How many dating profiles is too many?
How many dating profiles is too many?
I feel like shit for getting abandoned again. I've seriously started thinking that it's my fate to always end up like this.
I dunno if this is about him wanting to "protect" me and himself but it still sucks. You should have never even approached me in the first place if your intention was to leave me and never contact again.
I even shared this with you and this is what I still got in the end. I won't be truly happy till like 10 years from now on. I just probably end up using my classmate's attention to fill up my social needs but still won't truly feel it. I know it's terrible but this is how I'm always treated. I'm only one time goods and then forgotten forever.
dishonorable people don't deserve the consideration of an honorable confrontation. rest assured that if you ever meet me it'll be because I'm either about to make you disappear, because I want to see the look on your face as I deliver some unfortunate news to you, because I'm there to humiliate you, or I'm there to distract you while I do a myriad of other things to completely fuck you up. if you see me, run you old fuck.
oohh but I've got the gang. you have shit. the gang won't touch me. one they don't care about your personal problems, two I'm fucking blood bitch.
oh, on the whole "inbred thing" I am directly descended from royalty, warriors, people that engineered the first automatic trans, the first turboprop engine, and sent motherfuckers to the moon. get fucked you inbred waste of a sperm cell that crawled out your dad's ass. what do you even do? you sell drugs and do them. you have nothing in your life that is cause for respect. you have no integrity, you have no morals, you are trash. save me the trouble and kill yourself. no matter who does it the world will be a better place.
I don't think you understand how difficult it is for someone who really, truly has nothing to get a job.
been there, done that, not that hard. unless you're talking about not having legs or arms or any kind of skills.
What makes you think out situations are the exact same?
I miss being alone
Do you realise that I see through you?
I like turtles
Yeah you show that guy by not taking care of any situation yourself and having to call in your super special friends to do every goddamn thing for you probably while feeding them a bunch of bullshit and making them victimized somebody for your petty annoyances you're a good person
Also LOL it's cool you can calling your buddies just because you want to run other people's lives like some Manchild who thinks they are God like
I hate my new job. It's been only five days and I feel so lost and useless and flailing about aimlessly. Worse, everyone I meet just utters platitudes about "oh congrats!" "You're a big shot now!" and other shit.
Learning all thos stuff I've never learned before makes me miserable. I'm dreading going to work. I catch myself sighing all the time. I can't talk to my old colleagues any more. My mother tries to help but she honestly does not have a clue (her first answer was "have you tried googling it", as though it wasn't the first thing an IT professional would do), and I can't even vent to her because she goes "I'm just trying to help you ;o;" so obviously I have to shut up because now I'm being the bad guy trying to take it out on her instead.
I want my old job back. Better yet, I want a job that pays for my hobbies and which I am actually good at so I can at least take pleasure in doing something good even if I don't enjoy it that much. Ideally I'd get to translate shit into English for a living but I don't even know where to start looking.
I'm sorry but I dislike your little new friend. She is a try hard cunt and a fattie. She is not even funny and her "look at my I know so much about memes and I'm so quirky" attitude sucks. I haven't been so annoyed with a person until I tried to get along with her for your sake. I won't force you to chose between her or me, so I'll do us a favor and I will ghost you out of my life.
Fuck I just love a fucking real job offer shit under the table working with friends any goddamn thing something consistent doesn't need to be much fuck instead of some stupid fucking bullshit fake fake fake fake motherfuking people and all that other bullshit fuck
What the hell are you talking about?
I hate when people assume I'm in a bad mood or angry because I'm quiet. I get anxious or something and I just get quiet because I'm happy to observe a conversation or situation. It's just frustrating.
Anons I'm feeling like I'm near breaking point and as much as I want to fix myself I'm seemingly teeming with contradictions.
I feel alone and I want to talk to people yet I find it impossible to "connect" to people any more ever since I had my head bashed in, with every conversation feeling disjointed and with most people coming off as uncaring, or disinterested whenever I join in, this has even spread to my friends and makes me want to isolate myself further.
