Ask a Lib

Hey all,
figured I can help the divide by calming your fears.

Im a liberal guy, in the corporate business world who makes over 100k a year, teaching people how to think, to get better at their jobs.

Ask me anything

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liberals aren't the issue, it's leftists.

Nice gains, what you getting into next, stock wise.

I tend to agree.
Though I see major lapses in logic, hypocrisy, etc form both sides.

AMRS (synthetic biology) im going to put 36k in.
CGC (weed) going to put 14k in.

Whats your proprietary formula?
Save more, spend less work, harder not smarter?

Yes to all of the above.
These employers are here to squeeze every penny they can out of you while they pay themselves 400% higher than you.

Melo is hopeless

Ive heard of both, thanks ill look deeper into them.

Hahah yeah, company is more stable and attractive after debt elimination though. Their revenue stream should be impressive in the next few years.
NOW is the time to buy though. Literally this week around 3 dollars is the major dip.

look into MNGA
thank me later..

Haha i used to trade mnga

Yeah im loving these projections.

your 'leftists' are all globalist shills neo-liberals who are against liberal values and against common working class people,
fucking clownfest when wealthy corporate-backed demrats are called 'leftwing'

then you know what's about to happen once they showcase there technology to the arabs at abu dhabi conference :)
anyways you seem like a smart lad so I don't need to explain any further.

This, mostly progressives, nobody cares that much about actual liberals.

Buy my bags the post

This lol

So you applaud liberal principles, and say democrats are just fake liberals?
I can understand that.

I was asked the question, guy.

Well heres some thing we may disagree on.
I think conservatives are led to piss their panties as often as possible..

What percentage of liberal people in the US do you imagine are extreme progressives?

If you had any common sense you would be investing in pot stocks
Do you know how many times I've scalped NBEV because of all the hype and MUHHH FARM BILLS N CEEBEEDEE LUL
Shit is easy money
and in all honesty certain penny stocks are also worth looking into

i dont get it, is this stocks ama or we can ask you about how to think etc.

Liberal hasn't been a word since the 1900's.

Liberal == leftist == progressive. They are all synonyms.

But you're still a jew slave.

And you're still calm?

Liberals encourage change,
but you must realize all the change
that's been occurring is bad.

I was expecting political debate, but im just bored.

Kkk =/=conservatism =/= far right

Once again i make the important point..
Conservatives fear the progressives with good reason.. but make the mistake of believing progressives are 60% of liberals or democrats.. while its more so like 10% loud college kids.

In this decaying world there are no winners. There is only the illusion of progress. You must embrace the decay, for the only salvation in this life is embracing the sweet erosion of morality. We are all fallen in this world...

Mmm interesting.
A jew slave.. im comparison to you working 9 to 5?
Well in that case im much less of a slave than you since i show up to work randomoy for 20 hours a week and make 3 times your salary, no?

Liberal principles dont require change.
Help the poor
Freedom of speech
Freedom from religion
Seperation of chuch and state

>fearing progressives in the cities
>rural hicks control the water supply
Lmao nah

you've never heard them being commonly called 'illiberalls'? because they are against the 'classic' liberal values and principles and even against human rights when it suits them

Exactly. Thank you.
Progressives dont really scare me.
Nor does the KKK.
But the Jow Forums culture represents a fear driven panty pissing backlash of the progressive left.

I'm not a liberal with a queermo job and earn 220kpa. Why would I ask you anything at all. You think you're good with your generic normal fag income. You're nothing.

Such as college kids misunderstanding the pillar of free speech and wanting "hate speech laws"
Pretty stupid of them.

I contend a college liberal whiney pussy is less dangerous than a conservative politician.

Bet you cant wait for ocasio to take all your money and give it to the 70 iqs that are too stupid to save even 5% of their paycheck, instead buying weed and alcohol with it. Haha fuck you idiot

As it turns out, all the things “conservatives” have “freaked out about” for the last 40 years have come true, and even worse than they were led to believe.

I walked around downtown Houston last night, saw thousands of people, not a single one was white. No that’s not hyperbole. I heard more Spanish than English.

6 year old kids are being convinced they’re transgender and mutilated by their lesbian mothers.

Kids are being taken away from their parents if the parents don’t “accept their gender identity.” (It happened in Ohio)

Overdoses and suicides are at all time highs.

Some of our most beautiful and preciously prosperous cities (Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, Oakland, etc.) have been turned into violent thirdworld hellholes with no future.

Just look at the dramatic changes our society has gone through in the last 40 years. Our country looks nothing like it did. “Conservatives” were accused of overreacting and making things up the entire time. But it ended up worse than they even imagined.

Dont get your panties in a bunch kid.
Im asking if people want insight to ideologies they hate or fear.


I'm smarter than you, but because I'm less agreeable than you, I don't have a job.

Can you hook me up with a good job?

freeloading cattle!
fuck off and learn the hard way..fucking leech
ugh I despire people like you
you give no effort and expect opportunity to fall onto your lap

Ohh burn.

Ah more tan skin in houston, how scary.

Trans shit that is statistically .005 likely to happen to a random child.

