This president is a draft dodger who hates the troops. Prove me wrong

This president is a draft dodger who hates the troops. Prove me wrong.

Attached: ECC1A661-9CF5-431F-A982-6EE1C8E05A45.jpg (446x299, 44K)

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>bleed on foreign soil
that's not how you DEFEND user

>draft dodger
>hates the troops
Not really, but he does like sending them to die in Jewish wars
>inb4 muh Syria

He loves troops and has expanded their budget. He just doesnt care about the strength of our sanctions and has withdrawn a lot of special forces from other countries.

>The time he saluted a Korean general
I mean he at least praised their parade abilities publicly.
Got real butthurt when they told them they didn't have the budget for an american parade in the style of north korea.


>don't disprove me with facts
Fuck off

He dodged the draft because he was rich and privileged but a bunch of niggers and cucks had to fight for the white mans war that’s not right and if you can’t see that then you’re an inbred pos faggot who spend his Christmas in his basement while his family was upstairs and actually socializing

>hates the troops
>is bringing thousands of them home from syria and afghanistan
>nobody can give me a good reason why we were even there to begin with
>congress voted against the syrian war
>obama does it anyway
>obama campaigns by promising to bring troops home from afghanistan
>media praises him
>he doesn't do it
>trump gets elected
>trump brings home the troops
>syria is currently being bombed to death by israel
>msm and social media portray trump as evil and doing this for russia
>trump just saved thousands of american troops

OP, you must be posting this from the front lines or something.

The man tried to join NINE TIMES. How many of you would try 8 more times for anything, once rejected.

You really should get behind your president, son.

Attached: PicsArt_05-29-02.49.24.jpg (2048x1043, 489K)

OP is a cumguzzling faggot who has AIDS. Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.

Attached: 1512707709043.jpg (656x425, 183K)

No, he not a baby killer. Prove me wrong

it's because they're planning terror attacks
here at home to get troops back into the
war with americans 100% support.

>biggest military budget ever
>pulls out of syria and Afghanistan

How does it feel to know your post is wasted, that none of this will change anyone's mind? Or is what you get out of it just a paycheck or something? In that case how does your boss feel about wasting money on fruitless crap posts like this?

You're wrong

Holy shit youre an idiot

He wasn’t up for killin’ gooks and would rather make peace and “build” than send your sons to do it. Exactly what kind of Next Hitler is this, Jow Forums? I ask you.

>hates the troops.
There are some exceptions. Trump really admires certain generals. They're just not American

Attached: Trump salutes North Korean general.jpg (1200x630, 43K)

he's serving his cuontry at the personal cost of billions of dollars faggot

he's the most courageous american in the world

why should i try to disprove the truth?

>valid opinion on US affairs
pick one, abbo fucker

>He loves troops
despite him not participating in the highest level honors for the troops?

how retarded are you?

>projecting this hard

>draft dodger
Wasn't drafted.

Sad! Parades are grossly underrated. They have many uses and they aren't appreciated enough. They raise national morale, support the economy and instill fear and respect in other nations which otherwise would have required intensive diplomatic efforts and/or media plays