Look, anyone can see this was going to happen, just as I predicted

> Look, anyone can see this was going to happen, just as I predicted.
> The mainstream media, A.K.A. legacy media is wrong.
> My point of view is that of a Libertarian with interest in the occult.
> I don't even care in the end, this is what I've always wanted.
> *clink* [sips tea] *clink* *clink*
> Basically what it boils down to is the economy is all that matters.
> It's hilarious they haven't done anything about it.
> In all likelihood you just read this in my voice.
> That's about all. Peace out.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (906x607, 116K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He doesn't check his facts at all. He claimed Joe Rogan rarely smokes weed on his podcast when he does it practically every episode.

Legacy media wants to keep it’s deathgrip on narrative control. That’s about all, peace out.

styx is based AND redpilled, fuck off mutt.

peace out


Attached: 1531709034158.jpg (495x588, 279K)

Alright POL, looks like OP is a Legacy Media shill, phhgge Yea ! I predicted it.

Attached: 10Point2.jpg (450x600, 46K)

Styx is just a talking head, babbling on and on with his shrill voice. He refuses to acknowledge the Jewish Problem, so no matter what he says and does, it'll have a hollow clank to it, much like his tea cup.

He's saying a million things and uploads 5+ vids per day, so of course he's right sometimes. He's no fucking Messiah.

He reminds me of Jordan Peterson in some way.. Not so much what he says, but how he acts now after getting all the attention. It's like both of them have gone arrogant to some extent. They were much more genuine back when they were relatively unknown. Now they come off as tryhards.

Attached: styx.jpg (480x360, 22K)

he's a slave to youtube, just like twitch streams are slaves. they live in fear of skipping a day of uploads and missing out on 5 or 10 dollars. slaves.

This guy is such a false flag


There is no Jewish problem, read your bible. They’ll convert and become Christians soon but we have to make it understood that they’ll be welcome when they make that decision.


Literally who?

>> My point of view is that of a Libertarian with interest in the occult.
oh really. occult means hidden, origin of
the word hell means to hide away. ok his
wish will be granted. he really is as stupid
as he looks.

Attached: styxhexenhammer666 america loves its faggots.jpg (1071x750, 424K)

You know that the Hexenhammer is a German Book on how to find and purge witches (hexen)?

‘Member when he did an episode in full makeup. I ‘member.

CIA Niggers are just sooo jealous with Styx-envy over his effortless 300k subs and playboy lifestyle.

possibly the most jewish post I've ever seen on this website, not even a modicum of subtlety

He says Israel is not a US ally and talks shit about AIPAC but his big brained centrist persona doesn't let him take the next step and shit on the Jews outright.

>He refuses to acknowledge the Jewish Problem,
dude, its doo lade just look at normies adding (((echos))) on youtube, we've won

You fags pay attention to this mouth breather?