30+* advice general

30+* advice general

Any and all are welcome to share advice, seek advice, post cautionary tales, circlejerk about the good old days before the internet took over everyone's lives and a phone was just a phone. Incels, volcels, failed normies, single parents, live-at-home NEETs, eternal students, etc. All are welcome.

* as is to be expected there is always a more or less 5 year age margin of post where 25 year olds will pop in and be like "hey guys me too right!" and that's fine. Younger posters are also encouraged to come here to listen to us tell you all about how the internet is the source of all evil in modern society

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I just want to die man.

oh goodness i'm so tired

I recently quit my top tier marketing job at a Fortune 500 and I'm still stressed and depressed with my new part-time job, but I'm hoping it fades.

Otherwise I kinda feel like I'm just trudging on with life. I miss when I used to have aspirations.

I always thought it was weird how my parents slowly started to have less friends and just go home, watch tv, then go to bed.
Now I'm in my mid-30s, divorced, a single parent (like a trifecta of what not to ever be) and I am the same way. Internet helps me fake socialize a little bit more, but god I feel dead inside sometimes. Plus it's much easier to end up comparing yourself to much younger people, which kills me a little bit more everyday.
Luckily, my kid is turning out to be great, I have much more money compared to my 20s, got a new car, and I'm a homeowner. i guess things aren't really that bad afterall

I was brought up on the idea that a company was like a second family and that you would be following them for life. You worked hard for them, and in turn they would reward you for it.
Then when I entered the working world I realized times had changed. If you stay with a company all that time, you lose out on raises because people who'll stay without incentives don't need them.
Everyone's just jumping around jobs for raises. Connections and social skills are at least as important as actual qualifications. And nobody told me this. Nobody taught me this. Just kicked me into the deep end and went "sink or swim".
And fuck, I feel like I'm sinking.

I'm about to be 28 and starting to freak about the near-30 thing. What's coming next?

>Connections and social skills are at least as important as actual qualifications.
I'd argue that it's even more important than actual qualifications. 7 years too late to realise that going to uni was for networking.

I've you've lived a decent life till now it's going to be fine. Otherwise it's a lifetime of fear, doubt and regret.

I tell younger people it gets better as you get older but that's a lie. If anything it gets worse the more life reveals itself to you. It crushes all your beliefs, hopes, and dreams until you just become numb to it and stop caring. I'm sorry for lying to you.

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I've been feeling that since I was in my early 20s.

Turns out it was just meme depression that I got from spending too much time online and never exercising.

It's never too late to turn yourself around, I honestly had a bigger freakout when I was 25 and was all OMG QUARTER CENTURY LIFE CRISIS and then when 30 rolled along I was like "haha whatever dude this shit's gay who cares it could be worse my dick could always fall off"

Yeah man, it's not you, it's a (non-meme) boomer thing. That's how companies used to treat employees. You used to work for a place for a long time, get a pension... it was well worth your loyalty. Now the company will fire you in a heartbeat, make you take on 2-3 different jobs, pay you the bare minimum until you can be replaced, and hang on to you with the PROMISE of a 1% raise.

My parents still don't get it, and are furious that I'd EVER consider leaving a job.

>It's never too late to turn yourself around
I would love to believe that I really would but I'm at 30 with literally no friends, no experience of a relationship and a job that pays poorly.

You should tell them to live life and make mistakes while they still can.

well my career life is good but I have issues with relationships (personal life).

Mistakes now don't carry the same consequences as when I was young. Especially now with social media. If I did the stuff I did as a young teen today I would have multiple convictions and be ostracized from the general population permanently.
Kids aren't even allowed to say dumb shit anymore without it following them for the rest of their life. I honestly feel bad for them.

At 30 I was the same. No friends, no job, no girlfriend, no hope for the future, refusing to leave my bedroom, and collecting piss bottles just getting dumber and fatter by the minute.