Something happened once in ohio. Wew.
Reminds me of conservatives taking a war vets children away for treating his ptsd with marijuana.

Overdoses and suicides. Might want to use your brain here lad.
Prescription pills in rural amaerica and vets killing themselves at record rates.

Lots of fear here.
Little thinking.

Maybe holmes, what do you do

“tan skin” isn’t the issue lol

civilizational ineptitude is

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>ohh burn
So no rebuttal then? Bet you support kaepernick, whos message is essentially "fuck the police, fuck america, and fuck white people." Fucking liberal

A wise man once said
"Conservatives over simplify what is complicated
Liberals over complicate what is simple"
That man was me.

Im not sure if youre doing a sarcastic caricature of a dumb bible belter or being serious.
You can ask me a serious question if you want to be taken seriously

Based on how far I got through my extra-premium liberal college education, I can do pretty much anything.

But I'd say my strengths are people skills and writing + creative and critical thinking.

Okay ill ask a simple question:
How many middle eastern refugees should the usa take in per year?

also notice how you didn’t deny my points, just admitted they’re happening but eyerolling it away. “what’s the big deal, yeah it’s happening, and that’s good!”

>I can help the divide by calming your fears.
I will believe it when *i will see it.

Depends on space, costs, readiness, and ability to vet as they go along.
The US is in a much better position to take in immigrants than most countries.
Immigration is a very real problem in many countries, in the US it isn't.

listen man.
you pick and choose facts and twist them to serve your ideology.
a few of those are proof of conservative issues.
a few are about extremely statistically low occurrences.
Can I not argue that rich tax cut driven economic policy is fucking with your family directly as you all suffer to make more money and costs sky rocket?

>who makes over 100k a year
Holy shit! Do you have a solid gold private jet?

do you not understand the purpose of me providing that information in the face of "anti business - lib moocher" stereotypes

Can i get a number?
Also friendly reminder that the usa isnt obligated to babysit third worlders that hate americans

I agree.
And I fi gave you a number id be lying to you, I don't know enough about our resources.

I will say this though.
If you had your own island with economy, demand, different work forces..
and your net immigration from your neighbor was below zero
and you knew that these immigrants are less likely of crime than your citizens
and that these undocumented immigrants provided billions in taxes a year
and you have job force needs

Would you build a 30 billion dollar symbolic wall when airplanes exist, and throw it on the 3 trillion dollar debted credit card?

>The US is in a much better position to take in immigrants than most countries.
Are you assuming than "immigrants have to be taken by a country"? If yes, explain why.
Anyway, explain why the US or the EU should accept unskilled immigrants.

White liberals, literally the only population group happy to be ethnically cleansed from their own homelands.

If immigrants do more crime than the whites, are a net loss for the state budget because of the gibs and are not more skilled than the locals, immigration is a liablility.

Are you implying that mexicans are superior to americans when it comes to crime lmao? Wow you sure are delusional.

Another question:
Which races are responsible for the majority of crime in the usa? Please site fbi stats. Thanks

>Im a liberal guy, in the corporate business world who makes over 100k a year, teaching people how to think, to get better at their jobs.

Nigger I make over 100k in euros annually and all I do is tell banks whether to continue giving money to the company or not. Why do you think you have anything of value to share with these retards?

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But to suggest that all of these patriotic Americans don't have a goal to stride for... principles to believe in, built upon our history..?
Or even consistency with their popular powerful Religious beliefs..?

it makes me question - is there anything more hypocritical than a Christian conservative?
id ask americans - what do you believe in? what do you want the country to stand for?
And more over, if Texas gets hit my a major hurricane, would you want your neighboring states to let you and your children into their land?
Once you think this through for a few mins, you can accept - okay I guess we SHOULD, if we claim to be a great country.

Is it morally the right thing to do? duh, obviously.
Should doing the right thing outweigh pussy conservatives pissing their panties in fear..? I think so.
but should it be limited to what we can handle? of course.
How Should we try to achieve this, and should he have limitations based on skills?
Those are fair questions to ask.
the answer is, it depends on your resources and planning.

Guys, read the stats, I cant do your homework for you.

If you confuse that liberal and left are the same watch this video

Mexicans commit more crimes than whites but less than blacks.

But more white kids school shoot for some reason

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>Im a liberal guy, in the corporate business world who makes over 100k a year, teaching people how to think, to get better at their jobs.
so your an entry level consultant-cuck? gtfo my board

haha no. I work under the CAO as a business process manager. I help run a large company.

Niggers aren't equal.

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e d g y

Speaking of stats, all of them say blacks have 15 less IQ point than white and people who are not from eastern Asia or Europe tend to be more violent and use more welfare.

Nice try but here we are atheists. Tell me again why I should accept the whole world coming in.

>I guess we SHOULD, if we claim to be a great country.
Nope. Great country die when they accept anyone in. The US strived back in the day because of Elis Island and the other immigration centers. If you were not an asset for the country or had no chance to fit in, you had to go back. We don't want some part of America speaking more Irish than English now, do we?

It's welfare OR unbrided immigration and I am a social democrat so I want a strong welfare.

>teaching people how to think
Yup, sounds like a Liberal alright.

