>Once it costs more to keep shutdown going than $5B for a portion of wall, Dems will bleed out Holy fuck you're retarded. This will be Trump's legacy.
Hudson Long
He should have the military start building the wall before the shutdown costs more than the wall.
Bentley Collins
Damn he should shut down all welfare payments and disactivate all food stamp cards. Let the shutdown hurt the Democratic party base and all the anti Trumpers.
>I'm sorry but during the government shutdown it will be impossible to continue making these vital and critical welfare payments. >Payments will be reactivated immediately once the border wall is complete.
Nathan Powell
There's no need to do be malignant. If congress can't get its act together then just give them the chance to prove their ineptitude and pettiness and then circumvent them.
Joshua Miller
>Once it costs more to keep shutdown going than $5B for a portion of wall, Dems will bleed out How much is that in pesos, amigo?
Hunter Sanders
Thats is the moment you realize democracy and liberty is retarted beyond measure. You have a leader of the state swamped by false accusations unable to order a simple thing like "build a wall". Libertarians, democrats, republicans, antifas, its all the same shit. Absolute morons. And this pathetic situation is proof of it. You can be fascist or royalist, even commie, and achieve something, or absolutly retarded. Some get shit done, others are blocked by pieces of paper (my fucking sides). Deal with it. The wall should have been completed by now.
Evan Martinez
The shit down saves these vultures money so they can later claim they kept us in the black.
Wyatt Howard
Just this. Democracy is a joke, our country is plunging into chaos and the president can't fix it because the reforms aren't approved by the congress. The supreme court is making decisions that are out of their scope of power and nobody does anything about it.
>Once it costs more to keep shutdown going than $5B for a portion of wall, Dems will bleed out
Well since Trump's original promise was that Mexico would pay for the wall and it would cost America nothing, we were in the hole from moment one. You stupid, lying faggot.
Connor Kelly
Do you guys ever actually listen to anything Trump says, or just your talking point echo chambers?
Carter Reyes
Orage man bad
Isaac Roberts
>Dems shut down a 5 billion dollar wall by burning 10 billion dollars >Trump just sits there waiting for them to sign a stupid piece of paper
Jose Evans
He should have the military patrol both borders until the wall is built
Zachary Hernandez
He made it pretty clear early on that the wall would be effectively paid for by Mexico over the long haul, such as via reduction of illegals sending pay back home, or via shifting the trade balance. There are other vectors one might imagine as well, not literally building it and sending the bill to Mexico.
Luis Nguyen
He's pulling us out of the middle east and calling out the fed while starting the wall, the funding is only needed to complete it
I'll let him finish his term before judgement
Dylan Scott
I listen to everything he says. The question is, do YOU fucking retards actually listen to what he says?
I read some of his tweets, but it generally works better to listen when he uses the spoken word because of how much is communicated by delivery or interaction rather than cherry picking your favorite patch of transcription that comes off as confusing or silly.
Lincoln Myers
>Dems will bleed out The country will bleed out. Good!
Jack Nguyen
>He made it pretty clear early on that the wall would be effectively paid for by Mexico over the long haul
That is not what he spent fifteen months promising every day on the campaign trail and you know it, you pathetic liar. His story has changed time after time since Mexico told him to go fuck himself. You know it. If you don't have the balls to admit you were lied too, then you are as big a faggot as Trump is.
Benjamin Parker
The suprem court, the congress, and the senate members should be hanged. They let their people get invaded and mongrelized for decades. Soldiers and generals ? The same. Always eager to kill poor ragheads but not a single obe to defend our people borders. We have the same here. The first act of a revolution should be hanging all of our anti riot police and soldiers. Then all politicians and union leaders.
Logan Lewis
>but it generally works better to listen....rather than cherry picking your favorite patch of transcription that comes off as confusing or silly
Everything that comes out of his mouth is confusing and silly, you retarded fucking twat.
Brody Clark
The call and response rally stunt doesn't invalidate his explanations. That's like Hillary claiming Trump will never explain how he intends to accomplish his promises at her DNC speech after Trump had just spent the summer explaining in detail promise by promise as a way to practice with the teleprompter.
You literally have to never listen to what he says in order to be kept on the opposition's information reservation. As for lies? Well, I think he lied when he went right back to using the rigged government economic statistics after having made a big deal about how rigged they were and saying he'd never lie. But hey, why would anybody expect a politician to never lie?
Mason Lewis
Checked and yes.
William Taylor
"Pay" in this sense doesn't read like "pay" as in "pay for your burger," dipshit. Anyone who reads this and interprets "pay" as anything other than retribution is a simpleton, or deliberately disingenuous. He's saying the bean regime will be fucking sorry they failed to get their act together, hence the recent scrambles to appease the US with token Guat sent home, rather than ushered on as usual (too little too late though).
Julian Scott
If you want to make compelling criticisms, you'll have to develop your ability to interpret what he says. A lot of it is carefully ambiguous and delivered in such a way to allow the listener to believe whatever the listener wants to believe, but eventually you'll catch the innuendo and subtext.
I think the Dilbert guy at one point did a good presentation about this.