I want a relationship and I think I want sex yet I can't find myself to feel anything but panic, (freezing in place) evasive and even disgust when random people at clubs want to get with me I just can't do it Anons no matter how hard I try I just can't bring myself to even kiss a girl how people can do it just feel so alienated knowing no one else I've met has that issue.
I want to become strong again and live as long as I can yet all I can feel is my mental health declining steeply with everything in my life feeling like its going into decline, with daily nose bleeds and coughing up blood becoming a near daily thing my head feeling worse despite the diagnosis saying I was fine and depression suddenly back with a vengeance I fear I'm going to end it soon
I don't know what to do or where to go Anons, I just want to feel something with anyone now, knowing someone is interested in the conversation they're having with me, knowing that I instinctively want to fuck them instead of panicking and feeling disgust, knowing I'm going to be strong again yet I can't do any of it Anons
Please help.
Please love me...
To whom
From who
Whom to
Whom from
I wonder if I should really trim my pubes, I like it when women have theirs shaved so I feel like I should do it as well.
I wish I was good enough for you.
I've changed so much just for a second shot.
I lost and continue to lose weight.
I try to make more money so we can go out more.
I even changed the goddamn deodorant I wore because you didn't like the smell of it when it failed.
Does anyone else have this problem? I'm addicted to asking for advie. I must ask someone what they think before I make every small choice in my life. I think it started because at 25 I feel like I'm not allowed to make mistakes, I'm supposed to be an intelligent adult. And after being scolded for my mistakes, told that I acted like a teen, made mistakes in my job and got rejected by some girls I can't help asking people before I do almost everything. I fear that my own decisions are always gonna be irrational and super risky, until I get someone to tell me that it's okay and I should do it (or that I shouldn't so I don't).
I "had" this for around a year, and still have some similar thing to it left.
you just gotta stop thinking about wrong or right, do as you wish, chances are that if you have been this self aware about your shit for this long you're a good person by nature, go by your gut, have some confidence.
oh and being an adult does not mean you have it all figured it out, just as being a man doesn't mean you're flawless and strong, you do aspire to become that, but is just an ideal, and specifically about the adult thing, you become an adult once you hit a certain age, that's it, it only means you reached that age, it won't make you smarter or wiser, that's expected of you from becoming older but this obviously varies from person to person.
just have some faith, your brain will let you know what's good for you and what not, don't let yourself sabotage your own life.
I started to think about all the best times we had together. It fills me with joy but at the same time it hurts that it's all just in the past now. And it will never be the same. I miss you so much. Or maybe I just miss having someone? You are one of a kind for sure.
In less than 20 hours I'll be gone for good. Sold everything I owned that had any value to it. You'll never see me again. Both online and in private. Forward this to L if you want. I really don't give a shit anymore.
You were here all along? Why did I have to discover that just now? The timing couldn't have been any worse. I want to talk you so bad, be friends with you, at least. But, I already have somewhat committed myself to someone... or at least, the idea of being with someone. I feel like I'm being led on and you could be the one who can break me from this spell.
Yes. What I don’t know is why you treat me like that when you have realized what I feel.
I should go for it and tell her how I feel about her? I keep thinking it might be wrong since she's my coworker and I just don't want to make it awkward between us. But these feelings for her has been causing me to be distracted most of day and not sure what to do.
why the fuck do you people ever bother to tell me to stop or be quite? You know that I'm just going to do whatever it is I fucking want. Whether that is to keep talking or shutting up. Reverse psychology doesn't work on me because I just don't give a shit.
India has like... 1.2billion mother fuckers in it. The country is the rapiest country in the world. Women are advised to just NOT go to India. It's a giant toilet of a country and literally everyone knows it... especially people from India.
I would rather suck Bree's dick than go to India.
There is a TED talk about how literally shitty India is. Literally.
I'm sorry that you faggots have a hard time dealing with the truth, I really am. But ignoring things doesn't make them go away. Ignoring things doesn't make anything better. That's the fucking problem with you people. You simply cannot talk about anything that even slightly goes against your beliefs. You ignore all the bad aspects about the cultures you protect and then overly praise any positive aspects like they are fucking perfect.