I'm now becoming an audio engineer, in better shape, and dating a dorky qt otaku girl

I don't know, I guess it depends on what you're doing with your years. When I was in my 20s, my life was fucked up. Now I'm older and wiser, making a lot more money, and can spend my money travelling and enjoying new things. I only wish I knew what I know now in my 20s so I wouldn't make so many mistakes.
When I was younger, I thought that everything in life had to be done by a specific age or you fucked up and might as well die.

>When I was younger, I thought that everything in life had to be done by a specific age or you fucked up and might as well die.

That's the worst because when you do reach that age you can be like "oh well my life is over now there's no point in even trying anymore" instead of improving yourself regardless of some abstract due-by date

that's quite a turnaround, congrats. Anything in particular prompt it?

Thanks! Nothing in particuliar I guess, really at that point I was just tired of being a NEET and before that I dicked around in all sorts of fields of study that I had crossed off my list and knew that wasn't meant for me.

As for how I changed my life around it was three things. First thing was that I just spent less time online. The internet IS a cancer especially in 2018, it's just a cool machine where everyone wakes up and goes online to get mad and be offended and try to offend those who offended them and it never ends. It's also obviously full of distractions.

Then I quite simply started to clean my room/parents house. Not in a Jordan Peterson way, whatever his thing is, but specifically Marie Kondo's way. I highly recommend her books and talks.

Finally I started to run. Just being out of those house for just a little while each day and getting my heart and lungs pumping was enough to spark life back into me, and obviously to get back in shape. I finally noticed the runner's high too, I would REALLY get into songs after like 5 minutes of jogging in the same way that music feels when I would smoke weed back in the day.

and that was it. I was just tired of being a NEET. Its nowhere near as fun as frogposters make it out to be.

I'm 32 and I've never had a long term relationship. not even one who lasts even one year. all the ones I had have been abusive (guys taking advantage of me in different ways).
I work in a field where 90% of people are males, so the problem here is not that I don't know enough guys.
I think, however, that none of those guys will ever consider me a potential partner because I'm just "another guy".

>I'm just "another guy"
That's probably good. Dating a co-worker can turn terrible fast and soon you'll be looking for another job

>I think, however, that none of those guys will ever consider me a potential partner because I'm just "another guy".

Why is that? Are you actually one of those "just one of the boys" girls? It's never too late to turn that around as well.

Also this. under-rated advice. It's bad news to date a co-worker in general even if you don't have an ugly break up and whatever. One appreciates their wife or husband or partner or whatever the most because they spend the day away from them.

I spent my uni days as a NEET and didn't learn any social skills. Big Fucking Mistake. I don't even know how to fix myself at this point. I can't read people, I can't speak clearly, I just don't care about others.

100% honest answers only
Is it worth it at all to live beyond 30

28 years old, already feeling my body deteriorate. Mind isn't as sharp as it was. People look at me with pity and pain. Just like I used to look at them.
Two more years until I end it all. I had a good life I guess. At least I don't die a virgin who never knew young love.

How the actual fuck do you meet new people? I just hit 30 this year, me and my significant other of 8 years split a year ago so I have no idea how online dating works and either get ghosted or only get fatties interested, and I have a 6 yr old, and I love her but that doesn’t help either. How the hell do I get back into the dating scene?

You pretty much don't. Nobody under thirty wants to know an old person, and old people have atrophied the part of their brain dealing with social intelligence.

I'm 33 and I love living in the future. I shit on the internet for making retards out of everyone but it is the most amazing invention in like 50 years. I can connect with anyone around the world at any time and have nearly all of humanity's recorded knowledge and media available to me. VR is also finally coming around so I can't wait to see what else will happen in the next few decades.

Don't listen to who is not even 30 yet and acts like he's 86 years old

If you plan right, absolutely. I'm enjoying my life way more from 28+ than I ever did before I hit 28. But I also invested my 20's into my career, social skills, and my own happiness.

