to be honest I've talked anime with alot of girls, more than I've ever expected. You probably just need some fine tuning to your humor, you'll only get that through practice.
Easton Powell
>So do I talk about anime and vidya with some random girl I just met?
Yes to be h. This is the amount of "I don't give a fuck" you have to achieve.
>Did /v/ ruin my personality forever? Also a yes. You should have some other hobbies than vidya and anime past 18.
Aiden Perry
>just bee yourself This is beta bait, don’t fall for it >have confidence in what you like This is true. Women don’t give a fuck about your tastes once you’ve started to make their pussy tingle. Hell she’ll even develop shallow entry level tastes & knowledge to attract you.
>So do I talk about anime and vidya with some random girl I just met? No. You need to seduce her first. Women don’t give a shit about what you like unless it can help her keep you around. >Why the fuck can I only be funny around my other friends, because I'm literally an IRL shitposter? Women have shit tier senses of humor and always try to avoid offending each other openly. But they do love getting teased all the time. Treat them like bratty children who are blessed to stand in your presence. Be mildly condescending in your teasing but don’t lay it on too thick or you’ll sound butthurt.
Kevin Wood
The girl I like likes anime and Vidya... I don't... :/
Ryan Russell
>o do I talk about anime and vidya with some random girl I just met? only if she is in to vidya, otherwise keep it to an absolute minimum.
>The girl I like likes anime and Vidya... I don't... :/ me an my girl love anime, neither of us play vidya, but we are both nerds and the sex is amazing
not OP and I believe everything you said but you're only focusing on like the interim shit
how do you even begin to seduce a random stranger? Or should virgins just focus on girls they already have a connection with (like a job or being in the same class) before they try to move on to picking up strangers
Oliver Clark
OP can't even get a 5 and he thinks he's ready to be worrying about girls at this stage in his life lmao
work on the basics first so you don't embarrass yourself
>how do you even begin to seduce a random stranger? I’d normally give a big autistic breakdown on this but I’m fighting off sleep.
If a strange woman is attracted to you she’ll give off “hey come hit on me” signals.
>Walks over by you, hangs around in your peripheral vision >Asking you irreverent questions as an excuse to make conversation >Violating your personal space for a while >Walking over near you and pretending to look for something >Mumbling and sighing near you about some bullshit in hopes you’ll agree with her or say something >Glancing at you sideways, looking away, then smiling >Orienting her body towards you >Exposing her neck >Messing with her hair >Making eye contact, looking down or away as if shy, and looking back again with a smile
Most guys have autism so they don’t pick upon subtle body language like this. Hence normalfag redditors saying “bro never cold approach!” and tryhard wannabe alphas saying “Just charge at every girl you see!”. It’s a subtle mating dance.
But once she gives the signal your job is to get in there and present yourself as a sexual being who’s interested but not 100% sold on her yet. Aloof, arrogant, teasing, that’s the vibe you wanna give off if you’re more introverted. If you lean extrovert you can try an approach with more energy. >Or should virgins just focus on girls they already have a connection with (like a job or being in the same class) before they try to move on to picking up strangers Don’t shit where you eat, generally. But girls from work & school can make for good practice girls when honing your skills becomes you know you’re not going to go any further than flirting.
Blake Wood
You like Huey Lewis and the News? Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. In '87, Huey released this; Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.
nice try, but do you like Huey Lewis and the News? Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. In '87, Huey released this; Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.
this is a good list of signals but despite being socially awkward I think I'd pick up on most of these
what you're giving me is definitely a good start but it was kind of dumb of me to ask as I do think I need some practice girls before I worry about the cold approach. I've had some success flirting with girls online (not much of an accomplishment I know but if this site is anything to go by some people can't even do that) so I can kind of understand the attitude you're describing. It's just that when it comes to real life, and when you say "get in there" I have no idea what to do or what you really mean. And how do you "present yourself as a sexual being" without coming off as completely random/autistic/creepy?
You're kind of right about being yourself being bullshit, but I think it's necessary to just "be yourself" until you develop the confidence to act properly. At least, it might be an easier way to go about it if you're physically attractive as your awkwardness could maybe be seen as endearing (I have no IRL basis for this though because I've never flirted with a girl IRL and I know that looks aren't actually everything so I could be wrong)
Whenever I read a post like yours I feel like I need to hurry into becoming better with women but I think I have to accept that I'll be awkward as fuck for a while and will definitely crash and burn. I mean experience means more than words on a screen after all and unfortunately internet shit doesn't actually translate that well into real life flirting. Or do you think it's actually possible to aim high with your interactions with women even with limited experience?
My brain just freezes even when a girl says basic easy to reply to shit
>get a haircut at a new stylist place that my dads been going to for a while >think it's going to be chill >walk into a room with 3 hot mexicans staring right at me >hot mexican milf stylist says I'm so much taller than my dad and asks if I'm even his son >"uhhhhhhh"
I dated a girl. Our first conversation was about Banjo Kazooie. With another girl I hooked up with, our first conversation was about Madoka Magica. Am I autistic? Probably, but I'm a happy, out-there autist. I'm not saying go up and randomly bring up your recent playthrough of Senran Kagura with a stranger, but definitely be confident in your hobbies, because girls have hobbies too.
