>be me, bisexual vegan basedboy not racist not sexist vote democrat
>6'4", 250k at 20, valedictorian, Yale student, sperm "donor" who gets paid 300 by roasties PER LOAD
>Be drumpflet
>Virgin hs dropout living with mommy at 25
Why are trump supporters typically broke neet losers?
>calls others losers
foxes that eat rodents have a better diet than you.
I fucked your mom in the ass last night.
You vote democrat in the UK? Interadasting
Do these people get paid for this? Is this even shilling? What is this?
...and there's the flag.
Reminder to downvote faggot threads and kill trannies
I honestly don't know why I'm responding to this bait. So I wager a question. Should I do skull crushers or close grip bench today? Im focusing on volume as opposed to amount of weight moved.
jokes on you, I'm 6'6 and have a 9 inch dick
300k starting math major but I also work part time as a Wendy's chef
I'm actually in the top 10% for my age
Ha, no wonder you voted blimph. I bet your Wendy's isn't even mostly Mexican manlet twink. No wonder you're so poor. My Wendy's refuses to hire anyone that is under 7'2" and must measure 9" soft during the penis inspection part of the interview. We take in 2.5 million quarterly for fry Cooks.
Today I learned half the US population consists of
>broke neet losers
In the meantime, blacks and Latinos on welfare all vote for Democrats so it looks like most people in the US are "broke neet losers"..
>bragging under a meme flag on an anonymous Vietnamese sock exchange boardlet
Considering half of Americans make less than $30k per year, it's pretty obvious that Democrats are the party of the working class.
I also tell lies on the internet
No. Neither party is the the party of the working class. One is the party of minorities and the other White by simply not being as bad as the Dems. I would had voted for Jim webb, but they fucked that up. Besides it says 30k and under therefore including the lumpenproletariat.
I’m actually 6’5” and make $500k a year. I’m sorry you’re a manlet/wagelet.
I have a friend that does this, he says only negresses and heroin addicts are willing to fuck.
This bait is too obvious. Rework it and try again!
Fuck off CIA nigger
We haven't had a valedictorian at Yale over 6'1'' since Pete Halloran in the mid-80's. Liar.