When he called East Asians honorary?
What did Hitler mean exactly
it means biologically they aren't aryan but they act like aryans. he gave that title to the grand mufti of Palestine as well. it basically means we will use you until we get absolute power then to the ovens you go
So it had nothing to do with aesthetics? That's disappointing
That's pretty much "white"
the aryan race had nothing to do with whiteness. according to hitler only the germanic people which he claimed was mainly nordic were true aryans. this is all bullshit he used to push people into wars and gain power
He meant its ok if you knock up your Asian gf.
>muh ovens
Don't tell me you actually believe that.
The concept of Aryans also had to do with aesthetics though. Look at the propaganda from the time
that didn't last for long tho, and if you use their aesthetics, no asian would pass it because of eyes and nose. he killed slavs because he claimed they were part mongoloid
>no asian would pass
and i forgot to mention all the chicks in those pics have a ton of make up and plastic surgery. if you wanna know what east asians really look like check out north korean people
Whiter than you Muhhamed!!!!
i never claimed to be white or aryan.
Why are Iraqis being so gay lately? Is this a proxy?
He never cared about east-asians or finns. Honorary aryan means that they were just valuable allies to his cause at the time
I know it was pure opportunism but the concept itself had a meaning
Asian women are superior
Asian women are natural beauties
The roastie is here. What took you so long?
its funny because you will rarely see someone (who wouldve been considered an aryan back in the day) follow the nazi ideology. its usually people who wouldve been considered subhuman follow it because of their inferiority complex. they are no different than the niggers they call out
Unlike roastie whores, asian women don't need any makeup to hide their flaws
yo nig, you owe me 220million. Pay up, I got denbts to pay.
BTFO roastie whore
Long live WMAF
You seem mad
WMAF are superior
He never killed any once except communists. Jews are just kvetching.
Only the kpop sloots in this thread may have had plastic surgery.
All the alpha white men are leaving for their cutie 3.14 asian waifus!
100% natural
This is what a chimp out looks like
I wouldn't say that genuine race purists in the Reich didn't care about Finns. Some of the old racial taxonomies came up with shit like Fenno-Teutonic race and it's not like people back in the day could go on the Internet and check if the average Pekka's cephalic index is 75.
and fugly
Stay mad roastie whore!!!!
NatSoc was inspired by Fascism, which believed in the "aryan spirit" concept.
Effectively, he belived they had been heavily influenced by western christian society and considered them as a higher race of people.
He wasnt wrong really
This is what true beauty looks like. Stay salty roastie whore
Can't quite blame them for trying their best
Hitler was on drugs, lost the war and killed himself. Nothing he said ever made sense
>"aryan spirit" concept.
That's what I was looking for. It was a quality that transcended the material world and the mere physical characteristics of each race.
White pig gu come home
Please ignore the deranged unhinged spamming roastie trying to derail the thread and stay on topic
Asian women are natural beauties unlike those plastered overweight, bitch ass roastie whores!
meh it's modest level
thats the bullshit the half moor italians told themselves before crying themselves to sleep
White women are disgusting!
I tell you who he didn't mean.
The Chinese.
Why does Jow Forums call East Asians honorary?
this guy gets it.
it means biologically I'm not aryan but I act like aryans.
We've embraced Faustian ideals....love our children dearly, concerned of future bloodline, education, & actually added... taking off our shoes in our homes.
>all the roastoid posting in this thread
Asian girls are kryptonite to white women. Destroys them inside.
But it's true. Aryan is not just about measuring the circumference of your skull or the shape of your nose
Lmao someone is really assblasted inn here
to the nazis it was
Sino-German cooperation in the 30s was the only reason Japan didn't occupy all of China by 1940.
I forgo, also...my mother has driven commie hatred in my soul...since early childhood.
great collection of hapas OP.
Stop quoting every single post you lonely autistic faggot
That's black women actually.
Based janny clearing the trash
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Juche girls the best
Someone ban this obnoxious over quoting faggot.
They are not hapas. They are Korean women with make up. Still very cool look imo
>says he likes asian girls
>posts asian girls that try hardest to hide their asian traits and look as white as possible
Come on user, youre just fooling yourself. They can change their appearance, they cant change their genes, do you want white kids or another elliot rodger
I'd rather have mulatto offspring than hapa. Only the Chad white men go black so your pic is opposite
>(((elliot rodger)))
Why do you people have such a boner for that jew?
I just like the aesthetics of this look. I am not making any judgments or offer any opinion
guess it was some of the nose bridge on some. me 1/2 kimchee ...so I got my pops nose & am tall. most qt gooks seem much more sexy than qt sushi pussy. Nip women look like girls...where gooks look like women...continue posting southern gentleman.
You can cherry pick all you want, compared to asian genes, white genes are recessive, your kids will not be white
I like the aesthetic of this look.
user... it looks like nigger
Sorry but black/brown skin is objectively ugly
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Black female and white male is the most redpilled pairing
to be honourable
having dignity, ethics, morals
so everything the western world lacks these days
they are still not white tho
Roastie just jealous that WMAF make perfect Aryan babies albeit they look a bit retarded, but still aryan
i would take that nog over a gook any day
do you look like a noble hero straight out of a chink novel? Can I breed gooks without having ugly elliot rodger sons?
Another perfect Aryan family
She is back. What happened? Did you get timed out for spamming/flooding or something?
are you 1/2 mudcake user....no judgment....seems it desu
Just ignore her she has been spamming threads for years now. Treat her like that retarded cousin at the family dinner.
I only troll race-mixing threads because they're completely unrelated to politics. And since most of the mods are into this gook mixing shill threads, I have to take things into my own hand
You only seem to get mad at WMAF threads though. I have never seen you in any other racemixing thread. What's up with that selective outrage?