So I'm going to be on a date and I'm pretty unexperienced.
how do I make it "fun" and "interesting"? We're going out "for a drink on Wednesday morning".
So I'm going to be on a date and I'm pretty unexperienced.
how do I make it "fun" and "interesting"? We're going out "for a drink on Wednesday morning".
Alcohol Is for losers just do what you think jonathan joestar would do
Just tell here youve a big penis.
Works al the time
I had a lot of fun with my kid on those bird or lime thing.
Such great advices you already had OP, adv is the best board
Usually having a personality helps. If you don't have that, good luck.
If you mean the physical date location, maybe find a fun or more interesting drinks location, maybe a place that has good food or well made cocktails so it's a source of conversation and something to focus on.
If you mean the date itself, just stay engaged and talk about things that interest you. Find a common hobby or topic and talk about it. Make sure both of you have the chance to speak/that not just one of you dominates the conversation. If there is a lull in the date, just bring up something that you find funny or interesting, even if it's just a silly fun fact to jump start a conversation. Try not to get too drunk either.
Who has a date in the morning?
Drinking doesn't seem like the most fun thing ever but maybe it's not too bad. Maybe it's a cosy environment to chill and talk about your lives. Or maybe it's lively with lots of random things you can take an interest in (like people you meet, live music and novelties). Dancing might pass as fun too.
Sponge bob does with patrick
it was her idea, not mine
its 6-6.5, so id be lying
define personality
her idea man, I wanted hiking in the evening.
Literally just try to have fun and do what brings you fun. If she likes you, she will have fun, too. If she doesn't, you'll look for the next one.
Oooo dancing I like the sound of that! How should I dance? I have no idea.
>not too bad
>causes dozens of deaths every week
Honestly, just ham it up if you have to, she probably doesn't care whether or not you're the next MJ. She show her that you can let loose and have fun.
>do what brings you fun.
dicking around with my friends, card games, exploring. Not the best things to do with a date.
more specific what should I do?
>hiking in the evening
sounds rapey
I always go for dinner because I am not a big drinker.
But it's easy, just make conversation. Rule #1 is that people love to talk about themselves.
oh no, the goyim are onto me!
thanks, will do.
There isn't much you can do other than being social and having a personality. Whether a date goes well or not is mostly about the chemistry (or lack thereof) between the two of you.
I've had awesome, interesting dates and i have had terrible dates. It's part of the game
>Rule #1 is that people love to talk about themselves.
This is not my experience at all.
I love to listen and when I am on a group of people, I am fine with not saying a word.
But one on one conversations need back and forth. Nobody can talk about themselves for a couple of hours.
Obviously they like to talk about something they can relate to or experiences they had, but I don't think that qualifies.
exploring sounds like fun, though
i can't tell you what to do, i can only tell you to find something you would like to do and not try to find something that might only fit her interests.
I talked to you in another thread about this Wednesday date. You're not going to be dancing on a Wednesday morning in any bar, and if you do, she'll run away like you've got a gun.
Have fun with the conversation, that's all you need to do. Have a couple of drinks, loosen up, and talk about your shared interests. You like hiking? Ask her if she likes hiking. If she does, talk about where you like to hike, ask her where SHE likes to hike. Ask her what her hobbies are... find one you might like. Ask her more about it.
Where do you explore? Have you ever seen any cool shit exploring? Tell her an interesting story about the craziest shit you've ever seen, or tell her about your passion and where you'd like to go. I live near Death Valley, and I've always wanted to see the moving stones in this picture. No one can quite figure out why these things appear to be drifting across the lakebed. Cool story, right?
Seem passionate, ask about her passions, learn about her passions. It's a first date. Not hard.
Eye sea
there is an abandoned mental asylum that I know of. Should I ask her to come exploring with me? I can also crack a joke like "this is not that bad, how about you just stay here among the spirits lmao?"
great advice user!