Even once mass shooting are taken into account, in the US, black commit 95% of the gun related murders.

Pretty much and he gets paid a hefty amount too

>Native born in the US
How about you remove black from this?

Simple question: do you want to pay more taxes?

Notice how its "native born" vs "undocumented immigrant"

Break down the stats into white native born, black native born, latino native born, etc. and all of a sudden you'll see the guy you were responding to is right.

Define liberal in your terms please sir.

We already know the answer but want to hear you acknowledge a fact. Too much to ask of a liberal, i suppose. Giving free handouts to every low iq moron on earth isnt the "right thing to do" either. Ill support a healthy society rather than give money to low iq idiots that blame others for them being retards

Hi Lib user,

I'm a National Socialist, hiding among the management class. I make around 135k p/a passing the buck and hiding out in huddles of H1B pajeeets but in my free time I teach people how to think to get better at combatting kikes on a Mongolian Skydiving image board for absolutely free. Feel free to ask me anything following your response. MY question to you is are you Jewish?

Blacks are "native born" you mong.

>shilling amrs and cgc
the OP is fake, not his real account

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I meant it like if you’re white and you have a kid and you spend your time in Jow Forums a lot I think you should watch your kid lmao

Yes, facts are edgy. You don't live anywhere near niggers but want to educate everyone else about how to get along with them. Savage liberal beast.

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How do you teach others to think when you are unable, yourself?


She is playing under her mother supervision right now and I eat pizza.

because when whites commit crimes it's not shooting your crackhead gf, it's deeply premeditated mass murder

yeah, I understand and accept the iq points stats.

>nice try we are atheist.
>why should I accept the whole world coming in
No liberals are for "open boarders"
that's just dumb shit that conservatives say to get you to vote for them.

You can argue why "we shouldn't let weak people in" in the name of money and resources as ive repeated 4 times.
But that begs the question to where all of our money is going on a daily basis right now.
is helping immigrants 1/1000th of what the US spends its money on on a yearly basis?

I mean I can logically outline this for you, but the bottom line is this.
we can either be pussies or we can try to stand for something and help some people with the danger of a few bad apples.


Oh wow. Chief Analytics Officer. I was just throwing shit at the fan, but we might actually get along. Would you mind setting up a proton mail account - or I can if you feel comfortable emailing me there - and send me a prompt of any kind in order to test my ability?

You say you're a liberal, so hopefully it would be incentive enough to point this vulnerable young man in the right direction.

Any questions you want. It can be Jane-Street style aptitude testing, or something process specific and I'll take a stab at acquiring the information I need.

Pretty please?

you've got it backwards, leftists are good and liberals have caused 95% of the problems Jow Forums bitches about.

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>But that begs the question to where all of our money is going on a daily basis right now.

Pic related is the answer to your question. Feeding and breeding our "equals".

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>But that begs the question to where all of our money is going on a daily basis right now.
Haaaa yes. You are American so I can tell where your tax money is going: Obamacare, food stamps and other gibs take about 75% of your taxes. It goes to Niggers and Mexicans. Do you want more of it?

based posters

>hasn't answered any question
you are a master of pilpul
your jew fu is no match here kike

>we can try to stand for something and help some people with the danger of a few bad apples.
Why? What is the poisitive outcome for us?

>teaches others to think
>repeatedly sets up strawmans and attacks them

Yes of course I do.
Everyone is fucked and you goofballs keep voting to give me more money.

What was the claim I made?

>giving free handouts to everyone
See this is why liberals thing conservatives are stupid.

mostly this. nah, not jewish.
I am on the clock at work though. and about to leave for the day at 230 again ;''''D

I grew up between inner-city blacks and rich whites.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. If you are so successful at "thinking" then you could make far more money doing it than teaching. But you are just a faggot.

>no liberals are for open borders
You are literallly wrong. Im from ny and have multiple lib friends on facebook posting "fuck your borders." Go ahead and search that phrase on twitter and sort by latest. Wake up sheep

Not with. And where do you live now? Certainly as far away from niggers as you can get.
We are immune to your deceptive shitposting, how does that make you feel?

>giving free handouts to everyone
>See this is why liberals thing conservatives are stupid.
not an argument

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you can keep giving him (you)s but he isn't genuine and is clearly a kikeposter

Ok, lets move into this part of the argument then.

As logical thinkers..
I can accept blacks are doing worse than whites.
but can you accept that theirs obviously a thousand reasons why this might be happening?

ah. see, unfortunately for you im not retarded and have an understanding of basic concepts.
Like the fact that all of the new money generated in this country goes to interest, stocks, and higher wages of people above millionaire status.
and things like corporate tax rates.

you want to get philosophical on why its nice to help people?
Ill save the time waster and say this, I fight hypocrisy and stupidity first.
Those who follow Jesus' word are the same that deny his ideas.

>ah. see, unfortunately for you im not retarded and have an understanding of basic concepts.
>Like the fact that all of the new money generated in this country goes to interest, stocks, and higher wages of people above millionaire status.
>and things like corporate tax rates.
Right, and raising corporate taxes to the highest in the world like we had before facilitates companies moving to lower tax countries. You didn't think of this?