Why is there so much male on male ass humping in Russia?

The tight male Russia ass secret is out.

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>The tight male Russia ass secret is out.

This is the kind of ignorance that perpetuates the disease. HIV can be spread from heterosexual intercourse and blood transfusions just as easy as from gay sex. Try thinking about it for a moment.

people who have no hope don't care about death
risky behavior, for them, is no longer a concern

We are seeing a similar, cultural slow burn in the US.

>just as easy as from gay sex
>just as easy

It obviously is also spread through heterosexual sex, but faggots are just weaponized vectors for the disease.


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> (OP) (You)
>This is the kind of ignorance that perpetuates the disease. HIV can be spread from heterosexual intercourse and blood transfusions just as easy as from gay sex. Try thinking about it for a moment.

Shut your stupid fucking cock holster faggot and KYS.

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Their HIV problem is mostly due to drug problem and nonexistent needle hygiene.

You should really google the statistics on gays with aids vs non gays with aids. There is a reason fags are the number one carrier of aids/hiv

No it fucking can’t, hetero sex has 1/1000 chance of spread, needles 1/100, asshole sex 2/3

Fagggotry spreads aids


Here we see indeed an odd and almost impossible situation. A native burgerus vulgaris has been attacked in it's own habitat by much more advanced species - burgerus grandis

its iv drug use

t. AIDS spreading sodomite

There's literally no evidence that gay sex leads to HIV.

They are subhumans

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Imagine being this retarded

All these nerds thinking that men dont fuck chicks in the ass, especially after the kikes have push the ass fetish to the extreme. Fucking kikes just trying to distract from the porn epidemic.

But it's true. It's correlated with drug use if anything.

somehow people will ignore this and will twist this as consequences of russian not supporting gay rights

Communists used to hide stats about AIDS and now we have this wonderful situation.
Also we have "sex ed is really anti-christian" fags in buckets too.
Also this, anal sex used to be among top searches on porn hub for years in Russia. I literally had known chicks who are only did the back door before marriage or just chicks who were into anal and anal only.

>But it's true. It's correlated with drug use if anything.
Why are Russian men so fucking gay?

just use a condom you filthy faggot. raw dogging is what leads to aids

Why shouldn't they be? Women are pretty awful.

Ok retard

Its 80-90% done through needle sharing, just so happens fags are degenerates that not only shoot up but have unsanitary gay sex.

False. Spreading through vaginal intercourse it's much more difficult than through anal.


lots of faggots

It is a dominance thing. You cant get higher up the hierarchy if you don't take someone's ass, simple as that.

Eastern European aids is primarily due to junkies sharing needles. I thought everybody knew this.

The bastion of western values and christianity according to Jow Forums
why doesn't god protect them?

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It's not the sex, it's the needle sharing

Is from drug addict. Not gay.

Muh pol is one guy
Fucking kill yourself retard

Needle sharing, dumbass.

>Is from drug addict. Not gay.
It is gay. The Russian secret that they don't want anybody to know about.

This is the city with the most prevalent IV drug use. They still do krokodil there ffs

slavs top kek

slavs have never been supperior

slavs boast on the achievements of their ancestors while they them selves still live by 3rd world standards

slavs are the descendands of mongols

mongols were more subhuman than chinese

chinese have no souls

you get soulless subhuman descendants that you call ''slav'' now

slavs believe in the paranormal

slavs are only white because they never see fucking sunlight, shed some sunlight on them and the eternal mongol emerges from within them

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while this user is a retard for thinking gay sex doesn't spread it as much, he is somewhat right in that druggies are the main reason for the HIV epidemic in Russia

t. GRIDS patient

I dont understand how taking it up the ass is 20 times more likely than giving it

Because that hole isn't meant for sex

I can tell that you have no clue what you're talking about and are full of shit by looking at how your map shows similarity between easternmost Germany and westernmost Poland, when in reality easternmost Poland is populated by western Poles that Stalin resettled there.
Nice try though.

