How can we convert the Muslim immigrants to Western values and Christianity?

How can we convert the Muslim immigrants to Western values and Christianity?

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Neck injury.

>Western values
Pick one, faggot.


But user, behaviour is genetic, not dogmatic.

They won't. They'll be indoctrinated into degenerate culture while they start forbidding their religion


>How can we convert the Muslim immigrants to Western values and Christianity?

You cannot. That's why the globalists want them so bad. They are an antidote to a nations cohesiveness. Divide and conquer.

teutonic knights

We develop Muslim hip hop and weaponize it to brainwash them into black culture and make them dumb ass consumers

Muslims will bring women in line
Why would you want to stop that

nuclear fire will cleanse this evil.

"re-education camps" obviously, like China

There's only one good solution for the muslim problem

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turn them into lobsters.

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Tell them to clean their rooms and take their pills

Attached: lobster-cult-peterson.jpg (1920x1152, 225K)

we cannot. we can however, convert them into biomass, and thus into biofuel.

By personal example. Mary a women, make lots of children, provide for them and community, help the ones in need, fight degeneracy, be a good Christian yourself. Then they will notice.

We found the cuck

You would go against God's Will?

Nuke Mecca, then obliterate them in the holy war that follows. After that, a few might be able to abandon islam and assimilate.

>85 average iq
You can't

You probably cant. Only they can

oh, who knew it was as simple as that?

fire and sword