Rise of the 'milk mommas': Breastfeeding mothers solve problems with under and overproducing by SHARING supplies with...

>Rise of the 'milk mommas': Breastfeeding mothers solve problems with under and overproducing by SHARING supplies with each other's babies
>Three mothers talked about their experiences of sharing each other's breast milk
>Mother-of-two Kelly Brennan, 30, gave mother-of-one Susie Schmitt, 32, milk
>Mother-of-two Brittany Wigman, 33, then gave both mothers her breast milk
>Britanny produces over two liters of milk a day while Susie underproduces milk


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Other urls found in this thread:


disgusting. sharing breats milk is unironic degeneracy gross

I wish I could get a hold of that stash

What ever happened to the user telling faggots to archive and stop giving kikes website hits?

Hi Nestlé

That cunt was a spammer and I'm glad he's gone. nobody should be reading the links anyway, pure propaganda.

Nothing wrong with this except the social media bragging. Being an attention whore is degenerate. Helping your friends children and being utilitarian with your resources isn't.

>not selling it to gymbros who want dem gainz

So can anyone buy some or what?

What does breast juice taste like? Creamy and sweet? Thick and sour? Who has tasted the human milk?

I need milky

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>sharing breats milk is unironic degeneracy
minus the spelling errors, 100% accurate.
your whore's dna will go nowhere near my seed.

I would imagine it tastes like whey.

he is in jail for this obvious form of anti-semitism

overwhelmingly Euro diaspora women helping euro diaspora babies

The Norwegian guy kept getting banned for his trouble and it starts to feel like a waste of time when nobody else does it and the closest you get is lazy faggots begging for someone else to archive shit.

This has been done for thousands of years.
They're called "wet nurses".

>Breastfeeding mothers solve problems with under and overproducing by SHARING supplies with each other's babies

goats do that, and goats seem pretty smart

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not sure you know what that is

This is just a more streamlined version of hiring a wet nurse to deal with underproduction. A thread died for this. Probably not a good thread, but still.

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Its not ideal but as long as the kids still getting as much of its mother's milk as it can I don't see the problem.

it was a waste of resources, those links don't need to be archived let alone viewed. you can easily tell by the site address.

I guarantee nothing of value was lost.

>all over 30

I'm surprised they're not sharing breast cheese

>come back to us norbro!

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Way too sweet. It's unpleasant.

I see no problem with this.

nothing wrong with this except henpecking jealous shitlibs warning about stranger danger breastmilk

Articles should be linked and if they're from problem sites they should be archived. Of course most articles, like this one, should not have threads made about them.

it is no longer a question. i am GOING to kill people.

>plastic packets
Fuck outta here leaf you're not fooling anyone with that VPN.

Over milk?

nothing wrong with this

The last thing we need is rhinos acting like goats.

I err, need a take away bag for my little sister.
No, she can't leave the house so you'll just have to give it to me.

>2 litters a day
Holy fucking shit

>tfw not breast fed till 16

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This, you can spread disease that way

Whores do this, yet theyll give me shit for drinking raw unpasteurized milk because muh tuberculosis

Its sweet like the other user said, the mother of my kid let's people try hers all the time (I fucked up, I know) and brags about how good hers is but it's not that great.

Non Ohioans can only look. No touching.

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Nothing wrong with it, My wife had our first kid the same time her sister had a premature baby and my wife would give her some milk.
Its actually pretty common among women

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With that logic you can spread immunity also

breast milk is the ultimate red pill
anyone who drinks milk is a poor/faggot
alphas only drink breast milk. best nutrition in the world. increases IQ, muscle mass, and tastes great.
all women should be milked daily

im not about water or any of that, I just find this incredibly degenerate. that shit is private keep it in the family. I'd never allow my wife to share her breast milk- do it your goddamn self or let the child die, we're full up as it is, maybe darwin should take over for a bot

no u

gross and perverted. here have some of my genetic material! you'd probably guzzle someones cum for protein

Knowing that men can lactate:
>I can already see male version of this pic in the future pls god no.

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For what?

>not drinking straight from some alt-right milkers

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>making babies drink milk from fucking plastic bags instead of breasts
How did we fall so low as a species?

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>What ever happened to the user telling faggots to archive and stop giving kikes website hits?
that was actually a good idea, I forgot people did that
>The Norwegian guy kept getting banned for his trouble and it starts to feel like a waste of time when nobody else does it and the closest you get is lazy faggots begging for someone else to archive shit.
lol this

so progressive

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You know their husbands love it too. You just know these wives spray their milk over their husband's hard cocks right before it goes up their bottoms.

