDonald's again.

Damn, how much were you eating? I find it difficult to get enough calories. I skip breakfast, have a tin of sardines and some cheese for lunch, and then eat a big meaty meal for dinner (like a giant 1lb broiled burger covered in Swiss and mushrooms).

Monster is owned by Jews who fund left wing parties in the west
RedBull is owned by Germanics who fund right wing parties in Europe
My redbull addiction helped fund your country resisting the global migration pact
You're welcome my Austrian friend

Wtf if true I’m only drinking red bulls and no more monster

I would eat a lot more fish, but I'm inland and quality fish is insanely expensive here. I can't tolerate sugar anymore. I ate a donut a couple weeks ago for the first time in more than a year and it made me shakey and nauseous.

Based, redpilled, and true my MAGA friend, bottoms up!

So you can mix it with vodka



It is more realistic than 1st glance even. The diet monster boomer meme is a farse considering it promotes the consumption of carcinogenoc semen-water

Yes, Red Bull supports the European right. Now drink 1000 cans of it. I give you a 50% discount on mobility scooters.

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based sip boy
the first croat that i've ever respected

Es war einer deiner Landsleute, der das Zeug auf den Markt warf.

Seriously, red Bull is all about marketing. The product itself was never important to the company.

>drinking redditbull
Embarrassing desu.

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You mentioned sardines earlier which is fish, and actually my main choice of fish. That or herring. I feel that, the higher I go on the food chain, the more chance of deposited poisons in whatever animal ate whatever other animal. I know in my own theory that things like cow, turkey or chicken should be fine, as they typically don't eat any meats and they won't cannibalize, but those animals are still farmed and fed hormones at a steady clip, which means I would be farmed and fed hormones at a steady clip. Aversion to sugar is a real thing and there's nothing wrong with that, I don't really think you "need" sugar to live healthfully, but that being said I still won't turn down the occasional monster or donut. That's pretty much just for me though, I wouldn't tell anyone to go and specifically drink energy drinks for health, but I would advise against typical grocer's animals.

if you dont take caffeine regularly it works very well

Redpill me on the sips, how bad are they for my health?

they give you massive boners and sick gains

i drink it on the exams and i usually manage to stay woke for 24+hrs to study
its pretty useful if you dont wanna sleep and definitely more effective than coffee

Fucking based

Invented by a man in Taiwan and an Austrian licensed it to sell throughout the world

>what is Red Bull total zero
wew lad

WTF, I love redbull now

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But for real, i love the taste of monster but everytime i drink them i feel more tired, the hell is wrong with my body halp

Found the trailer trash

37 here. 6'1 and 160lb. Eat right, exercise, and don't drink sugary kike drinks. I look better than I ever have.

you're either overdosing or underdosing lad
if you drink 4+ sips with no effect you're getting those hear muscle gains (not good)
if you're drinking less than 4 just drink till you're at 4

fucking dyel
if you don't weigh 200 pounds lean you're not a man

Ever seen Red Bulls Youth farm team? It's a nigger haven:

Tbh I don't care about the white nationalism meme. I want to imply that Red Bull is the creation of Mason Jews who want you to become fat!

>I find it difficult to get enough calories
Literally the most retarded thing to say on the planet. Eating even 7-8k is easy although why would you

Lmao at energy drink haters that chug coffee every day like fucking losers. I have about one red bull a week and its great every time. No caffeine of any kind on other days. People at work will laugh when i get one through their stained brown teeth and horrible coffee breath.

You want a real tip? Red bull gives you a passive livable boost, monster fucks your shit up and keeps you up all night. No im not fat, im actually in great shape. Coffee cucks should seriously kill themselves. The shit tastes great too

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That's a medical condition, you fuck. Drinking sugary things gives you energy for 10 minutes, than it makes you much more tired later.

Whew lad!

>Literally the most retarded thing to say on the planet. Eating even 7-8k is easy
that's the most mutt thing i've read recently

Hormones not fed to pigs, chickens, turkeys.

Based stick man

Drink mill, eat peanut butter or ice cream. Game over. It's so fucking easy


>just eat garbage nigga so fucking easy
you realize that everyone here isn't white trash with the taste buds of a child right

Thailand not Taiwan IIRC.

>fuckin retard complains about not being able to consume enough calories
>calls milk and protein trash
Kys you'll always be a manlet

Spurdo Spärde ES

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>ice cream
>nigger butter
>not trash
the absolute state of mutts

This, people who only eat meat are also extremely weak with no energu

Coca Cola once had cocaine.

This too shall pass

I’m just going in to watch Sherlock Holmes and I’m snuggling a can of Red Turd in with me. Shhh! Is a secret. Hope it doesn’t make me fidget.

> This doesn't give you any energy at all, unlike good old coffee.
Caffeine doesnt give energy at all. A lot of coffee/energy drink just make me twitchy, while brain remains sleepy. Awful feeling.
Maybe its good if you have to do physical work or walk, but it sucks for not very active type of work.
If you have to go no sleep, use willpower, wash face/all head with cold water, do a bit of excercise.

Yeah but you’re weak as hell fucking faggot. Nobody cares about losing weight.

Is pic related you?

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Yeah these are the real problems

Sweeteners make you hungry, but much less than actual sugar. Sugar leads to high blood glucose levels, which in turn lead to insulin secretion, which makes you fat and hungry again.
Still, don't consume too many soft drinks a day.

Sure, if you're stuffing your fat face with the standard American fare. Even 1lb of ground beef has

Right, and peanut butter +milk in those smoothies make them taste better and adds some killer kcals

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Because from a sport perspective it's basically a legal performance enhancing drug.

I work construction, faggot. If I was weak I wouldn't have a job.

It's not you fucking Jew!!!

Since when is bloating your body with sugar gives you good performance?

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I dunno what to tell you user. Red bull works as advertised for me (wings notwithstanding)

mate just because i pointed out that you have the diet of a white trash mutt doesn't mean i'm a skelly
go eat some mayonnaise straight out the jar so you can eat the sadness away

Yep, you’re definitely weak. What are your lifts so we can make sure?

Dietrich Mateschitz (an Austrian) is the CEO Red Bull
(((Rodney Sacks))) is the CEO of Monster

too lazy to source, but Rodney Sacks is the kike in charge of Monster, whereas a based Austrian runs Redbull.

thats why i only date black men

There's so much sugar in it that it actually dips your energy level after an hour or so.
Insulin will also destroy your kidneys.
This is so much bullshit.
Even for someone who is addicted to coffee like me a double coffee will boost me up for 5-6 hours while this bullshit for an hour max.
Fuck the energy kikes.

>ITT: faggots who can't appreciate cracking open a smoking can of poison water and taking that first sip
>that first sip

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My lifts? I lift bags of concrete all day. Edurence is more important to me than being some thick gym bro that can bench 300 but gets winded walking up flight of stairs.

Doesn't have that affect on me. Zero calorie drinks like Monsters absolute Zero line and Coke Zero allow me to maintain my low bf%/abs while still eating large amounts of food ( not going over my caloric maintenance of course)

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Alright, thanks for proving my point keto fag

I can remember when I was a kid, I saw children eating fries, and then drinking a Monster, RedBalls, or PowerAIDS. lol. They were really fat and soft like marshmallows. :\. Those kind of beverages should be banned... ...are really dangerous to body. People should drink real juice - for example, orange juice, than drink those manufactured, synthetic post-processed beverages...

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