I'm a real gypsy

Ask me anything.

Attached: gypsy.jpg (964x1138, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you speak Klingon?


why are your people so disgusting? n

Immm gay

How many drives have you tarmac'd this year?

Where abouts in Romania do you live? I was in Transilvanyia last summer and hung out with gypsies for a couple of days there. Gypsies look nothing like the OP picture by the way. Most are as brown as Indians.

Tjena tjena tacksamicket tacksamicket krooooona mr tjena tjena

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Also, how similiar is the gypsy language to Romanian? Is it mostly Romanian words or not?

when do you plan to leave the sacred holy land of Romania?!

because they are fucking Indian

Why do Euros hate you guys so much? I've had liberal friends who went on long rants about their hatred of gypsies.

Gypsy, will you beat the life out of niggers with us when the day comes?

why do Europeans dislike non European who contribute nothing to their societies.

Gypsy, will you beat the life out of niggers and Jews with us when the day comes?

hello JIDF, another slide thread tonight?

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Are gypsies in Romania the same as in Spain?

Fucking based. I am also a real gypsy and will help you answer questions in this thread

Hello fellow gypsy, here to help out?

How do I go about finding a hot wife then have 3 sexy girls with her, and when they're of penetrateable age, convince her to have a family orgy every night in our caravan?

actually our language is more cursive, for example "fă" means dear and "socardele", "what's going on and how you doing" is actually very simple to learn and intuitive. Even find few romanians that use it

In fact, our history have much depth than yours wallah.

depends of the tribe. My group is pretty clean


Harghita, near hungarians, yeah we are kinda brown, some tribes are white, but very few


don't know, how are gypsies in spain?

They steal Norse children and rape them to bleach thier blood so we sympathize


i assume the two clean white girls belong to whoever is taking the picture? or did you steal them?

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>How do I go about finding a hot wife then have 3 sexy girls with her, and when they're of penetrateable age, convince her to have a family orgy every night in our caravan?
Most of our fine Romanian women will be up for that

well they don't seem to mind muslims and pakistanis

> Names on Jow Forums are important!
> Makes image graphic to defend his "honor"
> Calls himself "Nothing without God" in Latin to boost his image.


Are you the Romanian trap or pro-circumcision poster?

Is it true gypsy are told because Christ died in the cross to cleanse our sins, that it's ok to rob and steal and other things since you're going to be forgiven anyways?

He previously made a thread shilling for Zion

Where's my stuff?

are Gypsies and Jewish people friends senpai?

my name was the royal family motto, i chose it out of nostalgia.

not my fault kikes stole it to frame me.

You are a retard

We gypsies don't follow your religion. We collect copper so that we one day can return to India. Our people were exiled and we need about 20 tonnes to be able to once again drink the life giving waters of the Ganges

When will you go back to India?

>muh (((American))) propaganda memes.
worry about your whores cheering for Tyrone in college.

>larping this hard

the trap / lana poster and he's NOT Romanian.


Kin more like. A Gypsy is basically what you would call a "secular Jew"

oh that was your watch and wallet?!

The area I was in was Hungarian as well. Do you prefer Romanians to Hungarians?
Are all dark skinned people in Romania gypsy? Some towns were about 50% dark skinned and I wasn't sure what ethnicity they were.


When we have collected 20 tons of copper

D'ye wan sum milk fer da babby?

i am the real one, the kikes frame me.

Attached: Zsidorszag.jpg (2048x1533, 1.3M)

It is nice, we even split the holocaust reparations LFMAO

Can you give me my fortune?

How so?

Dumb question. All Romanians are Gypsies. Basically it is like this: we call ourselves Gypsies internally, but demand that foreigners call us Romanians. Same way only blacks call themselves niggers

Frohes Julfest aus Törnen!

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It's my experience growing up near gypsies that you'll "follow" whatever is convenient. I'm not sure you're a real gypsy, or if you lying is proof you are a real gypsy.

der Juden tried to steal my name:

he mentioned it several times when we first started posting and people would call him gypsy etc. I even asked him in Romanian and he said he's not ethnically Romanian even though he speaks it.

Wow really?!

Based atomwaffen. Flashbacks to the good old days.

Doesn't look too good. Your planned business venture... forget about it. May as well begin flipping burgers right now. You will marry an okay looking gook though, just 20 kilos overweight, but she will cheat on your with your neighbour Cletus. Sorry

Do mine

Either way you can "trust" me. I really want to see the Ganges again though, I seen it through druginduced trips at the fortuneteller, but that is about it

Why don't you go back to India where you belong?

