How do you overcome depression?

How do you overcome depression?

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>tfw tried like 6 medjewcations and therapy but still have constant thoughts about an hero

realize slavs are to dumb to kick ball

Different things work for different people
>drugs and therapy

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love yourself

mao inhibitors

>muh depression
9 times out of 10 """depression""" is the result of the minds perfectly natural response to a shitty situation, a situation that the "depressed" individual more often than not had a hand in creating. So to answer your question in a word: change.

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You don't. You learn to live with it. It's a struggle everyday. But you can be happy, with time, and a lot of effort and probably some pills.

>muh MDD and BPD aren't a legitimate medical diagnosis because I'm a psuedo-intellectual idiot
shut the fuck up user

In my experience expression is the opposite of depression.
I keep a journal, logging how I feel physically, mentally and emotionally, I also log any significant events.
Go to the gym 3 times a week and exercise at least 4 times a week, this can include going for a walk.
Do one thing a week for you, I go for massages (real massages not the seedy ones)
Do something you enjoy every day.
Take pride in your appearance by making sure you shave, have a hair cut and are dressed having washed and ironed your clothes.
Do something that involves leaving the house and talking to people, join a club, find a group of oddjobs using meetup.
Go to bed at a reasonable time, chances are you aren't doing anything of value after 9pm so getting your head down by 10pm isn't unreasonable.
Set an alarm for 6am, get up, shower, go to the gym or anything, not many people are up at 6am getting on with their lives, if you go to the gym before you eat breakfast you have looked after yourself and have the rest of the day to do your own shit.

>9 times out of 10
[Citation Needed]

I'm not absorbed in life so I'm just seeing what kind of outcome I can get, might as well have a go and make it interesting. So I do things regardless, which clears up the environment around me (which is progress that's saved into the next day) and makes things get better.

T. triggered snowflakes

Get your shit together and stop being a whiny bitch expecting everyone to accomodate you.

If we want to know if somebody is having a heart attack, we look at their troponin levels for evidence of cardiac damage and we also look at their EKG for evidence of ST elevation to see if they're having an ST elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI) as opposed to an NSTEMI. For """depression""" we give them the Beck Depression Inventory and if they're sad enough then we assert that they have a lifelong neurobiological disorder called """depression""", without ever once looking at their brain, serotonin metabolites ect. One is a real medical science, the other isn't. Don't pretend you understand this issue as well as I do.

Try camping in a dangerous jungle.
The struggle for survival will make you forget all the social pain.

>post idle smug reply on Jow Forums
>guy loses it
You sound like the kind who's victim to something but projects it super hard so it seems like he's such an enemy that he couldn't possibly be suffering from it

I have a rather solid grasp of my depression, but thanks-- a little moving and diet will do a body wonders... which, judging by your PMS, you might want to consider undertaking.

>have a good social life
>very rarely smoke weed
>don't eat fast food often
>only drink with friends
>successful student
>still think about suicide every single day

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Is it even possible to cure it? I'm starting to feel like it's too late and there's no hope. I also feel like the people I know who don't have depression all happen to have a girlfriend or boyfriend. I don't and I'm stuck in that vicious cycle (no gf because I'm depressed because no gf).
I tried therapy and what I undestood from the guy was basically that I just need goals and as many activities as possible. Basically that means life is about getting yourself distracted. I have goals but I don't have enough will power since I'm tired from my everyday chores (which also feel like a waste since I feel like there's no point in anything as life is not rewarding me for living it).

>snowflake millenial whining about "muh depreshun"
>thinks he can talk down on anyone

Lmao, go make some more sad tweets you pathetic manchild.

I just want to make clear to everybody in this thread that these are my posts. There's another anti-psychiatry guy in the thread, who posted this shit:
I think it's noteworthy that everybody has been replying to him and that literally nobody responded to my follow up post:
which strikes right at the philosophical core of psychiatry. That's the way Jow Forums works it seems. The loudest and dumbest always triumph over nuance.

>muh meme psychiatry bullshit is real science ya'll

Lmao off yourself fucking reddit cuck

I fuck your bitch and shit on your moms chest nigger

>pls give me karma for being a good cuck and posting wikipedia articles

lick my balls bitch yea suck that nut out

/b/tier. Please fuck off.

I think there's an element of self-deception going on here. I don't believe that inexplicable depression exists. The overwhelming majority of "depressed" individuals can articulate what it is that they are depressed about it. The ones who claim to be depressed "for no reason" are often just suppressing those reasons and suppression is ultimately a form of lying. Maybe it's not the obvious stuff that's causing these emotions, but you KNOW there's a cause.

Does it help to identify the reason if there's no way to cope with it?

>hi where are the serious discussions

Yeah bitch daddy likes it when you rim him like that...

Stick that tounge deep up my shite hole and lick that arse

Wait, are you implying that I believe psychiatry is legitimate? I'm literally the guy that posted this and this . Who knows, maybe I'm just having a hard time following what it is that you're saying, but it looks to me like it's actually you that's having a hard time following this thread. I have to agree with on this. You're not mature enough to have this conversation, even if you are technically on "my side". Please leave.


Take my cum you little bitch

Oh good, an actual serious response. This is refreshing. Actually yes, I believe it is useful to identify the cause of your negative emotions even if the underlying cause is a situation that is completely out of your control. There's a certain terror that is accompanied by the unknown. When you are suffering and you don't know why, it's disorienting and frightening.

Since you seem like a sincere person, I'll actually use my own life as an illustration. I used to have panic attacks frequently, but I have completely ceased having them. Now, according to the biological determinist view, this should be impossible. I have a life long illness called "anxiety," remember? Once I admitted to myself that the circumstances of my life were the cause of my negative emotions and once I admitted to myself that these panic attacks were not a sign that anything was physically wrong with me but was rather a maladaptive way of responding to the negative circumstances of my life that I could control at will, I literally just stopped having panic attacks altogether. This supposed life long, biologically determined affliction was cured through introspection.

>but you KNOW there's a cause.
I think I do, but I don't have a solution for it, and that's what's killing me
I used to have terrible fears and panic attacks, which would overcome me when I was 13 or so, and it fucked me up constantly for the following years until I learned how to bury those fears deep inside me.
Then for about 2-3 years I would be fine (I still recall those the best years of my life, because I was truly happy) but then the panic attacks started re-surging and it fucked me hard for the following year until I managed to bury them again.
The thing is now, I just have lost my taste for life. Everything feels so bland, nothing moves me, nothing makes me really excited and I have constant mood swings everyday (and this has been the case for 2 years now). The panic attacks I can deal with now but I have lost so much over the years.

Whoa, that's great, good to hear that worked for you. I never had panic attacks thankfully. I know it's nowhere in the same level but I guess it's like when I tell myself all the reasons not to worry about in certain situations that scare me.
Idk if I have depression because my therapist never explicitly told me I do. What bothers me the most is being transgender, though I never did anything about it besides going to a therapist. I feel like I will never be happy. The therapist just told me I should have sex with men without caring about my own gender/sex. But I once visited a priest that was also a psychologist and he said I had to look for the causes of being transgender rather than thinking of gender issues as the cause itself. Stuff like having had an over protective mother according to him. So I see maybe I did have an over protective mother but I don't see how knowing that helps.

See this is what I mean. There clearly is an issue going on here. It's not inexplicable. You're conflicted over your gender identity and you're going to have to resolve that. Now, I don't really have much experience with that specifically, so there's not a lot of useful advice I can give you. But I can tell you that acknowledging the problem and refusing to look away is one of the most important steps.