>I've had some success flirting with girls online (not much of an accomplishment I know but if this site is anything to go by some people can't even do that) so I can kind of understand the attitude you're describing. Not to downplay any feelings of success. But until you’ve actually put a part of your body inside her, you haven’t accomplished anything constructive. You just let her gorge on free attention and validation. Women generally spread their legs because they value your attention so much they’re willing to trade sex for it. Flirting with a woman means “Enjoying this free trial? Take off your clothes for full access!”. Don’t give away the milk until she’s paid for it.
>"get in there" I have no idea what to do or what you really mean. Approach. If you struggle with that then I recommend one of two things.
1. Imagine that you’ve already fucked her and you already got what you wanted. So now you’re just lazing there where she attempts to cuddle you and maintain your attention while you’re pondering what vidya to play next. The smug, fulfilled vibe that should give you is where you will find the courage. “Meh, whatever. It’s a dime a dozen. I already won.” Cocky, arrogant, but not tryhard.
>"present yourself as a sexual being" without coming off as completely random/autistic/creepy? Not your words m8. Words mean nothing to women. And it’s only creepy if she wasn’t interested in the first place. I’m talking about emotions and vibes. Women are completely irrational beings. They don’t think the way we do. I mean give off a vibe of sex. A vibe that says “this guy has done it before, he knows what he’s doing, he isn’t scared of me at all”. When I was a teenager I was pretty shy around girls. At like 15 my uncle brought me into a stripclub and I got a private dance. It rocked me to my core, and I walked away better for it. When I came back to school I gave off a completely different vibe around women.
Robert Gonzalez
should i mention during first convo that im into highly educational japanese simulation games?
>SoldTown Girl you should def not mention your into games where the main objective is to kidnap women off the street and torture them in your rape dungeon until they mentally snap and will prostitute for you. at least not during the first conversation.
Pussy didn’t scare me anymore. It wasn’t some new thrilling thing to me. A hole is a hole.
A vibe of sex is “I do this all the time, whatever you feel about it is irrelevant to me because there’s 1000 others, take it or leave it”.
>I think it's necessary to just "be yourself" until you develop the confidence to act properly I would say to just live in your head and imagine that it’s simply a “better” you doing all the talking and walking. You’re just an actor going through the motions. She’s a low AI NPC and you’re just fighting her on practicemode.
>At least, it might be an easier way to go about it if you're physically attractive as your awkwardness could maybe be seen as endearing Awkwardness can be endearing to girls if they’re looking for a boyfriend or husband. But it isn’t sexy on any level. And emotional weakness is not tolerable to any woman.
>Or do you think it's actually possible to aim high with your interactions with women even with limited experience? You’re a man, by definition that makes you better than she could ever dream of being. Go out and take what you want in life.
>My brain just freezes even when a girl says basic easy to reply to shit Which leads us to number 2
If it’s really that bad then it might be biological. Take anti-anxiety meds as needed.
Robert Lewis
>A hole is a hole. mouth>vagoo>butt
Brayden Campbell
My main hobby is music but that's pretty hard too
Jeremiah Murphy
That strip club thing sounds like a good idea, I might try something like that but I'm already way behind in terms of age (23) so it might not have the same effect
I'm still not really sure what to actually say when I approach though. I actually never thought of going into interacting with a woman with that mindset though so that's helpful
I guess the problem lies with me being too much of a shut in to actually know how to socialize in situations where you're initiating. I mean if I for some reason had the desire to just make a new friend with a guy I suppose I wouldn't actually know how to approach them either so the problem runs pretty deep.
I'm open to suggestions about what to actually say when you approach someone though I don't know how much good that would even do. I guess the idea is if you pick up on them being interested in you, they want you to approach them, so your "opening lines" or whatever aren't really that important as long as you aren't autistic as fuck?
Nah I know being awkward isn't sexy I'm just saying it might be easier to get away with being awkward in the sense that it can get you into a situation where you can get more experience (not necessarily sexual experience either). ;Like a girl might still give an awkward person a chance if they were attractive even if it sets off red flags as opposed to just instantly shutting down someone who is ugly and has no confidence. I suppose that comes down to how much dick they're getting though because they wouldn't need to settle for an attractive beta if they weren't at least slightly desperate. But then again in this day and age being desperate for dick as a woman is probably rare
I tried anti anxiety meds but it totally killed my sex drive, even though I did feel a lot more like nothing matters at that point I would probably just not even bother approaching a woman.