I'm really at a loss for what to do B:
I should've done something with my psychotic mania. I was an lolcow for sure (and still am) but I had ideas in there that I could've expressed.
I want to be inspired again. Next time I'll do something.
>How many dating profiles is too many?
one. Just don't bother with online dating if you're a man, it doesn't work unless you're an actual Chad. Women's standards are completely warped on there that most men will be lucky to get with a fat chick.
>been cutting back on alcohol
>smoking is becoming less appealing, want to quit outright once I get a bike
>now EXTREMELY BORED ALL THE TIME because I've exhausted the substances that I could use to entertain myself and consuming media isn't what it used to be
I don't even know what I want anymore tbdesu
I have no feels or insights. I want something to ROCK MY WORLD and change my perspective (for the better). The problem is that I don't know how to be the source of that myself. There's no momentum or trail to follow.
I want to go exploring but I wouldn't know where to start. And I'm scared, anyway. I've never been a very independent person.
Seriously, if Bree DOESN'T have a dick then I'll totally be ok with her. I just... don't like dock. I'm not too sure why I have to keep saying this. I'm clearly the last person in the world that would be into dick. I love the girls, I love the ladies. I'm all about the ladies.
It's suppose to be my fantasy, right? You're suppose to be repaying me for the life you stole. For saving your world. Then why... why are some of you hell bent on trying to make me suck a fucking dick? Even my mother is all "At least be BI." and I have no fucking idea why.
if any of the girls turn out to be traps I'm going to be furious. I'm totally fine if they were born like I was, not male or female but they really need to all have vaginas. It's kind of a big deal that they do. There should only be one dick among the bunch and it's mine.
You try to tell me "NO MEANS NO." yet you spend the last year and a half constantly nagging me, threatening me, and literally torturing me to suck someone's dick. You've even threatened to rape me if I didn't want to do it. So what the fuck is all of that about? Why do you insist on this fucking shit?
"Oh you won't know until you try it." "It's not so bad." "You should get release on some of those gay tendencies." "Seriously it's great." "Just give the reach around." "Don't stare at the balls and it's ok."
if someone tries to have sex with me and they have a cock I will fucking break their necks. I will literally kill them. That is self defense. If you try to rape me I will defend myself. You can't choose your sexual orientation. That's all there is to it.
I remember a time when a bunch of my haters created like... 4 fake dating profiles in order to make me look bad.
I discovered that driving around at night, going nowhere in particular, while listening to synth music is the best feeling in the world. At least right now, I hope I don't do it so much that it ends up becoming boring.
You try to tell me "NO MEANS NO." yet you spend the last year and a half constantly nagging me, threatening me, and literally torturing me to suck someone's dick. You've even threatened to rape me if I didn't want to do it. So what the fuck is all of that about? Why do you insist on this fucking shit?
"Oh you won't know until you try it." "It's not so bad." "You should get release on some of those gay tendencies." "Seriously it's great." "Just give the reach around." "Don't stare at the balls and it's ok.
Dude what the hell is going on I've had this going on with me for a couple years as well and it didn't start until a couple years ago before that it was all normal and now this bullshit what the fuck's up with people swear to God I feel like stabbing the next person that asks but then it probably just be stabbing a pawn and feel really bad about it
I hate feeling like this, I've lost my best friend. I miss you R
I don't really believe that. If it's true, Tissy picked a god awful time to play "hard to get" and especially with the really fucking fishy Chris shit.
There was something else going on here. Probably to do with the rumors and hit.
Now, you guy are telling me to "let It Go." but for fuck's sake go fucking fuck yourselves you pieces of shit. You all lied to me, you all stabbed me in the fucking back, you all manipulated me and fucked with my head.
