Is uk a failed state? id rather live in kabul than in this degenerate country

is uk a failed state? id rather live in kabul than in this degenerate country

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With all due respect, you already do.

Hitler won, UK, America and Russia is gone :)

hitler killed more whites than jews

>id rather live in kabul
>German flag
Where do you think you are right now?

Guy, you already live in Kabul

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b-but octoberfest is a refined german tradition

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traitors have no ethnicity

can you tell us how many "whites" Hitler killed?
can you tell us how many whites the Allies killed? just for comparison since you made such a crazy statement

Paki, fuck back to of paki shithole you a from nau!

Remember that time Germanys toughest gangster met up with some random niggers in some washed up ghetto so he could boost his street cred.

Just as long as he could be seen hanging out with the BBC german youths will think hes cool

Yes. British girls drink more than girls from any other country IIRC. They're completely fucked up.

forgot link

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fookin 'ell those are proper slags well good lasses

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I think they actually drink more than men, while also being more damaging for their bodies than ours.

is slag #2 checking #1's messages while her guard is down? Can't even trust them in this situation

The ANGLO is simply the lineage of the Churchill heavy drinking habits and hedonistiscly driven, they easily side with jews

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Why didn't they capture the initial eruption?

herding the goyim

Gosh, I wish she would puke on me.

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>is uk a failed state?
fuck off ahmed


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wtf is that dome?

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> OP playing dumbfuck.mp4

ever hear the saying grass is greener on the other side?

No hips. Trap.

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The tropical islands in germany i guess

Yeah looks like she's using the (((fingerprint scanner))) to unlock it

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>t. muslim
flag checks out

>1 one by this one
desu this is getting v. boring even the bait threads are low power maybe new year is time for a change

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it is an airship/zeppelin construction hall

They do. But alcohol doesn't just destroy the body, it also degrades the mind and spirit. The drunker you get, the worse the effect. These girls vomiting and going home crying in hysterics every week, headfirst in a kebab, will never be able to pay back their spiritual debt. You can't recover from that. It's best if they rarely drink, but it's also not the worst thing if they just have a few drinks a week when they go out. Eight drinks just fucks them up. It's worse for girls, because girls don't have the agency that guys have. Don't get me wrong, it affects guys too, guys getting smashed all the time and doing stupid shit have to pay back the debt eventually, but we have agency, and can spring back harder and with more focus and purpose. Girls will never understand the idea of that, they just eventually get too old to drink, and the dopamine feed starts getting weaker and weaker as the novelty wears off and guys stop paying them as much attention. By the time they're done, they're husks of what a woman is.


ban alcohol now

what is that girl even weaning? a leotard?

Depends on whether you're autistic and don't consider Slavs white to win arguments arbitrarily or not. Judging by the flag though I'd assume autism is guaranteed.

based anglo speaks the truth. sad you are a threatened species in this world my friend.

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Looks like a roach.

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In America, they defined who was and wasn’t white legally using racial science. Slavs aren’t on that list bud.

So the American education meme isn't really a meme is it ahahahahha

If you see a woman acting like a degenerate in public like that - you have my permission to kick them and treat them like the easily conquered degenerates they are.

Kick them in the face.

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I rather fucking live in Mogadishu than an autistic weirdo degenerate state called germany.

Based brit

Pretty sure it's common knowledge that British slags are disgusting

For women or at least limit it.

Reminder a majority of white germans are over the age of 45.

Definitely fpbp

Slavs are white excluding the Balkans.


So I've heard that there's going to be a huge riot in London, soon.

Yes, and no race is more richly deserving of such an ignominious end.

No ice.


i really dont understand what happened to the uk
the uk is currently the worst country in the west

Lived in the UK a year, just don't go out at night in a city and it's nice.
I lived in york.

keeeeeeek. OP had better give you your bikes back


am I the only one who masturbated to this? serious she is Hot

The ANGLO must crusade against the liquid Jew. But we can't join the Jihad.

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Jaysus Christ, will you look at that. That's one fuckin hell of a long arse! Chrisht almighty! That arse is longer than feeding season for the calves! Shtill, throw it into bed beside me and I'd have a bit of an auld go at it! A hole's a hole lad!

>Bagorrah tis like anuudah pahtaytah famihn! De Anglah will getwaht's comin' to 'im or de 'oly fader's a Calvinist!

Alright Mick calm it lad.

Obviously yours is so good you won't show it's flag. Also what's with all the UK=shit threads today?
>The irony of Germans calling other countries shit.

It's probably a man you know

Oh look another 1 post, devide and conquer thread. Jow Forums always falls for these.

This. Cities and a few large northern post industrial towns are fucked but the countryside is lively as are most small towns. Most of the shit that gives us such a bad name these days eminates from London - pozz capital.

holy based

>Obviously yours is so good you won't show it's flag.
muh flag is not an argument especially since you have an american flag which means anyone could be hiding behind that

Next day a white male colleague commented on her hair and she had him fired for sexual harassment

Self-hating American detected.

>in the beginning the earth was without form and void
>jesus is god
pick one.

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Christianity and alcohol, the two European poisons

Can you explain shit like the Lidice massacre? If uncle Addy was such a swell guy, why did he massacre an entire village of civilian Czechs?

>id rather live in kabul than in this degenerate country

No, no you wouldn’t. Don’t engage in hyperbole, that’s a bitch move. Literally, it’s something I would expect a woman to do.

You could make the effort and actually point out what is degenerate about the UK, and you’d have a lot of legimate examples.

Wow, rekt.

>tropical island

Is it the worse than in Ireland?

>Someone drinks too much

You guys are such massive faggots on here.

just from wikipedia, they assassinated reinhard heydrich so they executed them all
so partisans

>shit hole confirmed

If only you knew how bad things really are.

There is no spirit in this country. All kids being raised are soulless empty hollows that shuffle through life on a grey wave of dopamine addictions; sugar, phones and computers, constant rewards with no risk or cause for it.

These people are all going to grow up to be twisted mindless homunculi that make the millennials look like Greek philosophers by comparison.

How will krauts ever recover from this?

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I'm ashamed, but at least they're white.

Sorry, Herr Abdul

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