Do you go to PTA meetings and like take her to karate class or whatever? That's a unique way of meeting women around your age and in the same boat as you

Are you some just some 16 year old high school dropout retard who wants to troll

If you trust anyone saying yes, you're a bigger idiot than the Alzheimer's sufferers responding to you.

LOL if you think your body is in bad shape now, what until you're actually old.

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Bad 16 year old troll.

The best decade of your life starts at 30. The combination of being young and able to do whatever you want, and not being restricted like you were in your 20s.

I'm pretty sure you can help me with this issue, or anybody else who reading this. I posted this

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Is this how everyone feels getting in their 30s? Is this how I'm gonna feel?

I hate my youth because I feel so tired all the time. If this is how I'm gonna feel for the rest of my life.... I might as well kill myself right now.

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Those are underaged trolls mostly.

So you're over 30 and don't feel tired?
If so, how did you manage to achieve that?

I'm in my late 30s. Why should I feel tired? Other than if I went out to party and stayed up late.

>Why should I feel tired?
Because of life, I guess. Why are all of the other geezers in this thread tired? Why am I tired?
I'm 21 and I'm tired from the morning I wake up. I feel weak and don't really want to do anything because it takes energy. I can't even imagine how I'm gonna feel in my 30's.

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>I'm 21 and I'm tired from the morning I wake up.

You're just fucking lazy.

They are underaged trolls or the lazy exceptions. You're tired because you are lazy and unhealthy.

Fuck off, boomer. Go read the newspapers or something.

>You're tired because you are lazy and unhealthy.
Except I'm not. I go to gym every single day, I'm finishing college, I'm eating healthy and pretty fit. What the fuck does being "lazy" even mean? It's a meaningless boomer word you slap over everyone who ever feels lethargic or tired. Fuck off as well.

>Fuck off, boomer.
Why did you come to this thread?

To ask a simple question. However instead of answering me, boomers prefer to shit on me and call me lazy for the sake of feeling superior for being older. If being older is the only thing you got going for you, then your life is pathetic.

Anyways, you're right, and I was just reminded why I hate boomers. I'm out of this shithole thread.

If you are feeling tired at 21 you need to see a doctor. Something is seriously wrong with you.

>It's a meaningless boomer word
Do you even know what boomer means you child?

how new are you friend

It's a retarded meme that should die.

To the women in this thread who have kids, when did you start with it? Honestly, I'm not 25 yet (as implied in the OP, sry..) but I'm a little anxious about when I should start worrying about getting pregnant. I definitely want to!

>how new are you friend
How new are you? I've been here longer than you.

>claims to be here longer than me
>while asking me how long I've been here
that doesn't make much sense, boomer
take your alzheimer meds

ima boom that bootyhole

Most anons who've been here since the beginning are going to be in their mid/late-20s to mid-30s.

Get pregnant when you feel ready. Enjoy your childless years. You can still do stuff after having a child, but it's going to be more difficult finding time or having money. 35 is when you're at higher risk for bad things to happen to you and baby during pregnancy.

What were your dreams?
Now that your too old to accomplish them, how to you continue on?

>too old
This thread is 30+, not 60+.

Thats mean to say. Not every Boomer is retarded.

So... Denial, then. Gotcha.

I'm my early 30s and I'm better than ever. I spent my 20s as a weak skeleton just smoking cigarettes and drinking and playing video games to the point where I got skinnyfat. I even had ED at one point in my early 20s.

30 year old me would kick 20 year old me's ass.

maybe you got sleep apnea or an iron deficiency. get your blood tested.

If you have no direction by 30, never been laid/had a relation by 25, you are fucked.

You may not be "old", but you're not young at that age.

God damn it, just looking though this thread and seeing +30s getting btfo has me scared as fuck for the future, I don't want to turn into a walking talking meme

>> I was just reminded why I hate boomers. I'm out of this shithole thread.