You all talked shit about me to everyone which is why all this shit spiraled out of control. Is it really so fucking bad for me to want to know what the fuck is going on? To know all the shit you people have been doing behind my back to cause my life to turn in a fucking train wreck? All I ever wanted was to be loved but all I got was shit trash people constantly stabbing me in the fucking back.
And for the people "it's the drugs~!" then it's clear that there is even more shit that you faggots are hiding from me because the meds are what saved me from killing myself. I was depressed since I was in middle school, I was bored out of my fucking mind since I was a child. No, the med are not what caused this. You assholes are clearly in denial over the damage you have caused to my mental and physical health. It's amazing how you all ignore the fact you literally broke my heart with all the stresss you put on me. Stress because of the lies, the manipulation, the constant attacks, the bitter loneliness, and more.
All I want to fucking know is what happened and it's clearly something horrific since none of you want to come clean. If it was something as simple as "Oh she was just playing hard to get" then that's all you would say. That's not something difficult. But I know there is more to it. I know that it has everything to do with that entire group of people planning and fucking with me.
And I know the reason you don't want to tell me. Because you fuck faces want more money.
PROTIP: You assholes aren't getting another fucking dime from this. You demand more money for all that hardwork you have done but you have no fucking idea how shitty and greedy you assholes are.
That money was earned off the back of slaves. That money is bloodmoney. People fucking died for you assholes to get paid. You all knew what you were fucking doing. You all knew that you were getting paid to deliberately hurt innocent people. You all knew exactly what the fuck you were doing and you're shitty enough to fucking demand more? Are you fucking serious?
You should all be in fucking prison for what you did. Fucking all of you. These are crimes against humanity. You all profited off the backs of slaves. Off of stolen people's lives. You watched, you CAUSED the suffering of innocent people for entertainment and money.
You pat yourselves on the back for a job well done. For tormenting innocents. I'll make fucking sure that none of you see another fucking penny for what you've done.
And you can stay the fuck away from me. I want nothing to do with the vast majority of you.
I think a lot about my last days at high school, and how despite me never having friends, a few people still spoke to me here and there before graduation. To them, I must have looked shy, but the truth is that I'm incredibly depressed. Not in the "feeling down" sort of way, but in the "not feeling anything at all" way. It's been years since I felt lonely, years since I wanted a girlfriend. And I'm 19. What if this continues over my twenties? I'm trying to get cured, but it's taking so long. It sucks.
Do it.
>meet girl in class
>slightly interested in her
>make sure i dont scare her off, "be yourself and be cool", i tell myself
>we chat in class
>she spills some spaghetti when she talks to me
>oh fuck, is she into me? does she get nervous around me like i usually do? oh my god
>tell her that im gonna get some lunch before my next class and she's welcome to join, she says no
>i guess shes not into me?
>next class, she's flirty, definitely making more effort in conversation than I am
>i think "wtf is this, is she into me or not"
>i dont ask her out for lunch, i just roll with the conversations
>next class, shes flirty again, we have organic conversations
>i decide that this is the day i ask her out for coffee
>she says no cause her siblings are in town
that makes two rejections but for some reason she still flirts and spills her spaghetti. its been two classes since the last time i asked her out. am i being toyed around? she doesnt have a boyfriend.
She is an aspie. Touch her shoulder and ask her if she's interested in dating you or if she is just using you for attention because she's driving you mad and you're not going to deal with it any more.
She could be nervous. Keep talking and give it time.
I'm calling them because it's more fun. if it was just me taking care of it, there'd be a swift boom, and then it'd be done. but me calling cps, dea, and my handler is me taking care of it directly.
as far as petty annoyances, no, for one this guy is a blight on society. secondly he's stolen an entire future from me and someone else.
as far as victimizing someone, this dude has victimized plenty of people, not to mention he's put himself in this precarious position by his own hand. if i can ruin your entire life with three phone calls, you seriously fucked up. like you're such a shit person that I can just say what you do and the police will break down your door? you fucked up. its not victimizing someone innocent its taking care of a blight on society. people have likely died as a direct and indirect result of this person. I'm no saint, I'm directly and indirectly responsible for equal or more than likely, greater numbers of deaths, but I did it in the name of a cause and a system of morals and values whereas this jackass is literally just a drug dealer.