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True, simply pushing the fudge around doesn't magically make HIV appear, it's the mode of transmission. If gay men didn't have lay counts in the hundreds by their mid 20s, it wouldn't be such a problem.

just use geo, fagot
Get something with your life, draving maps is like mostly max 15 years old tier

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yeah but wouldnt that translate to dirty dicks?

you are getting hiv infused cum injected in your perforated arsehole. whats not to understand

I just dont understand gays at all

It's not gay sex you fucking retard, Russia is an extremely Homphobic country.
This is probably due to abuse of drugs like heroin, krokodil and other drugs that can be inyected, Russia has some of the biggest heroin abuse in the world.

Both of you faggots are wrong knowing the russians this happened because they where sharing needles

>uraloid genocide
Are we sure this HIV epidemic isn't just an elaborate collective suicide?

probably both

>Vanya is addicted to heroin
>Vanya is broke and cold turkey is coming on hard
>No methadone or subutex clinics in Rossiya
>Everything not screwed to wall already stripped and sold
>Vanya agrees that peder fucks him in ass for roubles
>Vanya goes buy heroin, shoots up, lends his rusty needle to friend Kolya

rinse and repeat

Why you faggot put my part in subhuman green? Im not wh*Toid dog like you

Rectal lining is not designed for sex. It often tears in very small and unnoticeable places. These are blood vectors for disease. A vagina is more pliant and doesn't tear.

The defeated southern speaks truth.

>I just dont understand gays at all
Likewise. I don't understand why they all go to Russia.

Your pee hole is small, fluids flow out of it, so it's harder for the virus to get in. The ass is big and though it's made for stuff to go out, it takes a big load that stays in for a while and some blood vessels probably get disturbed and broken. The penis doesn't have these problems.

Also rectal absorption of pharmaceuticals (suppositories) is almost as efficient as injection. I suppose this goes for absorption of HIV virus too.

normies love heterosexual anal sex. I don't understand

It's drug addicts with dirty needles
Want some nightmare fuel? Google "krokodil drug photo"
Everyone who still thinks Putin is "BASED" is a fucking retard.
Muslim cock sucking divorced KGB colonel who cares only about money and power.
I should post this video daily youtube.com/watch?v=GqQcZwf-i4A

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Tried it on my wife she didn’t enjoy it and it took to much effort to get my dick in her butt because of all the squirming.
Over rated



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That's because, as opposed to oral routes, drugs absorbed via rectal mucous membranes aren't filtered through the liver before going into circulation.
both are the size of the grand canyon as far as the virus is concerned and the dermis over the penis develops micro abrasions/cuts during any type of sexual activity. The reason receptive anal carries the highest transmission rate among sexual practices is the relatively higher chance of internal injury occurring when performed as the surface isn't nearly as lubricated/compliant on its own and requires outside means to become such

> (You)
Stupid fucking Russian kike.

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Russia - communist
California - communist
Coincidence? Or (((coincidence)))?

Tears in the walls of the colon are common during homosexual anal sex, therefore making it more likely to transmit the disease. The 'equal love' fags won't ever mention it, but they all have stories dealing with blood and trauma that they powered through. A lot of homosexuals hate themselves so they won't stop if it hurts or if physical damage is incurred.

>heterosexual intercourse and blood transfusions just as easy as from gay sex
those are orders of magnitude better as a transmission vector, you retard

That’s basically how it goes. Unlike in the US where opioids are taken in pill form or are snorted/inhaled, Russian addicts prefer shooting up with needles. And because Russia doesn’t have detox clinics or safe injection sites or clean needle exchange, these problems go on unchecked even as people’s shins and forearms atrophy and fall off all rotten and dead from their bodies.


>HIV can be spread from heterosexual intercourse

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Not in Russia. Main vector has always been drugs/needles here, reflected by the different strain prevalent amongst Russians. Highly infectious and very lethal (which would hamper his chances at sexual transmission actually as it kills the host faster).

This. It's undisputed scientific fact. Yet alt right nutcases think their infographics know better.

Dude gays are much more likely to have HIV. If you check the statistics it shows clear as day that if you like to get pork in the arse by a bull you will get AIDS.