No more than 2 hours later

>and the obvious bait

It must be cool to be such a 19 year old loser that you spend your teenage years trying to to troll 30 year olds, until one day you wake up and you're that 30 year old and have no fond memories of your teenage & college years - just time spent spamming 2018 newfag memes.

>seeing +30s getting btfo

Where are you seeing that exactly?

I see one 12 year old going BOOMER XD KEK BOOMER BOOMER

There's loads of people from different fields who only started to find their calling in life when they were in their late 20s or in their 30s.

As for being in a relationship or having sex..... well yeah that's a bit more tricky, but there are some virgins who find a partner.

but with all this incel/tumblrsexual meme that Gen-z 16 year olds got into, it's way less likely for them.

>re:re:RE:re:fwd:MUST SEE:re:Watch this millennial get his butt Served by his Better Boomer
>Just goes to show you... Old people CAN kick ass! XD

>but with all this incel/tumblrsexual meme that Gen-z 16 year olds got into, it's way less likely for them.

I don't know, I feel like the underdog nerds/geeks of yesteryear no longer exist.

This is a generation where everything and almost everyone is catered for, to be a teenage outcast now means you would an actual piece of shit human being.

>t. 11 year old oldag who came to this thread purely out of spite because he saw the 30+ sign and felt excluded, like so many other things in life, and now spams the "boomer" newfag meme around in an effort to get the attention he desperately never gets from his parents or peers

>seeing +30s getting btfo
Where? I'm not seeing anything like that. But I am seeing a couple of edgy low-IQ underageds who think they are clever.

Whatever, old man. You're over 30 and browsing Jow Forums. People your age are getting rich, climbing the corporate ladder, raising families, creating masterpieces, enjoying their life, and you're just sitting at your computer, arguing with a bunch of adolescents on the single shittiest website in the world.
How sad is that?

People often find their direction in life around their late 20s or early 30s. If you have no direction by 30 then you should do some self-searching. But fortunately only a few are like that. They're the ones who are now in their early 20s, basement-dwelling NEET incels who whine all day about not having a pure virgin gf.

>n-no u

What can you not do in your 30s that you could do in your 20s?... Here, let me help you. The complete list:
Okay. What about things you can do in your 30s but not in your 20s? Plenty. You actually have disposable income, and more freedom.

39 years old and addicted to meth for 4 years. What do?

It sort of split two or three ways because on one hand nerd culture has never been more popular or accepted. Video games stopped being a weird outcast hobby around like 2001, and anime really blew up this last decade with shit like youtube and tumblr really spreading fandoms all over the place. You have comic-cons and anime conventions and gaming conventions and e-sports and all sorts of things like that.

but otherwise yeah if you're on the wrong side of the border of Autism Town, then you likely spend your time collecting furry porn and writing fanfiction about blowing up the school or whatever and even the like Brony kids who all hang out together and go out on weekends don't want anything to do with you

Okay Billy, you need to be 18 to post here. Come back in a few years. Then we'll maybe even teach you about stuff like sex and women. Now here's your lollipop.

I am enjoying my life and getting rich and creating masterpieces and all that. I have a day off today so I decided to spend a couple of hours on Jow Forums for old time's sake.

The difference between you and me is that when I was your age I was going out getting laid and doing drugs at punk shows and goth clubs. I wasn't sitting at my computer trying to hang out with a bunch of 30 year olds on a cambodian message board lmao

You should probably quit.

I'm over 30 and browsing Jow Forums. And I've been on Jow Forums before you were born. I'm also getting rich, climbing the corporate ladder, creating masterpieces, and enjoying my life. I'm not raising a family because being single is better, I don't want to give up my freedom.

So tell us what amazing things you accomplished today?

Oh yeah? Well I'll have you know that I've created my first startup at the age of 15 and now at 21 I'm basically retired, I'm traveling the world, meeting people, having the greatest experiences in my life while all you did was smoke weed and hang out with smelly "punk XD" kids who think they're hardcore. Nice to know that you've wasted your youth, now you're wasting your enderhood, too.

