Why so many shill threads???

Why are there so many shill threads right now? I just saw three in a row.

What are they up to?
Sorry for phone post

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More pics

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>Why so many shill threads?
welcome to Jow Forums.

Shilling is getting out of hand

It has been excessive, half the problem is that nupol cant identify a '1 post by OP' research thread. Blame the brain bug pic related. Her terrifying hole should be posted to every bot thread.

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>Muh shills
I can’t wait until we hang you MAGA kikes just like we did with niggers.

>I go on the internet and pretend to be tough
These aren't shills, faggot. This is in the catalog right now. They're shitposts and you're a faggot. This is Jow Forums.

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Sure, Bezos.

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They’re not shills, they’re just trolling you

What's the difference?
Shilling is just politically motivated trolling. The fact that #theydoitforfree doesn't change that.

>I just saw three in a row!

Nah bro

Maybe on like a college campus. But college students are not real people. Not until they have had a few years of life crushing their "idealism."

And paying "forced government theft". First real red pill.

>treating pol as anything more than an equivalent to going to a zoo and watching monkeys fling shit at each other for laughs
9/10 threads on pol are just falseflagging or shitposting with no coherent discussion going on as people just resort to ad hominems to clog up the board
What meaningful discussion there actually is is mostly just explaining events to someone that isn't in the know until either they get filled in and understand how stupid X thing that happened in the past few days is or some faggot tries to derail it with more shitposting
but thats not to say this isn't how it usually is for most of the active boards anyway, it just means pol is pretty useless outside of gleaning details about current events big news stations aren't going to tell you in terms of finding anything really pertinent
It might still be worth browsing through things and trying to figure out whats going on but as time goes on theres more and more pointless 1 post by this ID shit that you need to sift through that doesn't go anywhere

bored trolls are what brainwashed schizos in this containment board interpret as shills. seriously just pick any thread and make something up that's totally wacky but sounds vaguely left leaning or anti trump and you'll get 50 people honestly to god thinking you're a paid jewish government shill trying to do.. something.. subversive to the neetdom or whatever. it's half hilarious half frightening

Stop posting here, you're an imbecile.

Is this a shill thread, OP? What part of the Jewish conspiracy is this?

The group think on this board is a real shame.

Agreed. If you want discussion go to eight chan. This Jow Forums is like early 2000s reality tv. Terrible, yet very entertaining. It's also great for meme farming.

Has there ever been a thread with more then 10 post that hasn't scapegoated "the jews?"

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They're frantic that Trump is pulling out of the Middle East

Blame the brain bug pic related. /THREAD
and CFR= Council of Foreign Relations

Moscow's web brigades have set up shop here and 80% of all threads are pro-Putin or advance the Kremlin's anti-West agenda. The easy way to spot them?
--all the 24/7 'General' threads
--anti-West threads
--threads that pit one Western group against another
--threads that demoralize/destabilize
--slide threads to erase all the decent conversations

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imagine thinking the only purpose of a girlfriend is for sex.

pol is always full of shill threads
idk why they care so much about us

I can vouch for this, even when I'm not trolling people say "LEAF" and "SHILL" at me for no reason

Holy fuck, Russians are fucking dim. What happened to guys like Pastornak and Nabokov? They're not even trying anymore. They're acting like Chinese insects.

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Noticed it too, Not sure what they're trying to bury

People like to make troll threads boomer retard

Go back to faceberg

fuck off newfag

They fear what they cannot control

How can Jow Forums be shilled when it's an open forum, you retard?

Waite . What ?
Geezuz . You something new every day

except the jews do pay people to shills for them
>muh leaf and shill
well for one, you are a fucking leaf.
secondly, your flag is a LITERAL memeflag.