Why is the police so useless

Why is the police so useless

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You are expected to protect yourself.


The police IS an useless institution. She had to buy a gun.

Nice grammar, nigger.

"Why is da poh-lice be so useless, muhfugga?"

Because they only hire women or braindead niggers now

That is some prime BBC material.

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>Why do you need a gun? The police will protect you

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show flag and also a pic of the murderer

based pigs

Hahaha now that I think of it, she was probably simply paying her toll

is there something on my screen or something on her face

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The few times I contacted the police :stolen boat, stolen fire arm, threats of violence against my family, they were NEVER helpful. Fuck the police. They are their to keep law abiding people in check.

She paid the rightful toll.

Salt Lake city is full of cucks trying to make it ultra progressive. They are afraid of confronting minorities.

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Defend yourself instead of depending on someone for once

There* yea yea

Police aren't legally required to protect you. Also let's make it super difficult to get a gun for self defense.

10:1 odds says the harasser was non white so police didn’t get involved out of fear of media smearing

That's nigger cum. It's either on your screen or on the pic.

When the ground represents NOT living dangerously and NOT taking BBC in your undersized holes

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Lol the Mormons will kill them all once they start flooding in, mark my words those fuckers are crazy.

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Why are mormons in a race to prove how pussified and progressive they are.

It's getting to the point where "progressivism" is the religion, and a different religious veneer is given to it depending on the practitioner. Same with paganism, actually. They're just progressives larping as something else.

She should have turned to her white boyfriend or husband for protection.

What's that you say? She was a coal burning whore and was fucking the nigger who killed her?

Well then.

Toll paid.

The police have never been helpful to me either. House was broken into and it took them 30 minutes to arrive and then they never caught the person. I got back to my house before the police ever did. And I am in the richest and whitest part of our town (98% there’s only one mixed couple in our neighborhood, gated)

The only people police have an obligation to protect are those in police custody. Anything else they don't have to do anything on.

yeah right
they'll run right into the victim status brigade and completely cuck. In fact, they're already cucked

It's Utah
That state is notorious for not doing shit about domestic violence. Hell you don't have to worry about being charged with child abuse unless you nearly kill the kid. It's technically not abuse if there are no discernable marks regardless of actual pain or emotional impact.
Know a former social worker from Utah. Said the big joke of their job there was how easy it is cause they hardly do anything despite being one of the worst states for this kind of thing.

this girl sounded like she was being gang stalked by the police.
>On Oct. 12, the 21-year-old woman told police that Rowland's friends appeared to be trying to lure her off campus into a trap with fake texts. In the days that followed, she reported he was extorting her by threatening to post compromising photos of her online. He once left a message posing as a police officer in an apparent attempt to get her to leave her university apartment, but that report "went nowhere," a "unforgivable lapse of judgment and professional competency," her parents said

My sister had someone who was harassing her. She called the police and they talked with the guy, but nothing happened. Then she called me, problem solved.

They're NYPA, faggot. Only call them when you're running low of ammo.

>She had to buy a gun.

Then proper training was the issue here?

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based and redpilled

Because police are paid to protect super predators and actively engage in furthering white genocide.

>Hours before McCluskey was killed, she had emailed police to report a text from someone alleging to be Deputy Chief Rick McLenon, asking her to come to the police station.
yea im sure the black boyfriend knew who Deputy Chief Rick McLenon was because he was an evil genius mastermind

>Coal burning
Toll paid, also thanks for this gay thread #45476557754

>Brophy said that investigators now believe that Rowland was behind all the messages to McCluskey, and had used multiple phones, texting apps, and spoofed email addresses to contact her anonymously.

it was totally Melvin Rowland, dudes

>Rowland's friends appeared to be trying to lure her off campus into a trap with fake texts
>Rowland's friends trying to lure her into a trap with fake texts
>Rowland's friends lure into a trap with fake texts
>Rowland's friends

Everyone need friends!

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Coal burners deserve nothing but death

What did you do?

what'cha do to him, pham

I like a good story as well.

Why is women so useless