"The Jew is Satan in Human form"

Why does everyone despise and attack them for things they have no control over? They don't support Israel because of the subversive shit they do but because it's the Jewish homeland. Just like we don't support America because of its slave history or wiping out Native Americans, but because it's our home. There is no reason to push for a second holocaust. Not all Jews.

Attached: 1389910137413.jpg (515x390, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>we don't support America
Get out of my country and take your two-faced, backstabbing (((dual citizens))) with you, you filthy, treacherous kike!

Did you even read it? That's not the reason anyone supports America.

Kikeistan is about as much a Jewish homeland as a McDonald's. Fuck off with the eternal victim apartheid attitude already. Iranian Jews don't have a problem getting along with others. It's the filthy warmongering kikes of kikeistan that cause all the trouble.

It's the only majority Jewish country in the world, so Jews support it. People don't support Israel because it murders American sailors and receives more foreign aid than any country. They support it because it's the only place Jews can call a homeland.

What is a Jew? Most Polls in kikeistan indicate most Jews in kikeistan don't even believe in G-d. they are just thieves and blasphemers using force to steal holy land. Sounds like a good way to piss people off to the point they want to drive them into the sea.

It's a race.

Umm, then it's a race of satanists and the memri guy is right.

>it's the Jewish homeland

Attached: Mufti of Jerusalem.jpg (1317x1752, 790K)

It is, Judaism predates Islam and Christianity who also hold Jerusalem as a holy city

>It is, Judaism predates Islam and Christianity who also hold Jerusalem as a holy city
We're not talking about Judaism , we're talking about "Jews" who are a fake people that have no origins in Palestine. Nice try though faggot kike.

Attached: Israel logic.jpg (582x509, 43K)

Kikes today are mostly atheists and none of them practice judaism.

>How can Palestinians be real
They aren't. Have you seen the population of "Palestine" before Jewish settlement? Almost nonexistent. It's been exploding since Israel was founded. Not that there would be an Israel if there weren't a Balfour declaration from your commonwealth masters.

Lol Muslims


How can Jews be real if they live in a stolen state


>They aren't. Have you seen the population of "Palestine" before Jewish settlement? Almost nonexistent.
Stupid Jew coming to Jow Forums with stupid lies.
Palestine was full of Palestinians before the Jews came in and tried to wipe out the existence of the Palestinians. Nice try though fucking kike.

Attached: Palestinian villagers 1942.png (580x443, 359K)

Jews are not human

Attached: 1540856286444.png (496x718, 444K)

Israel is not a real country. All Jews must go back to Europe where they belong. The so called "Israel" must be left to its rightful owners.

Your infants get mutilated dick and you asking why jews are bad?

>Europe where they belong
No they must go to Egypt.

They belong to no where, since they have been expelled from their homeland ages ago. According to the Islamic culture, before the apocalypse happens, literally every tree will reveal the Jew hidden behind it. Shoah 2.0 on it's way Schlomo.