I buy breast milk all the time off Facebook Marketplace. I need it for bodybuilding. No s o y in these titties. My girlfriend really needs to start getting on a regimen of domperidone so I can get it straight from the source.

perhaps something like this would solve this problem:


i could get down with a healthy thing like this. give the ladies a couple bucks and something to do with their time. better they be concerned with and raising kids then parading them to be raped by gays in nyc for social media points

Literally sat through one of those milk hoarder videos; I was looking for a source for zip-type plastic bags that don't leak; that's the type used for milk storage.

These women are the most certifiably insane, wholly insufferable, self-obsessed spergs in the world. They are absolutely nuts. I mean, God must watch these videos and think, "Jesus fucking Christ - what have I done?"

No, the mother's microbiome is in sintony with the child's one, milk-sharing is unnecessary, potentially harmful and disgusting.

Thank Kek your post hadn't digits, if that happens i'll unironically off myself.

Anyone in This Thread also in an ANR relationship?

>No, the mother's microbiome is in sintony with the child's one, milk-sharing is unnecessary, potentially harmful and disgusting.
checked for truth but degenerates with a hard-on in this thread wont care

Honestly this, better than formula. There is not a single readily available American made formula that is onions-free.

White women are fucking stupid

>women are fucking stupid


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Its not like deseases or anything can tranafer to a child through breastmilk, whats the harm goy?


>a wet nurse

Believe me I am just as glad as you are that this hasn't happened yet.

Salty coins and sour sand.

I love austrians so god damn much.

how about you inject it into your balls and let the baby drink from your dick?

>gee thanks for feeding lil timmy for me suzy, its ok about the hepititis, dont worry about it, je probablyvwouldve gotten it eventually anyway.

>diseases cant spread
people actually believe this which is wacky. Like guzzling some bitch's squirt or some dude's semen. body fluids need to not pass the family boundaries (hey hey daughters)

Wetnurses were literally one of the few jobs women could have throughout history
>they’re meant to breed and tend for children
>only a few women have to actual care for infants, others can care for older children
What’s wrong with this is the fact that she’s e-whoring instead of sucking dick

Did you not catch the sarcasm in my post?

It’s like if milk tasted like orange juice

I caught it like Hep-C from breast milk fren

I thought that was the next to the last thing

Boob communism, heh, time for a helicopter ride mommy

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It's called downloading Brave and deleting Chrome, faggot. It's not about clicks but about ad revenue.

How do you think children whose mothers produced no milk were fed before the invention of formulas?
>Let millions of babies starve or underdevelop because other women's milk is icky

the real question is why are (you) not drinking breast milk?

1. get to suck on titties in the process
2. best nutrition available on earth.
3. Human milk contains two types of proteins: whey and casein. Approximately 60% is whey, while 40% is casein. This balance of the proteins allows for quick and easy digestion.
4. Lactoferrin inhibits the growth of iron-dependent bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. This inhibits certain organisms, such as coliforms and yeast, that require iron.

Secretory IgA also works to protect the infant from viruses and bacteria, specifically those that the baby, mom, and family are exposed to. It also helps to protect against E. Coli and possibly allergies.

Other immunoglobulins, including IgG and IgM, in breast milk also help protect against bacterial and viral infections. Eating fish can help increase the amount of these proteins in your breast milk.

Lysozyme is an enzyme that protects the infant against E. Coli and Salmonella. It also promotes the growth of healthy intestinal flora and has anti-inflammatory functions.
Bifidus factor supports the growth of lactobacillus. Lactobacillus is a beneficial bacteria that protects the baby against harmful bacteria by creating an acidic environment where it cannot survive.

5. make you immune to all human disease

6. get to suck on titties all day.

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You faggots never heard of a wet nurse?

This is udderly ridiculous.

Does a redheads' breast milk have a hint of ginger in it?

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How about less text articles about ugly women breastfeeding babies and more videos about hot women breastfeeding me?

Actually they can
You can get aids from infected breast milk
Don’t buy untrusted breast milk

What? Just like randos? Friends? Is it a fetish thing she advertises? Can I get her digits?

Will this happen pol?

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How do you find these groups? And do the women know you're fapping to the titty squeezings or do you like and say you have a kid?

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niggers use to breast feed the babies. as long as you dont have some dope fiend dumping out toxic milk, then milk is milk and it is way better for babies than formula.

Imagine the smell.


Not every kid latches, so moms pump to the bottle and use bags as storage you stupid German fuck. No wonder you guys lost WWII.