Is it over for white people?

Not intending to demoralize anyone but just exploring an objective appraisal of the current state of white people.

Many are obese and unhealthy.
Many are overdosing on prescription opiates and other drugs. (imported from china and SA)
Many are not breeding enough to maintain white population.
Many of the men have low Testosterone and some are cutting off their dicks and pretending to be women.
Hordes of non-whites are being imported to breed the whiteness out the population.
White women don't seem to have a problem with this.
The media demonizes whites at every angle as "the problem" with the world and celebrate their demise.
Even a large number of whites hate their own race or are ashamed and apologetic.
There's probably a lot more we can list but this is already approaching tl;dr limits and you get the idea. List more if you like.
Once the shining light of the planet, strong and brave and innovative and adaptable and smart; now pathetic suicidal trash that's just waiting to let itself rot, decay, and disappear.
How did whites let this happen to themselves? Can anyone do anything to change this horrible path of self destruction?
I personally think the world needs whites and hope they awaken and change their ways. But is it too late? Is it over?

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Join the fight Panamabro. As long as a white person draws breath it's never over

The threat perception which motivates the concern trolling belies your "point"

There never were white people.

>Not intending to demoralize anyone
we totally believe you

Yeah it's over. All whites will either become self-hating trannies or covert to Islam while the shitskin invasion reaches critical mass. There is no future. Don't have kids.

Probably for some countries (UK, France, USA, Belgium) a civil war scenario is inevitable. For other countries maybe a peaceful (i mean political) solution is still an option.

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I don't know what any of that means. I don't have a thought out "point" just wondering if is over.

We will never gas the niggers. It's never, ever going to happen. And it's the only possible solution to the invasion

>White women don't seem to have a problem with this.
Why the fuck would you care what women think? They're followers. They'll always think and do what people want them to.

>How did whites let this happen to themselves?
Jews upgraded their propaganda. The invention and spread of television gave them tremendous power. Humans are much easier to dupe/control when you show them actual humans speaking or acting certain things out. Newspapers and radio pale in comparison.
>Can anyone do anything to change this horrible path of self destruction?
Yeah, but whether anyone will is uncertain.
>I personally think the world needs whites and hope they awaken and change their ways.
I agree.

>convert to Islam
This is the one door the enemy has left open for us.

We already gassed them, and i'm not speaking some ancient ages...but our grandparents. I'm positive because Overton window is shifting at beautiful speed here in Italy.

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So I still can't figure it out. Is it a girl or a boy?

girl. not a trap.

>I personally think the world needs whites and hope they awaken and change their ways

A parasite has concerns for the well being of its host, how very cute. If you were in whites shoes you would've understood that the only winning move is to let it all burn to the ground.

we had to kick you out and throw you in foibe as you guys pulled the shame shit here for a few years

my brown semi Saracen semi gypsy looking pasta munching loud talking greasy haired "friend" from 2km away never agreed with Slavs either

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I think white people are waking up to this, and I also think way more people read Jow Forums than is realized. I notice the MSM hesitate to even mentioning us because they don't want anymore curious readers coming here.

we white ppl and I use this term loosely are at each other throats for centuries now

the fragile peace kept in EU is on the brink of collapse

just ask Italians, they want Istria and Dalmatia back, Croats want part of Bosnia... Serbs want everything, Hungary wants its former glory, Catalonia is boiling, France is in flames, Germany is 'baut to explode too etc.

the Europe is on the war path and importing millions of muslims isn't helping

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Whites will always have a stronghold in the midwest United States. Specifically Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. Conservative values still reign supreme here and most likely will for a very long time.

How do you know?

We're more interested in Lybia than Istria & Dalmatia to be honest. We should go there and gas all the warlords and put a puppet govt in action. Then all the rapefugees should be shipped in a refugee camp there.

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white people are waking up.

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There will be a massive war. Places like France and the UK are far too gone. America has a lot of fight/dog in him left, half the country is ready to do whatever trump says. Italy is looking good. Eastern europe is always looking good.

>Is it over for white people?
Yes, yes it is.

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>a civil war scenario is inevitable
It's not, the European countries in particular are suffering from an inversion of the age pyramid and the new military aged male cohort of your nations will overwhelmingly be foreign by the time the indigenous peoples even recognize they're a coherent people facing a threat. Fragmentation and balkanization are likely if whites aren't outright conquered, which is a very real possibility. If white women remain the most desirable and free from the loyalties of the white peoples, those that are summoned by the conquerors would gladly accept their hand, exacerbating the fertility crisis even further. Things are beyond bleak.

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The answer is... yes but there’s hope. As based uncle Ted once said, the cause of all forms of social change is always with the change in technology. The only way white people can avoid their inevitable demise is through the rejection of technology and a return to a more basic way of living. Now the good news is that once modernity destroys white people it will without doubt destroy every other race as well. Only those who avoid technology will truly live on in any spiritual or meaningful sense. Thankfully such a community already exists, the Amish number at 330,000 in NA and actively shun the modern world while maintaining their way of life undeterred since the 1700s. The Amish population doubles every single 22 years. They are the great white Hope, I’ve given up on white people. The Amish are all that will remain of us in the coming centuries.

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Amish people are fucking garbage