I don't think I'm god like btw, but I do have the capability to remove a problem from my life and the life of someone that needs protecting or she'll end up dead or in jail. desu that's the bigger part of this, I'm putting myself in a dangerous position by engaging yet again but it's worth it if it means there's one less horrible influence on this person. it's worth it if it gives her even a 1% greater chance to figure her shit out.
one last point, no I am not a good person when I get in this state. it's an almost sociopathic level of focus on the end goal. I've forced evictions for around 70 people in the dead of winter, I've helped to call in an airstrike on an isis camp where there were children being trained to kill, my actions indirectly led to a ship full of migrants getting mowed down by an attack helicopter because the gps coordinates I was providing to a third party got intercepted
you're quite mistaken if you think that I think I am god like or good. there was a reason that I left this life behind. I left it behind to pursue the future that I wanted and that I thought I found only to have it fucking taken away. so fuck it, I'll do it again. call it petty if you like I really don't give a fuck and you hold no sway over anything in my life.
Please come and fix my prism. It's been dropped, kicked, and in desperate need of repair.
Once fixed and with your light we will shine a brilliant spectrum the world over.
He's taking the microwave. The next three weeks will be rough.
I just can't seem to do health and fitness correctly.
I can't do a lot of things correctly.
Dear M,
She seems nice but its too bad you settled... I'm ready but I won't wait either
I used to say "next semester will be better." I'm worried if I say that now it will be shit again.
I hope russia butt fucks europe.
I'm so tired of asking.
Give me the chance to talk to him. Please?
I'll never find love, will I? It's not them. It's me. I don't want to be alone anymore. All I've ever wanted is true love. I either don't deserve it or understand it but I still desire it so desperately it eats away at my soul. I know that's melodramatic but I also know it's true.
I just want to love someone with everything I have and be loved by them. Maybe I'm just a selfish foolish asshole and that's really all there is to it.
What the fuck am I?
それでもおれわ,でも,ぼくのまいみちことが。 おれにしんじつをみんあさま。
On the right path with treatment, physical therapy, and talking to my therapist. It still depresses me the bridges I've burned and the people I've cut out of my life. None of you deserved it and its difficult to explain. My parents are moving out of state and I might join them, Another fresh start sounds really good right about now.
I quit drinking too. It really bums me out how much of an emphasis society puts on booze. It just seems like a facade seeing everyone double-fisting drinks and claiming they're happy. I dont ever want to police people but sooner or later it catches up too you.
I would have been fine if you hadn't started anything, but you gave me false security and that's what has me messed up. I haven't wanted affection in a long time but it was addictive coming from you. I still don't know what happened but I miss your company and I wish I could've seen your reaction but it wouldn't have had the same impact if I stuck around. Really hoping you miss me.
is it worth to go to university at 30? I know I'll be judged and mocked by everybody including professors. I hate this fucking life
Coincidence is weird. Democritus came up with a purely speculative account of atoms some 2000 years ago, and the only reason it couldn't be tested is because the Greeks didn't have the tools to test it that we do. I guess if you collect enough people and throw enough darts the probability of at least one person hitting is pretty high, but it makes me wonder what kinds of other darts are out there today. Which ones are gonna hit in the far removed future?
The urge to enlist in the Army is increasingly harder to resist. I don't give a shit about serving my country or protecting it's people, but I have a lot of pent up aggression that I think the only remedy for is blasting Muslims to pieces in the Middle East. Obviously I realize this isn't healthy but god damn I feel like my life is wasted on a job that pays me to kiss ass to entitled cunts. I just want to be in an army and kill people, there's already too many of us on this planet, but I know full well I'm probably too insane to make it past the Psych test but what the fuck do I do? I always have the urge to react violently to things but don't because I know the consequences of behaving that way wouldn't be worth the momentary relief I would feel punching someone in the face
Stay strong brother. Take your medicine and visit a few doctors. You might definitely have neurological issues. I'm assuming you have already seen a psychiatrist, if not you might need it.
