I need help for my depression, I'm currently a dependent adult and my parents do not want me on depression meds. I've decided that the meds, therapy and the positive activities these would allow me to do will help me actually achieve my goals and put my mind in a better spot but my dad straight up said he would have nothing to do with me anymore if I went on anti-depressants.
Go to the gym and get ripped. Resistance training will boost you testosterone levels and make you feel better and more energetic.
Nathan Martin
Try to camp in the most dangerous jungle on earth. The struggle for survival will make you feel as alive and well as possible. Trust me mate, we humans live in a foreign environment, that's why as the world advances so does depression.
Benjamin Cook
>Try to camp in the most dangerous jungle on earth. That sounds legitimately awful. Camping in general would probably be enough but I have 100 dollars to my name.
Xavier White
>but my dad straight up said he would have nothing to do with me anymore
Easton Watson
Angel Williams
trust your parents on this one, the meds are bad news
Angel Allen
What do I do then? I've been in a really bad way for over a year and a half now and have had depression all my life. I'm failing out of college and have no motivation to go outside or do anything.
Nolan Davis
external factors are diet sunshine exercise. shit like that. internally you need a sense of connection with others and a sense of purpose give your days meaning. meditation/prayer/similar also makes a bigger difference than is recognised nowadays. depression isn't the problem it's the symptom.
Gavin Peterson
if depression could be cured with a change in lifestyle, parkinson would be cured just having sex
Jeremiah Turner
Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, 99.99999999% of all people with depression don't have depression at all. They just feel like shit because they either live like shit or are going through shitty situations.
So many people are like "oh no my girlfriend broke up with me and I got fired from my job and rejected from university and also my grandma died while killing my dog. That means I am depressed now". That's just normal sadness or grief or whatever, it's not depression.
It's the same thing with people who spend all of their free time or all of their waking hours sitting at a computer being mad at people on the internet. Of course you feel like shit. You live like shit. Not even prisoners live as bad as that even they go outside for an hour a day and spend most of their day socializing with other real-life people.
Everyone thinks they have depression now, like how a decade ago having OCD was the cool thing.
I spent 4 years as pissbottling shut-in NEET and I was seemingly depressed - but it all went away as soon I started running everyday and cleaned my room.
That's not to say that real depression isn't a thing, but it is absolutely for sure an insignificant fraction of all self-diagnosed or misdiagnose cases of depression.
you forgot to say real depression is because of muh chemical imbalance
Jack Ross
>I spent 4 years as pissbottling shut-in NEET and I was seemingly depressed - but it all went away as soon I started running everyday and cleaned my room. Maybe you were able to do all of that because your depression got less severe. Maybe people have the habits of rocks because they're depressed.
Bentley Johnson
The problem is wanting to do any of that. Some media(books, music, manga, TV, games) and certain conversations with certain people have given me that push but it's really fucking rare, especially when you're feeling too shit to make/keep friends or devote yourself to a long series. You also can't get the same effect from the same thing.
Dylan Murphy
If you're a legal adult, you can make the decision yourself.
I say to go ahead and seek treatment. Worst comes to worst it doesn't help and you discontinue it. But it has the potential to really help, and it can be absolutely life-changing.
And even if you don't need it, so what? We don't need electricity, we don't need beds, we don't need air conditioning. The fact that we don't need them doesn't negate the fact that they are very important for quality of life and can improve health and happiness greatly.
Cooper Anderson
from the same thing twice*
Jonathan Bell
Unironically smoke weed every day Nature is good, maybe not a super dangerous forest, but nature helps with depression
Brody Myers
I swear to god that there is no individual thought on Jow Forums. I can almost see the flow of the group-think, how their collective opinions change from year to year, slowly changing from one form to another, and everyone just plays along, not realizing that they had a different that everyone else agreed with just a couple years ago.
This place is bullshit, I have to stop taking Jow Forums so seriously. It's hard when you spend so much time here, though.