Hard to say if I actually need the meds though. it could just be a lack of experience
Gavin Gutierrez
Evan Hill
Doesn’t matter. I always tell guys to remember that women are children. Children are constantly babbling and focusing on nothing. Do you feel crushed when a 3 year old offhandedly tells you “I don liek u” while swinging around a toy snake?. Of course not. The only crime you can commit against a woman when flirting is being boring. That’s it. If you’ve ever teased a bratty younger sibling then you know what I’m talking about. That’s how women like being treated. When in doubt, hit her with an amusing non-sequitor. Keep it light and don’t go heavy into a fact-driven discussion. Accuse her of something non-serious. Right away that signals to her “hey he wants to play with you”. Accuse her of having some trait that would exclude her from being your lover. When you don’t hit her with “I wanna fuck you” stuff right away she’ll be confused. Confusion is good. Women like mystery and vagueness.
>Wait so this guy responded to my approach signals, and he’s clearly acting hot, and yet right off the bat he kinda disqualified me >lol what is his dude all about?
You’ll be better off than the legions of faggots who orbit her all day going “y-you’re really purty...c-can I have ur number pls...?”.
Chicks react by either turning giddy and trying to prove you’re wrong in a jokey way to try to put you into the “boyfriend/provider” box. Or failing that she’ll hit you right back by hyperbolically agreeing and putting you into the “fuck” box. Both are okay but the latter is better.
Alexander King
It can be done. I dated girls who were even bigger weebs or gamers than me.
It's not 1998. Anime and gaming are not exactly fringe hobbies for ugly retards exclusively anymore.
But also yes spending your formative years in Jow Forums will fuck you up.
Christian Hall
This is some pretty good advice actually
>Accuse her of having some trait that would exclude her from being your lover You got an example of this? Mainly just to put the rest of your post in perspective
I would probably be happy with either response in the moment but I definitely don't want to be a boyfriend/provider unless I feel that I could use a girl as a practice tool for a while before I eventually dump them. My mom was a total cunt which is probably a big part of why I have issues with this shit but other than that every relationship my parents have been in has failed so I've got no desire for commitment
Mason Rogers
Forgot to ask if there's any specific advice for getting the second reply, does it just depend on the girl and what they're looking for in that moment?
Camden Sanchez
Why do people equate personality with the media we consume?
Ryan Jackson
You got an example of this? >Girl says she does gymnastics >”I bet you’re an exhibitionist. Which is cool if that’s your thing.”
Boom. Punny, sexual, teasing.
>Forgot to ask if there's any specific advice for getting the second reply, does it just depend on the girl and what they're looking for in that moment? Depends on the girl. More masculine leaning chicks will usually be immediately DTF.
Jaxon Nelson
Half of conversation is made up of it?
Colton Perry
What about when you're just bad at conversation? I'm more of a listener, when a girl is talking about something with me I find it hard to poke fun at anything, I just kinda listen. I care, I will listen to what they say. But beyond that the most I can say is "yeah" to most things she says. How do I fix this.OP btw.
Landon Lewis
You forgot ear > nose > eye socket
John Hughes
That is pretty good but how does it really exclude her from being your lover? Most guys would want a girl who is an exhibitionist I feel like so wouldn't it be a little obvious? I suppose the second part of what you said does imply a lack of interest though
I'd say I have this problem too but it's less that I actually care about them and more that I'm just not sure what to say and am being too cautious. When I'm with people I'm actually comfortable with I usually talk too much
Thomas Reyes
>That is pretty good but how does it really exclude her from being your lover? If that’s your thing >Most guys would want a girl who is an exhibitionist ... >I'm just not sure what to say and am being too cautious When in doubt. Non-sequitor. I like saying “Psych test. Tomato:....” and she usually hits back with tomato. I’ve literally said “blarahaharahlagal” gibberish to a girl before and made her laugh. She’s here for your entertainment. And if she wants to bask in the fun you have being alive then it’s her choice.
Landon Ramirez
Wouldn't you want a girl who wants to show off her body? That just means they'll show it off to you
I'm in a similar situation as you so take everything I say with a grain of salt but this >I care stuff is not a good path to be on
And I'm sure you know that attitude isn't good with women because you want to change, but I'm saying you should stop trying to convince YOURSELF that you actually care about them. You seem like you might think of yourself as a tragically nice guy when girls want assholes. I'm no mind reader but you should do some reflecting and think if you really care about women. I think at the end of the day people only really care about themselves. You should focus on recognizing what it is you actually want from women and why you act the way you do around them. You aren't listening because you care, you're listening because for whatever reason that's what you think will make them want to fuck/date you. Whether you want sex or validation or companionship, what you want is for you. I'm not saying thinking this way will instantly make you a flirtlord but it's a step in the right direction if you really want to change yourself
Which brings me back to Kind of an autistic question but would you say you only care about fucking women because that's what you enjoy on a physical level, or is there an emotional component to it as well? As much as I want to fuck hot women because it seems like it would be fun, that's not really what my brain is focused on. What's attractive to me about being the kind of person that you seem to be isn't just that you can fuck whoever, it's that that type of person is the kind of person women will be obsessed with. I'm only asking because I'm worried that desire for validation could be part of what's holding me back and it seems like every guy who is good with women only cares about the sex. Not that I'm saying I'm a good person or anything, just that my selfish desires have a basis in emotion
Joshua Roberts
give it a shot, some girls are nerdier than youd think. if she doesnt like your insterests it’s probably not worth it