I can understand being an anxious, emotionless and panicking at clubs and other social events. At prom, my date would twerk on me and I would be so confused and not know what to do because it seemed so out of character. College parties were similar.
You will often find 'inspirational solutions' to these social problems, but the people who tell you this often does not have those same problems. I have a more technical approach which even though it might look like a human being a robot, helps me know how to act in a situation:
1. List down possible social interactions that you will have at a party/club
2. Under each listing make a subset of variations that could occur
3. Under those subsets write what would you do.
On step 3 it's really important that you remember what you did wrong, and then imagine what would be the right thing to do. If you do not know the right approach, copy someone who has had success at a similar social interaction in the past.
Regardless of all that, try not to give up. If you still want to die, a 12 gauge pump shotgun is available in most stores and a shotgun blast to the head has a mortality rate that is almost inescapable.
Uh oh. I want to go back to my exboyfriend but now that I've dated women, I don't think I could go back to him. Well, I could but I couldn't have sex with him. I wouldn't wanna get married to him. Fuck. Fuck fuck.
Ask her out user! Then tell her how you feel. Her rejecting you from a date is a lot different from her rejecting your feelings. Safe proof it.
Don't talk to her and see what happens.
I'm too emotionally exhausted to care anymore. Just leave me a alone, I just want to be in C's arms and everyone will be happy at the end.
Natives, what's the difference between
"they are worth mentioning" and "they are worth to be mentioned"?
Holy fuck I need to get a social life and get laid or just find some way to not care about fucking so much.
>worth mentioning
"this is another thing to consider because it may be relevant"
>worthy of being mentioned
"this thing deserves recognition because it is/was outstanding in some way"
nah, I won't be.
>I just want to be in C's arms
I've actually been there and those arms feel hollow and weak.
Get stronger arms for hugs. I got crushed by a T once and she just treated me like a squeeky toy. Almost lifted me from the ground, cheeky little shit.
How am I such an awkward, depressed, self-defeating fuck that I can't ever have any discussion about improvement at work without becoming despondent towards the few people I encounter on a daily basis for at least an hour?
I feel a little dead inside sometimes and slightly worse is that I'm wondering if I'm just doing this to myself because if that's the case what the fuck can I even do if I just want to be depressed or I'm 'catching' it in some way? What if I'm just making it up? But people who know stuff keep saying I "could be" diagnosed with depression.
I just don't want to talk to anyone at all. I want to leave. I want to quit my job and get drunk and high. I won't (well not high tonight any way since I don't want to fuck with my throat and shit more than my acid reflex already does and I'm managing to only drink once or twice bi-weekly), but I want to.
I get frustrated and depressed, then I make a little bit of a scene. I don't want to go back to work. I want to go somewhere else. I don't want to see anyone and just sleep. Alone. Forever (the rest of my life not a suicide reference).
I saw a manilla envelope with CLASSIFIED on it that had images of girls and nudes inside. It was the FBI/CIA/NSA trying to fake an affair in order to ruin my reputation among the people. That girls loved me so much because I was insanely loyal and if they broke that image they would be able to chisel away at my reputation and me.
The same people that created 4 fake dating accounts of me.
The thing is I have never truly cheated on anyone. I have only had sex with 3 girls. When I was with ICL I took a lot of emotional abuse. I took A LOT of manipulation and other horseshit. The worse I ever did was flirt with girls that were thousands of miles away with no actual reality where I would meet up with them. For fuck's sake, one even turned out to be a boy.
I just wanted someone to say something nice about me for once. To feel appreciated. ICL would criticize everything I fucking did. accused me of having affairs with coworkers (before I ever flirted with anyone online. In fact, that shit is what pushed me over the edge), and would go into jealous rage if a cute girl even walked past me.
