Boyfriend lost my trust and am currently pregnant with his child. Was cheating on me when I moved out, possibly longer. He lost his job from calling off constantly and leaving early to be with other person. Feel like a piece of shit mother for being in this situation. I don't know what to do. How do I get over it and just deal with it so my kid doesn't have to suffer?
I am pathetic and a shit mother
Did you ever heard the word "abortion"?
Your kid is probably gonna grow up and become a drug dealer or a criminal. Should've thought about what your doing before taking his sperm inside your vagina. Another kid growing up with a broken family. Probably won't have any money either.
Adoption is an option. Panic is not. Raising a kid by urself is hard. Much harder than you see in TV.
was willing to get abortion done but idiot me wanted him to pay for half of it since my money was always used for everything he wanted to do. kept trying to get me to pay for it all myself but it was both of our fuck up then it got too late to have it done
I don't know what these other fags are shitposting about but if you raise your kid right they'll value what they never had growing up and will take caret of you and your grandchildren because they love you, not because they have to
Just raise the kid and keep a good separation between it and the dad. If he wants to stay in the picture, establish solid ground rules with him early on like "No random women in house while kid is there, don't show your laziness in front of kid, take care of kid at least x times a week"
A shitty dad doesn't mean your kid is gonna turn out shit. It's tough but that just means you'll have to pick up the slack. You aren't a shit mom, and kids aren't identical products of their parents. Sure it might have a crap dad but it clearly has a mom who cares for it. Just be there for the kid, love it, nurture it and it'll be a good kid.
If you get an abortion you will kill yourself, I promise you will regret it one day, you will learn the meaning of grief for the rest of your life
my parents said they would help out until I am able to get back to work I just wanted my child to have a father figure in his life which I believe he is not willing to be anymore
Don't abort, but definitely cut him off and try to be the best mother you can. Single motherhood isn't ideal but with the right head on your shoulders you can raise your child to be the best they can be. And it's not like you'll stay single forever. If you don't mind me asking though how did your boyfriend lose his trust in you?
Don’t fall for the single motherhood schtick. Do. Not. Do it. Child will need both a mother and father in its life. You could try and raise it with a new man thinking that’s its its father but it will find out eventually
Coat hanger and spare the world some drama. Case closed
Are you saying she should give it up for adoption, instead?
How are you a bad mother for the father being a piece of shit?
you wouldn't pay a few hundred dollars for an abortion, so now you will spend tens of thousands of dollars raising a kid that you won't even love?
Why the fuck do women marry for money when they don't even have a basic understanding of it?!?
I wish your mom had gotten an abortion
First of all, I'm sorry you're in this situation. As much as you trusted your partner sometimes you can't see the things that are coming. As far as your kid goes. If you really do feel okay with bringing him into this world then make due with it. Your shit boyfriend won't do any good in his life. You and your parents can pick up the slack. Don't worry so much on what you can't control. Focus on the kid and yourself. It's all that will matter for the next two decades.
I guess because your parents are willing to support you two try and raise the child to the best of your ability, really read up on how to do it right, keep your kid far from the shit father though you are shit for being with him while you know that he is trash and letting him impregnate you.
I'm not usually one for abortion but the fact that you'll be a single mother raising a child is absolutely one of the few reasons to get one. You'll constantly be trying to date men with your kid around(which will deter good men from coming for you), your kid won't like these men because they're not his father, and you will resent yourself, the kid, and men which will just turn your child into a worthless nigger that will probably shoot up a school or join an urban youth gang
Plenty of people grow up with a single mom. It's going to be a lot more work to do it right, but it can be done.
>Plenty of people grow up with a single mom
That's not a good thing
The death of the nuclear family is the sole reason we have so many criminals and mentally unstable people these days. Just because it happens doesn't mean it's fucking normal
You're right, I never said it was a good thing. You can read, congratulations.