>haha go away kiddo
Is being older really the only thing that makes you feel superior?

...that's sad, man.

>2 boomers trying to role play as the person I replied to
just give it up, geezers

Damn, you're one pathetic, cringey sack of shit. I would've killed myself if I was in your shoes at your age.

>having the greatest experiences in my life

Pretending to be a 21 year old millionaire rockstar celebrity while you spend your NEET days calling people Boomers on this Vietnamese basket weaving mailing list?

Damn, you're one pathetic, cringey sack of dried shit. I will kill myself if I end up in your shoes at your age.

>projecting this hard

Uh, no. I am superior to you in pretty much every way possible, which is why I'm not picking on you or anything, it's not nice to pick on retards.

Now now, remember we all were full retards at 15 too. I know I was.

Since this thread has derailed what do you think are the remaining avenues for older anons who never hopped on the geek train before it was cool?
I personally couldn't give a shit about anime, vidya and comics anymore. But I have nothing really replacing it.

Avenues for what?

>Uh, no. I am superior to you in pretty much every way possible, which is why I'm not picking on you or anything, it's not nice to pick on retards.
Did your mom tell you that's a good comeback, you fucking faggot?

Oh wait your mom's probably dead or in the wheelchair lol

Socialising. I have no real interests anymore.

meetup.com works pretty well for meeting people in all sorts of events.

I'll try but the last time I was on it all I found was yoga classes and mental health carer meetups.

Guess you live in an unlucky area. I live in a normal mid-sized city and there are plenty of social events like afterwork drinks.

Help please.

I need to get my life on track. I've reached an age (30) where I should have some stability, some future or at least ambition, but I have none. I spent my early twenties partying heavily and ended up homeless. My socialist government decided I was eligible for disability due to past diagnoses, so by their grace, I was able to get housed and attempt to get my life back on track. That was five years ago. Now, my life has improved significantly; I have matured and made positive connections in my life, but I am still suckling at the state's teet. I have worked off and on, but find it hard to hold down a job. At this point, I feel completely despondent, like I have wasted my potential and the years I might have spent building a functional life were pissed away.

Full disclosure, and important to get out of the way: I am an alcoholic. I drink heavily at least three times a week, so that is an obvious issue I must overcome should I seek to better myself. I should also say that I have not faced any serious adversity: any problem that's stood in my way has been of my own making. There is no one to blame for the place I'm in but myself.

As I mentioned, I have good things in my life as well. I have a wonderful relationship with my family and a roof over my head. I got married a month ago today (though that isn't going so well already). The point is, I have reasons to want to better myself, not just for me but for the people who care about me. I am just so filled with self-loathing and defeatism I find it hard to motivate myself to take any of the necessary steps to change my station and attitude.

So Jow Forums, what might you recommend as a starting point to becoming the man I'd always wished I might have been? I know I'm starting late, but despite my despondence I feel there's still time.

>Help please.
Sure, what's wrong?
>I need to get my life on track. I've reached an age (30)
Nope. Sorry. Not a miracle worker.

>36 here

While my early 30s were a lot of fun, my late 30s have been abysmal.

They are a time of regret, mistaken choices, physical and emotional pain, and unsatisfaction.

I have never wanted to kill myself as realistically and often as I do now.

It began when my father died in my arms due to a sudden heart attack. At that point, everything began to unravel. The loneliness, the depression, the insomnia, the feelings of worthlessness, the suicidal thoughts, all these ramped up. Feel like my family has disowned me, and that I'm nowhere near to the man my father was.

Pic related is one of my favorite paintings. It's a four part piece called the Voyage of Life, which shows Childhood, Youth, Manhood, and Elderly life in four large paintings.

Manhood is the roughest, with the shittiest most threatening landscape (bottom left). People enter this phase at different times, but there's no way to skip it. It's shitty.

This is where I am right now. All I can look forward to is death.

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You're not doing enough drugs