99.99% of the time I would ever flirt with anyone was also when ICL would storm out of my apartment saying that she hated me and was never coming back. Or she would threaten to kill herself if I didn't do exactly what she wanted (which was usually something insane.) and if no one believes me on this then fucking look at her arms. She constantly cut herself whenever she would get jealous or for whatever inane god damn reason.
She threatened to kill herself once because I was petting my cat instead of massaging her. I shit you fucking not.
The biggest hypocrisy is that she was cheating on me and all that shit was pure projection on her part.
God knows whatever nasty ass rumors she had started.
Stopped being a hikikomori and holy shit I feel sexually frustrated. I'm absolutely surrounded by hot and friendly girls but I feel like I can't approach any of them because rejection would mean I still have to see/work with them every day.
Fuck, I'm even uncomfortable trying to make conversation with them in case they THINK I'm hitting on them, since my body language suggests I'm not the type to normally make small talk so I must be after something.
>I just want to be in C's arms and everyone will be happy at the end.
>everyone will be happy at the end
>be in C's arms
>everyone will be happy
>Posts this to Jow Forums a board on Jow Forums
You retarded bro?
You'd be perfect for the military good luck!
I love you.
I can't help but imagine how life would be if you were with me instead of him.
Whenever I hear about you doing something with him, I imagine myself in his place.
Did you ever wonder what could have been, M?
I'm sure one day you'll come back to me and I'll forgive you. And I'll love you forever.
to whom
from whom
To M
From M
I know for sure that she doesn't come on Jow Forums, she barely knows about it
I kind of fucked over any chance of anyone reading this in the first sentence
Oh well.
I should probably get back to making calls/emails any way...
Sometimes, I imagine me cutting myself. I think I mainly would only want to do it to draw attention to it or fantasize in the very far back of my mind about drawing attention.
I'm not sure why. It bothers me a little, but I don't think I'd act on it unless someone who knew the right stuff about me or whatever pissed me off in a certain way.
I'm not sure what to think of this. I guess it's safe to say I am depressed, but that's part of a larger discussion.
Also is it "normal" for a kind of depressed person to laugh madly in between bouts of crying and shit cuz like I thought that was only a thing that batshit crazy people did in comic books and shit purely for effect. But I do it sometimes... Is that something frustrated depressed people do sometimes
Are depressed people generally more sensitive than other people? Like, do they get get offended and sad easier from a happy state or is it just this constant thing.
I want to know I have a friend whose going through some shit right now and he does this sometimes.
I mean he gets offended easily.
Not by me, but by other people who are inadvertently a bit too careless.
Anecdotal, but the depressed people I've dealt with often find everything to be a personal attack against them. Couldn't do anything without them feeling like they were left out or a victim. Having a laughing conversation with someone? If they weren't a part of it we were laughing at them until they rudely butted in to make sure we weren't. Having a regular conversation? They had to make themselves a part of it. Going somewhere? Had to either invite them or bring them something or they'd get upset.
Of course this might just be inherent narcissism, but I think it's more to do with the condition.
I miss you too.
To you,
I haven't thought of you much in the last few months other than the occasional fap fantasy of us fucking like rabbits in the back of my car and you making a mess all over the place (again). I'm sorry I hurt you but you know we weren't gonna work. You'll find the right guy for you eventually.
To you,
Hope life is still going well for you. I still think of you a lot, especially when I hear Scenes from an Italian Restaurant by Billy Joel. I still look around wherever I go and expect to see you somewhere in the crowds.
To both of you,
I'm now engaged to the woman you both hated so much when I had relationships with each of you. I've also enlisted with the Military. Whoops.
Goliath says hi.
- your friendly neighborhood asshole
Dating a woman who still has her ex-bf of 8 years living with her, and they only broke up 2 months ago.
I really like her, and she clearly likes me, but I'm worried they'll just end up getting back together. I mean they have 8 years together, they must have loved each other. We've been seeing each other for a few weeks, there's chemistry, but I know that can't compete.
I suppose if she does manage to stay Just Friends with him that's a good sign of emotional maturity. She says she's trying to help him find a new apartment, but I can't shake these feelings of jealousy and nervousness and dread in the meantime.
