Are western women surprised to find out how much sex men want in relationships? I come from a third world country where only sex in marriage is allowed and women are fed up with their husbands initiating.
Makes me sad. What questions can I ask potential wife to see if she is Nympho. Atleast the feeling will be mutual and I don't have to worry.
It’s different in the West. Sex and childbearing aren’t seen as inherent obligations for a wife so you’re basically glorified roommates. Our form of marriage is an extension of the natural female mating strategy. I.E. giving the best years of her body alphas and later settle with betas for marriage.
I wouldn’t go for a nympho because she’s going to be less hesitant to cheat. But if you want one anyway then look for nympho traits.
>Masculine digit ratio >Contralto voice >More body hair than average >Low fear of taking risks >Taller stature >”Slutface” (You don’t really notice it until you’ve been with many women, but I describe it as a sort of “handsome” yet feminine face often with a tryhard “tough grrrl” expression) >Banana shaped figure
In my experience these types of women are the most likely to enjoy dick for the sake of dick
Benjamin Cruz
Can I get a few examples of the features that youve described. Not looking for fap material. Genuinely interested
my index finger shorter than ring finger and i'm gay but i'm definitely not athletic lol
Hudson Campbell
i can't help with this question
William Perry
Exceptions maybe? Do you have high sex drive?
Jacob Rogers
Damn. That is way too accurate. wtf
Anthony Jones
Which part
Grayson Russell
women are not into sex because it's not satisfying and doesn't feel good, not to mention it could result in pregnancy. Out of all demographics, straight men are the absolute worst at getting women to orgasm, and lesbians are the best. Most women don't even orgasm from penetration.Men think that showing women their dick is enough. Guess what? it's not. You need technique, and a sincere desire for both parties to have a good time.(not just yourself)
Dylan Long
Nobody cares you raging bulldyke, go dye your hair some more.
Elijah Jones
this is spot on
Gabriel Mitchell
All correct except the taller stature part
Lucas Morales
> Slutface do post pics!
Nathaniel Edwards
>Out of all demographics, straight men are the absolute worst at getting women to orgasm, and lesbians are the best. Let me tell you about shit i can't backup but state as fact because i use terms like demographic so it makes me look less like a retard.
If you want to argue like that at least back it up or say that you are unwilling to provide source to your statement because you are a lazy cunt
Hunter Collins
If your woman is fed up with you initiating sex, you're just shit in bed. Women enjoy sex when the guy they're with is skilled and knows how to give her pleasure.
Grayson Adams
I don't really understand your question, but this might help.
Some Google research tells me that most newlywed couples have sex daily, settling down after a while to an average of 3-4 times a week.
Jayden Green
Lesbians are also 6 times more likely to beat their partner as well a divorce them after lesbian bed death sets in but i bet youre gonna try to call bullshit on these facts.
I swear you dykes are so obsessed with "sticking it to men" that you let yourselves look illogical and retarded just to do it.
Oh okay, thx! I thought tthere would be more handtypes in the full version
Kayden Gonzalez
you probably read horoscopes too you fucking faggot
Lincoln Gray
I dont trust this
Josiah Parker
I've been dating men since I was 12, I kinda get that they want sex by now (mid 20s). My husband and I have sex every day, often more than once. I initiate almost as much as him.
I'm not a nympho by any means, just genuinely into him. Be attractive and good in bed.
Justin Nguyen
my index finger is fucking longer. what the fuck
Anthony Jackson
>good in bed
What makes him good in bed for you
Cooper Sanchez
>initiate almost as much as him
Stop LARPing
Brayden Scott
If I had to estimate, I initiate 40% and he initiates 60% Girls like dick too.
>ALWAYS makes me feel irresistible >Kinky >Pays attention to my pleasure, doesn't stop till I come >good at foreplay