Trump visits troops

>trump visits troops
>shareblue is mad

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What's your point?

Seems like everyone is giving him the credit he deserves for finally visiting them for the first time since taking office, but somehow Trumpanzees will take that as an attack.

Those are some big pants

The president isn’t required to visit the troops

In fact, fuck the troops

Israelis are mad

>t. shareblue
Then why is the word "Trumpanzees" spammed all over every article about it?

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He really rused the media this time.

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I agree, but the President should actually visit them for optics at the very least.

I don't really see that word used outside of the chans.

Orange man bad

Trump confirmed lanklet

Happy Hanukkah


Kys tranny faggot

>8-4-4-4-12 letter/number pic id
based jewish shariablue leftist poster

Must be hard reading our nigger hating posts everyday for you. You have to be beyond triggered in your little NPC brain, just smoking.

>pussy boy wants away from DC
>hurrr you guise are mad lulz XD

Damn it, stop ruining Duke Nukem for me. He’s a proud Natsoc

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Probably making a detour after a meeting with netanyahu

I've been here since /new/, so the LARPing on here is just impotent parody to me at this point. Besides, who the hell gets triggered by silly faggots posting forced edginess on a Inuit throat singing forum?

It's all over normiebook. Usually when they're spamming the same comments almost word for word.

He also avoided being predictable when take the risk of visiting an absolute shithole. I don't give a fuck whether a president visits troops, personally.

The original still looks like that to me.

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He looks swole, that's a good sign. Means Ginsburg will die by midnight.

>What's your point?

Iraq is in better condition thanks to father Putin so Trump's playing it safe. Smart move

They're trying to make it seem like 2002 was a long time ago but it was only 2 presidents ago.

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