I'm genetically fucked up on all ends. I inherited all the worst mental and skin illnesses from my mother's side and the behavior/personality traits of my father's side.
I have thin hair and I'm balding in my early 20's, I've a disproportionate body shape, I've terrible acne I can't do anything about, I can't eat 90% of what other people eat because it makes my skin worse, I've asthma, I can't drink or smoke because I get retarded and can't speak normally and I just look fucked up, I'm destructive and do anything I can get my hands on, I get angry for no reason and I'm always lacking motivation to do anything. I don't get along with my family and spending time with friends exhausts me eventually, I've terrible anxiety and every simple thing in life seems like an achievement if I even manage to get it done, its that challenging.
I'm waking up everyday feeling like shit because I know I will never love or be loved if I don't "fix" all those things about me but so far, I'm approaching my mid 20's and still haven't even scratched the surface even if I've pretty much been at it for years. I've never had a girlfriend or had sex, or even kissed a girl because I'm too afraid that I'm too fucked up to share a life with someone else and I feel like by the time I do manage to get somewhat stable I'd be in my 40's or 50's and whats the point of living then? thats where life slowly starts to end, and for me, its only meant to begin then. Why is life so unfair for fucks sake...I don't want to kill myself but sometimes it genuinely feels like if I do, I'll spare myself a lot of trouble
Might have accidentally found the father of some ugly as shit rapist, the old guy was just as pathetic as the retarded shit he jizzed into a roastie vagina of the obvious whore of a mother.
>His redneck profile read "worthless single father interested in meeting new people"
What's the problem here? That's an older adult rapist that needs to be exterminated for safety purposes. Wishing for this loser to just die of some fucked up road accident that makes the news.
>*fingers crossed!
I miss all the bjs i got from you a year ago. Best summer of my life. But I guess I can't blame you for choosing pussy over me. It tastes better.
My health anxiety is flaring up again and it's seriously getting in the way because I can't tell anymore the reality of my pains. I'm always convinced I'm like a day away from dying or ending up in the hospital
I second this, what the fuck?
I just want to have sex or some sort of intimacy with my wife. Not every day, heck, not even every week. It doesn't even need to be an intercourse. It would just be nice if she would make me feel wanted and would acknowledge my huge boner when I wake up in the middle of the night, being horny as hell, not being able to sleep because of it.
I look at women at the streets and feel this sadness that I cannot get in touch with them because I'm with someone else. But I get the same treatment from said someone else, too. I just look at her thighs and tits and I know I cannot get them. I've completely given up making a move. Sometimes she even laughs at me for what a horny doggy I am. But, of course, if she's in the mood I'm not allowed to be tired or else I get the "you don't love me anymore."
Okay, the full truth is that for medical reasons we cannot have sex for like half a year now, but not like it was that frequent before it. That laughing part especially happened way before she had any issues.
I don't know what to do. I work all day, then work some more at home, help her with the house work. There are days when she doesn't have to do anything and even gets a foot rub at the end of the day. I just want some recognition, you know. Of course she gets a bouquet of flowers and other presents on mother's day from "the kids," but I'm lucky if I get a thanks on father's day. I'm stressed 24/7, near to burn out at work, my stomach burns at night from all the stress. I barely have 1-2 hours to sit down and rest and barely sleep 4 hours.
I just want a handjob and a smile. Something which makes me feel it's worth fucking up my best years and mental health, and probably the physical one, too. Am I a monster for this? I know I am, but would be nice if someone would say otherwise.
Thank you, my man.
I just found out that I got a girl I've been talking to for a month pregnant. I want to be a part of this but it doesn't seem like she wants me to be and I don't know what to do.
I've been trying to get my arms bigger so I started lifting but its been awhile and I still look the same, the only difference is that I find it much easier to do push ups/pull ups where before I could do barely any push ups and no pull ups at all. I've no idea how to be Jow Forums I just want my arms a little bigger because its what I'm insecure about, but it doesn't seem to work. Any help?
I miss you guys