Nolan Nguyen
Yet he is the first to want to enforce illegal immigration ( AKA Invasion) laws, and reduce the legal possibilities. His tweets may be dumb, and they are, but he tried more than all of the last presidents. I am not a Trump worshipper, yet one has to admit that he is one of the few that tried something against the current genocide.
Colton Barnes
How does the shutdown cost money? I thought all those faggots just went home without pay.
William Murphy
>"Dem shutdown" >GOP has majority on both houses mmmmmmm.......
Liam Bennett
It substantially disrupts smooth operation, causes extra overhead of work to recover from, and a lot of them will get paid retrospectively when it starts back up again.
Josiah Robinson
Only in government would you ever get paid for not working
Jason Sanchez
Mmm. Except it doesnt. Too bad brains can't be bought on Ebay, since you are in dire need of one.
Nicholas Wood
I'm a carpenter and my company is paying me for xmas week and new years week
Grayson Green
You're desperate
Kevin Foster
not even an amerilard, but didnt you pay attention during the 2018 US election?
Aiden Moore
no one cares about the money it costs to build the wall, only about all the future democrat voters a wall would help keep out
Christian Sanders
What is it faggots like you think you accomplish by reiterating this bullshit every fucking wall thread? We want a wall. That's it. Whether Mexico pays for it, we pay for it, you pay for it, none of us really give a fuck, dude. Mexico will pay for it one way or another. Anyone who isn't completely retarded understands this concept. Mexico threw their loyalty in with the wrong crowd (you losers) when this whole process began "15 months before the election." If they were above shitskin tier intelligence they should have made a deal to pay for the wall outright in exchange for trade deals and other pleasantries, BUT NO, they didn't, so we'll take it from them with trade deals that only favor us... HENCE they pay for it either way. None of that really matters though, parasite. We just want a wall. Doesn't fucking matter who initially pays for it. Got it? Good, now move on with your life.
Joshua Barnes
Truth is that no Trump supporter cared if Mexico will pay for it. We thought it was funny and liked how mad it mad leftist. We do actually care about the wall getting built. We expected our taxes would do it.
Aaron Lopez
When that girl died crossing the border, Trump missed an opportunity.
He should have said ‘the wall will keep people safe. The people smugglers are putting lives at risk and the wall will smash the people smuggler’s business model, saving the lives of immigrants that could have come legally.’
This worked in Australia with stopping the boats. Trump should use this the next time a child dies.
Liam Cox
This, and that needs to be the message we are spreading.
Making it about muh shekels plays into (((their))) hands because they can spin it into any number of whataboutisms
He's not interested in justifying his positions. It's probably my biggest peeve with him. He could get a LOT more done if he didn't shoot himself in the foot over twitter and lie about random crap.
Not even shilling, it's just the sad truth.
Jaxon Gray
The point is that all the lefties here started to support ‘stopping the boats’ after that. And the labor party (our democrats) lost power.
Cooper Hernandez
>but eventually you'll catch the innuendo and subtext but eventually you'll hear what you want to.
Jackson Moore
If what you think you hear results in something coherent, then that's better than being unable to formulate something coherent out of it all. I find that a lot of people don't deal well with uncertainty, and so this makes it easy and comfortable to cling to somebody else's narrative rather than having to confront and maintain a game tree of possibilities.
Angel Green
the Dems don't take over the House until jan 3rd you gigantic fucking retards
Evan Cooper
>what is a filibuster?
Levi Moore
Cause there are 60 republican senators right? Holy hell, get rid of the meme flag so I can make fun of mutt education.
top keks, havent laughed at a non ben garrison political cartoon in a long time, the dumbfoundedness on the donkey's face and the absolute largeness of the sword is KINO.
Nicholas Peterson
All "non essential" federal employees are wondering how they will pay bills top kek. IRS auditors are suffering guys!! We must demand justice.
Adam Gutierrez
Thats not how you use a Katana user, and the blade isn't curved to that degree. What sort of soiboi made this?
Ryan Moore
Nice cartoon >The Augusta Chronicle Made In Georgia
Ryder Kelly
Mucho burrito
Ryder Robinson
>give them a raise >during the shutdown
Jayden Butler
Trump supporters are uneducated inbreds that vote against their own economic interests
Jace Johnson
Then why is the government shut down? You stupid fuck...
Jeremiah Flores
>carefully ambiguous and delivered in such a way to allow the listener to believe whatever the listener wants to believe
It's a lot easier to just say 'liar'. Trump is a liar.
Ryder Scott
>His tweets may be dumb
No, his tweets are lies. There is a difference.
Christopher Perez
>Whether Mexico pays for it, we pay for it, you pay for it, none of us really give a fuck, dude.
Actually, most of us really do give a fuck...dude. And if Mexico isn't paying, then fuck Trump and fuck you.
Jordan Roberts
>Truth is that no Trump supporter cared if Mexico will pay for it. We thought it was funny and liked how mad it mad leftist.
If that is the truth, then you knowingly voted for a lie. If so, then why are you trying to blame this on Democrats? You knowingly voted for a lie and now you are paying the price for it. That is your fault not ours. Fuck you.
William Taylor
As opposed to all the pristine truth-tellers in Washington? TDS is for real.