Fuck off you stupid gyppo.

You must be a stolen baby or a rape baby, because pure gypsies can't read or write. If I was you, I would kill your "family" and then suicide myself. Be sure to drag the corpses to the sewer, thats where pure shit belongs.

Oh yes I think he said he's Hungarian. But he lives in Romania.

not very similar, but we used to it.

yeah, kinda

idk, I suppose many tribes are not as civilized

of course, the bastards always have good stealing technique than me

I forget

I'm not telling you

Not romanian, nor I wish to be one

Hungarians that I know likes us because they get used to. Idk how other hungarian would threat us, maybe not so well

I'll buy it myself, just give me a dolar

they are poor and poo on the streets

Muslims in Britain are like Mexicans in the usa, people who do cheap labor the locals don't want to do .

What you not even gonna pay me?

Ok whatever I had some moonshine so I take a look in my gypsy cup.

>That crossroads that sometimes flash past in your dreams. Don't be there on the 8th of January.
>I see some kind of fortunate transaction ahead if you dodge the danger on the 8th. If still alive there is a gypsy that want to buy copper. Help him! Clean out the stores and give it to him despite the perhaps shitty money offered. It will be repaid, he has a sister that will be very grateful to you.
>Mexican who does your lawn fire him and hire someone more reliable.
>Also you will soon become a vegetarian.

How retarded are yiz all?
None of you have ever met a Rom Gypo?

You think they are handy on a computer?
You think they know how to post on Jow Forums?
These people are illiterate.

The innocence. Bless.

he always reveals his true colors when we start bashing H*ungry

Can't pay the toll silly

also I like romanians more because they like our music and pay us good money for it.

>Are all dark skinned people in Romania gypsy?
No, there are turks, Chinese, tatars... romania was multicultural before it was cool :-DDD

>Gypsies look nothing like the OP picture by the way.

He posted a picture of 'Irish Travelers'. Who are itinerant white people. And is pretending they have something to do with Romanian Gypsies - which they don't.

i hope the faggot with ancap flag who stole my username and now keeps trolling will get permabanned for it.'

the shills will never win, and they already lost today when i exposed their false flag.

Why it's always when I meet a nice and honest gypsy, it's always in a mental hospital?

the girl in the middle and left are clean because he is flaunting them for trade. Middle is obviously ready and left is jealous all the men want her. both are cute though. id offer alot

Auzi ciumpalac mucos ce eşti, vezi că îți văd nasu' de pinocchio jidov prin mobil. La cazan cu neamul tău de porcari împuțiți, şi aşa mi-ați călcat în picioare un sfert din familie şi proprietate.
Bother him not, for he is a mere shill.

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i wish he would be permabanned so much, i guess he was the one who hid under EU flag earlier today and tried to frame me as a kike.

see: and save it.

Double posting again friendo?

I also try to frame Benjamin Netanyahu as a Kike

nah, different anons, i came to reply to him sooner.

he is one tho. and so are you!

De ce esti asa de gay?

>he is one tho. and so are you!
That's my point, I can't frame a kike for being a Kike

Chiar asa, de ce esti asa de gay?

Such a shame your people weren't completely wiped out, but like cockroaches, you just keep finding a way.

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Its fun when you immerse yourself so deeply in Jow Forums that the shills begin to interact around/against your actions and words on here

That is when you know you're basically one of the few dosen thorns in their side, meaning you embody the fight against their policies

What’s it like living in chad?
Do all niggers smell like you?

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Is this guy for real? He can't be for real.

so you mean, it's my fault they keep coming?

if so, i will keep fighting against them until they are dead.

aren't we all cancer of this earth? wouldn't everything be better without humans? leave me alone, is just my instinct to live, I didn't like it, but I don't have a choice...

t. Hrod
Permabanning him won't do the trick, there's plenty of fish in the sea.

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i am for real, but nobody wants to believe me?

Lol we are making fun of him, its what we usually do bully those who appear to be dumb, or that was the norm for people in the 90s early 2000 now we have faggy anti bullying campaigns and all equality shit.

OP how much for the women?

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Mno zi draga vrei sa facem un suicid in unison?

if you really are trolls and not JIDF, why don't you stop doing it and leave me alone? how long are you going to make me laughingstock of Jow Forums?

Keep fighting , good job!

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Only one woke in this thread
I'm OP from behind a proxy and this thread is actually fake

now I feel bad. I was thinking is just a meme to name yourself nihil sine deo when you are gypo, like kinda of extremely bitter ironically joke.

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yes yes, when do you go back to north India?

He IS for real. Oh my.
