Antifa is kidnapping and beheading white womens as a tactic to terrorize indentitarians in europe

Antifa is kidnapping and beheading white womens as a tactic to terrorize indentitarians in europe

We must put a stop to this terrorism and crush antifa once for all.

It's time to let everyone know by spreading the word

Attached: Beheading.webm (220x400, 1M)


Antifa is directly affiliated with isis

Attached: 112.jpg (945x696, 127K)

Attached: dress-for-the-job-you-want-me-antifa-isis-19618137.png (500x518, 150K)

Fuck off back to /leftypol/ where you belong

Found the jew

Stfu retard Antifa is fighting against Isis in Syria
You trumpanzees are so old and senile you don’t even know who your enemy is or what they do

Attached: 8FECAFF1-393B-4942-8765-92D276F848DB.jpg (750x425, 86K)

Are you blind or simply retarded?

Your master race IQ is showing
Those are YPG milita members you retard

Attached: 13D680FE-3C39-4E05-AB80-1B79794E9BE7.jpg (656x525, 103K)

Why are they showing off with an ISIS flag then you utter fucking moron

Argument discarded

ISIS/Islamic extremists have 10x more in common with White Nationalists than Antifa, its not even debatable. White Nationalists and Wahhabists literally have the same views on everything, just swap Muslim for White

You can't even address my question correctly.

Stop defending terrorists just because they are sand niggers

Attached: vO7lRZ7.png (621x702, 56K)

Do you even know what’s going on in Syria? Do you even know what the YPG is?
>lol why they pose behind ISIS flag
Do you even war bro? They captured the area idiot just like pic related

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Keep crying

Correcting brain dead Trumpanzees isn’t crying
It’s funny because that’s all you Nazis do, cry on the internet LOL

Attached: 2177BAC2-3F33-4EDB-8EB1-A25791384198.jpg (750x350, 114K)

>you are all nazis
>I'm not crying
Pick one retard

Attached: Where+are+your+brainlet+images+fj_d237bc_6691842.jpg (692x800, 73K)


Attached: Hillbot Malfunctions.gif (218x272, 3.03M)

Imagine being so dumb you think Radical Muslims fight along side the YPG and other socialist groups in Syria LOL

Attached: 780478F6-DBDC-4EC8-9BCD-B350240C9C6B.jpg (683x685, 258K)

>Do you even war bro
Do you think you're a tough guy just because you dress in all black like your emo faggot friends?

Enjoy getting culturally enriched by a bunch of wild animals

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Maybe if you got laid you’d stop being so dumb and hateful

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Socialists are known for being terrorists and bombing buildings too

Triggered much?

Says the jew

It is the jew who whines on the internet more than any demographic on Earth, potentially even the universe

My sides

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All you can do is post memes because you don't have any back up to your claims

Thoughts on Obama’s daughters boyfriend?

Attached: 0CF35996-DDAA-4EBB-9ADE-441220EF588A.jpg (1006x512, 164K)

lefties being lefties
fuck them and gas them

You probably can’t even find Syria on a map
You are real life dumb

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Tell me what continent Syria's in

nice bbc jewish propaganda

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Cry more incel

Attached: 460644B6-AA1B-4A57-97C6-C4CD1B5D05C4.jpg (666x759, 173K)

>he doesn't even know basic geography

Cry more manlet

Nice jawline. Name?

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Yeah I’m a brainlet yet this threads existance proves you know nothing about the Syrian Civil war

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Well Israel fund them both so you're correct. Controlled opposition

Attached: 43c.jpg (480x272, 20K)

The daughter of your beloved hero Obama is getting her brains banged out by a racist white boy. How are you going to save her?

Attached: 6DCCF35E-2FDA-401D-828D-0ECB8C731E87.jpg (1200x800, 181K)

kill the girl for being a nigger then kill the boy for being a race traitor

Fucking based

This is why we need to rally together and defend our country