How do you feel as you look into the eyes of this American woman who died a few months ago after she accidentally shot...

How do you feel as you look into the eyes of this American woman who died a few months ago after she accidentally shot herself in the head while cleaning her gun?

Attached: Cripopop.jpg (511x858, 207K)

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why does OP spam these threads all day long?

i'm genuinely curious, what's wrong with him?

just a mentally ill user. pay no mind.

Spammed it on /b/ also

Ia she already dead on that pic?

How many times are you going to post this thread? I mean how pathetic does your life have to be before you start spamming this garbage all day, every day?

Ronald Reagan defunded the mental asylums in the 80s. Now these libtarded snowflakes pretend they're different genders, spam their retarded agenda on the internet, and make a general nuisance of themselves constantly.

Unfortunately they also vote.

>accidentally shot herself in the head while cleaning her gun
how did she do that?

How do you feel as you look in to the eyes of victims of black people who did literally nothing, sometimes did something nice, only to be murdered by some low IQ jungle monkey that shouldn't have been in the fucking country to begin with?

I think about how shitskins and leftists are probably glad she's dead

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Nice link, faggot. Anyone?

OP is a nigger, sage this gay shit.

OK, funny story I found while looking:

>San Diego police said the sailor had got out several weapons to show the woman and despite her asking him to put them away he insisted they were safe.
He was handling the gun and pointed it at his head to show her it wasn’t loaded when the tragedy happened.

Sage hasn't worked for years. OP is a nigger, though.

Just sage this kike and move on.

>she accidentally shot herself in the head while cleaning her gun?
honestly, how the fuck does this happen?

Happens accidentally

Maybe the shells were Refugee/Immigrant brand shells, they're vibrant and harmless.

That's pretty funny, actually. Stupid people deserve to die

>accidentally leave bullets in gun
>accidentally aim gun at head
>accidentally pull trigger
>accidentally have appointment with morgue personnel
>accidentally get cremated


Yes, that is usually how someone is shot in the head, user.

Can we all agree that getting "accidentally killed" by a gun from one's own hand is extremely low-tier on the death scale, right next to managing to get hit by a train?

Must have had dirt on the Clintons.

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Why the fuck was she cleaning a loaded gun? I don't even own a gun and I know you unload that shit before doing anything like that.

Darwin award aynone?

Finger off the trigger, take out magazine, with magazine confirmed out of the gun pull back on the slide and check chamber. It REALLY isn't that hard.

It's like electricians who never turn any electricity off (I see that a lot), they're "experts", user and not subject to petty mortal laws.

The Jidf gets paid. He's working when he does this. Sage and move on

I think he means the technical term "rounds", meaning bullets + shell casings + gunpowder

It makes me wonder how many gun cleaning deaths are suicides that are covered up or just unrecognized as such by police.

it’s a weird fetish thing

It generally doesn't.

Lots of "accidents" are just suicides that were classified as accidents for various reasons. Religion, insurance, etc.

Bot thread.

Confirmed. I enjoy stories of women who die in stupid ways.

Is it normal to clean loaded guns?